Susan Mrosek, internationally known for her quirky, thought provoking Pondering Pool note cards, is proud to premier her new line of giclees at the 17th Annual Oracle Artists' Studio Tour. "For years, customers have been requesting their favorite images in a larger format," explains Mrosek, "and now they'll be able to have them as archival pieces of fine art. We're ecstatic to have found a printer with the patience and skill to capture the often times illusive colors of my original images. Even we are amazed at the incredible quality of the giclees. I’m looking forward to visiting with those who connect with and enjoy my work and welcome the chance to sign cards, posters, and books during the Tour."<!--[if !supportEmptyParas]--> Visitors to the tour will also have a unique opportunity to preview Mrosek's works in progress, including sculptures and mixed media pieces. Susan Mrosek's Pondering Pool line is available worldwide and can be found at various locations in Tucson, including the Tucson Museum of Art gift shop and The Chocolate Iguana or at www.ponderingpool.com.
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17th Annual Oracle Artists' Studio Tour, Sat and Sun, April 4-5, from 10 to 4 pm. See oraclestudiotour.com for details and maps of art, music, and food locations. Contact Sharon Holnback at 1-520-896-2123 with any questions.
Pondering pools 3 18 2009
Pondersome ponderings over the sensational sizes of Ponder Pool Note Cards, how to satisfy the sagacity of sages, and more meanderings of mind matters have long been provoking Susan Mrosek to actions of dire rationality; actions which have thrust themselves to the forefront of her imagination, and onward through to print. This time, really really big print. Will this happen again? Perhaps, but, just in case, it is best if ye gather your rosebuds while ye may. Only, do it in April!
Sassy Susan Mrosek , internationally known for her quintessentially quirky, thrillsome and thought provoking pieces, Pondering Pool note cards, is proud to premier her new line of glamorous giclees at the 17th Annual Oracle Artists' Studio Tour.
"For years, customers have been requesting their favorite images in a larger format," explains Mrosek, "and now they'll be able to have them as archival pieces of fine art. We're ecstatic to have found a printer with the patience and skill to capture the often times illusive colors of my original images.”
“In fact, three of the colors got away, as they were attempting to print them, and we had a regular rodeo going on, with the printers assistants making lassos out of duct tape, and trying to bring the three escapees down and back to the canvas!”, she didn't even consider to say. Then I returned you to her quote.
“Even we are amazed at the incredible quality of the giclees. I’m looking forward to visiting with those who connect with and enjoy my work and welcome the chance to sign cards, posters, and books during the Tour."
During the tour, visitors will have an unusually unique opportunity to preview Ms. Mrosek's works in profitable progress, including sculpted sculptures and mixed media pieces with panache. Susan Mrosek's Pondering Pool line is available worldwide and can be fondly found at various local locations in Tucson, including the Tucson Museum of Art gift shop and The Chocolate Iguana or at www.ponderingpool.com.
The 17th Annual Oracle Artists' Studio Tour, will be held Saturday, April 4, and Sunday, April 5, from 10 to 4 pm. For more details, see oraclestudiotour.com, where you may find fine maps of art, music,and food locations; or, contact Sharon Holnback at 1-520-896-2123 with any questions.
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