Examples of protocols slaves may expect:
General Morning Behavior/ Protocol
A. The slave will awaken at approximately 5 a.m., by what ever method best employed to waken himself (alarm clock, asking another slave to help him, for instance). Upon waking, he will remove himself from the bed he has been assigned for the night, make the bed, move to the bathroom to wash himself, brush his teeth, floss his teeth, rinse with mouthwash, moisturize himself, take his morning supplements if he has been assigned any, don his loincloth (or other clothes if he will be leaving for work or performing outside chores or otherwise has been told to wear other certain types of clothing), brush or comb his hair, and to wait. Another slave, the Mistress, or someone the Mistress sends will come to unlock the slave from the manacle that binds him to the bed and help him into his day time wrist manacles.
B. The slave will, when unlocked from his bed and dressed for his daily work, eat breakfast in the slave quarters, and then report to his assigned duty, unless the assigned duty is to prepare breakfast. If the assigned duty is breakfast preparation, the slave will immediately report to the kitchen of the Mistress to consult the correct menu plans and cook or otherwise prepare a meal for the Mistress. If she has guests there, the slave will prepare a meal for them, as well, if instructed. Since the slave is serving in the kitchen, the slave may make himself some of the same breakfast as the Mistress, at the same time as he makes her breakfast, to be eaten in the kitchen, after the Mistress and/or the Mistress' guests are served; or, he may choose to eat the same breakfast the other slaves ate, instead, after he has finished in the kitchen. The slave will clean spills and drips as he goes, rinse dishes as they are no longer in use, and make sure all dishes, burners, etc. that he used or touched are clean before he departs the kitchen. After the slave meals are done, and the Mistress is also through with her morning ablutions and her meal, the slaves will come and kneel, greeting the Mistress good morning and telling her of anything that might be different about this day (ie: longer hours, shorter hours, they feel ill), while she checks the calendar for appointments, etc.
C. The Mistress will have her second meal at, or near, 9:30 am on most days. This is because the Mistress prefers to have the majority of her meals, excluding possible snacks, before 3 pm, usually having dinner around 2 pm, at the latest. It is better for the digestion. Lunch protocol will be much the same as breakfast protocol, with the other slaves seeking out a snack or meal from the slave quarters but the slave on kitchen duty being allowed to eat the same food as the Mistress, except that he must wait until the Mistress is served, before he eats in the kitchen.
D. Most housework of the more intense variety, such as clothes washing, cleaning of specific rooms, cleaning the oven, car repair, building on the courtyard, etc. will occur in the morning, whenever possible.
Afternoon Behavior/Protocol
A. The last main meal of the day will generally be served around 2 pm. The slaves who are able will attend this meal and eat at the same time as the Mistress, though she will always be served first. They will bring in their lower table and stools or cushions for a place for their meal to be served, or simply sit on the floor to eat, but, will never eat directly with the Mistress in her own home. The slave assigned to help with or cook the meal will serve his fellow slaves before eating, but, they will remain until he is also through with his meal. There will be conversation about the day, or wherever conversation leads to. All slaves will help clean the kitchen and dining area after the meal, before returning to their assigned duties.
Evening Behavior/Protocol
A. In the early to mid evenings, there will be entertainment, if there is entertainment wanted by the Mistress. The slaves will attend and/or perform as she has given order. If they are not to attend or perform, and their duties are finished for the day (as they should be) they will either address themselves to more work, be lent out to another for more work, or retire to the slave quarters where they will change out of their loincloth, be manacled to their bed, and may, instead, improve their minds with reading before sleeping for the evening. However, on most nights, if the Mistress is around at all, the slaves will attend.
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