12/14/2010 3:04:55 PM | |
Question (just sent me, same person as below): Dear Mistress Sarletta, I think you misunderstood my question. I understand that it isn’t all about sex and that some mistress/slave relationships are non sexual to the extreme. But even in antiquity household slaves were expected to adore their owners. Whether the owners showed affection towards the slaves probably depended on the owners. But these were slaves that were purchased and the owners held the power of life and death over them. In consensual slavery, the slave relinquishes control to the mistress not out of fear but out of adoration. And I can not speak for others, but to be manacled to a bed every night, get up at the crack of dawn to perform the prosaic and mundane chores you require, and suffer the punishments you met out for infractions, there would have to be a very deep bond between us (not a sexual bond but something even stronger). I had a mistress who like you considered the idea of any type of relationship with a slave to be repugnant and even though I did not want a sexual relationship it bothered me that she felt that way. If I serve you and you allow me to serve you, we are doing each other a service. But if you feel repelled by my service then how can you expect me to continue? Answer (in three parts):Slave, I think you misunderstood my answer, and, I am sure you have misunderstood me. Whyever would I be repelled by the service given to me?I have never said that a slave must be manacled to a bed every night, get up at the crack of dawn, and perform mundane chores, or suffer punishments. Those are things that many slaves I have spoken to desire, so as to more deeply feel owned. You are exactly right, in that if you wish to serve me, and you do serve me, and I allow you to serve me, then, we are doing each other a service. And, if you wish to be manacled, bound up, caged, or otherwise restricted in movement, for your own peace of mind, then, that, too, is me doing you a service.I do not have sex with slaves because I worship God, and God says to not have sex outside of marriage, and, I am not marrying someone I do not love. If I fell in love with a slave, and the feeling was mutual, then, that would be a different story. I will not have someone running about, however, telling me that it is love, when it is his duty.You assume that I would be repelled by the service of a slave, but, since the service I require is not sexual, and what is repellent is someone trying to force me into being their whore and calling it service to me, if he is a very good slave, he will simply actually give me the service I desire and seek his own selfish sexual gratifications elsewhere, when he is given time for his own pursuits, and it will not be an issue.The problem is not me not wanting to have sex with slaves, then. The problem is that most people claiming to be slaves are not, in fact, persons who are voluntarily entering into an arrangement of mutual fulfillment; they are people seeking to barter the use of their flesh, money, and time, for the sake of having their own fetishistic desires fulfilled and hoping for an 'owner' that will barter her flesh for the same reason. That does not make slave and owner, simply two more whores loosed upon the world.I am not a whore. I do not wish to own one, either.PS: You still got the name wrong. One more time and I shall take it as a purposeful insult, as you have been corrected at least three times, two of them being today. It is Mistress Arletta not Mistress Sarletta Hence why there are only three instances of the letter 's', and not four, in my ID.Oh, and one more thing: Exodus 21:2 “In case you should buy a Hebrew slave, he will be a slave six years, but in the seventh he will go out as one set free without charge. 3 If he should come in by himself, by himself he will go out. If he is the owner of a wife, then his wife must go out with him. 4 If his master should give him a wife and she does bear him sons or daughters, the wife and her children will become her master’s and he will go out by himself. 5 But if the slave should insistently say, ‘I really love my master, my wife and my sons; I do not want to go out as one set free,’ 6 then his master must bring him near to the [true] God and must bring him up against the door or the doorpost; and his master must pierce his ear through with an awl, and he must be his slave to time indefinite.You see? This is speaking of a slave who is under no threat of death, with absolute right to freedom, who still, after all, chooses to be a slave. Why? Because, he loves his master and he loves the life he has with him.And, that is precisely the point. I want slaves who will love me, and the life they have with me. To that end, I may make some concession to their fetishes - such as being collared, shackled, forced to rise early, made to stay up late. These are not things for my benefit. I live a relatively simple life and what I need most from slaves is wage work, some basic house chores, a bit of gardening, handyman repair and maintenance, and some impromptu service, from time to time, such as chauffeuring, the fetching of tea, helping with a little project around the house (tiling a floor, installing an air conditioner, making a dress, etc.). It's the slaves who want the slaves to be chained. And, as it is not something that harms me or affects my moral stance, I have no reason not to indulge them, as long as they are doing well. |
Friday, August 26, 2011
Another question
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