Friday, August 26, 2011

Where are they now?

12/12/2010 3:20:58 PM
Many times, in my life, I have been told by certain men that they needed to serve so badly that they would, and did, gladly attach themselves to a woman simply to help her pay her bills, or carry her groceries, take her animal to the vet, clean her nasty apartment, cook her dinner, care for her while she is ill, etc. because that was as close as they could get to being her slave.I want those men in my life, and for them to come to me for those reasons - but, with the knowledge that they will be owned, when all is said and done, not just used.It's that simple. I have a basic contract written, which is for slaves who are long distance as most slaves are. There are rules to the reading of the contract, listed at the top of it, but, the summary of those rules is this: You have one week to decide if you want to serve me and ask for changes in the contract to help you serve me better. So, don't ask, unless you are ready!I have those rules because so many people want to pussy-foot around, saying they are ready to submit and then saying 'But, just one more question.' It can drag on for months, which is a big waste of my time and energy, especially when you consider it is usually happening with several potential slaves at once. So, now you know, if your week is up, there are no more questions. Make your choice and live with it. On the photo: It is highly representational of my life and needs: There is a child in the background, that I am looking toward through the mirror; someone is chauffeuring me; there is my art work in need of care and finishing; the place is cluttered with my work and in need of a thorough cleaning and organizing; the mirror needs to be dusted; and, here I am, multi-tasking when I should be resting; I love photography, though I am not very practiced in it: and, I'm just not all there, mostly through doing too much for too many others with too little help. IE: The focus isn't really on me, but, it needs to be, now, to make a prettier picture out of my life.(grin)

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