It is now my sincere belief that there is one guy on this site, who writes the profile of every straight or semi-straight Canadian slave male, and who then, for reasons I cannot fathom, uses each one to contact me and see how many weeks of my life he can waste.
Funny, the Canadians I knew, when I lived in Alaska, were good, thoughtful, honest people who would never tell you that they belonged to you and then proceed to pull the rug out from under you, after wasting a good bit of your time in negotiating contracts. One could take them at their word, totally.
What happened to those Canadians, and who replaced them with this large pile of ass hats which has, unfortunately, infiltrated CM?
Well, as I said to the last one, just now (11/29/2010):
'No? Ah well, you haven't done one thing for me, yet, so why start now?
You are an idiot, you know? You would have had what you were seeking, according to everything you told me that you wanted. Which means you either lied about what you wanted, or you walked away from it due to your lack of understanding. Either way, that's pretty stupid. If you want to be a slave, you need to learn honesty and understanding. You would have been worked very, very hard and gone to bed exhausted, because you would have gotten up to do your wage work and then you would have done hard labor, in between periods of studying and going to classes to learn more of what I needed you to know, and you would have been lent out as labor for the sake of helping others, and oh my how tired you would have been, and how useful.
And, that's not even including the enforced cage times, the times of serving as a footstool, the enforced whippings on schedule just to practice submitting, the times of being forced to serve as a pony for the other Mistresses at the parties, the exercises, and etc.
But, you said it all, with your little ego trip telling me how you'll find a Mistress who deserves all the bounty that you offer. No, not your words - mine are better. However, it is what you meant. All you needed to do was listen and trust. And, we would have both been happier; well, more fulfilled. Idiot.'
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