12/11/2010 8:35:43 AM |
Examples of protocols slaves may expect:
As this slave exists for the pleasure of the Mistress and is a human male of an adult age and at least average intelligence, this slave will devote himself to learning proper procedure, protocol and etiquette, as defined by the Mistress, to include, but not to be limited to:
Every day /”Any situation” Protocol:
A. Addressing the Mistress as Mistress, Mistress Arletta, or Ma'am in private or in public at such times as when public speech can reasonably considered to be private; but, addressing her as Ma'am or Arletta when in public where speech cannot be reasonably considered to be private.
B. Always waiting to eat until after she is served, regardless of whether in private or in public, unless ordered to do otherwise.
C. Walking at least a few steps behind the Mistress, on most occasions; walking ahead of the Mistress in order to open doors for her in public settings or at the outer door of the entrance to the Mistress' home when she is either leaving or returning; walking beside the Mistress when crossing streets.
D. Only entering the home of the Mistress when scheduled or invited, unless due to an emergency situation such as fire, flood, serious injury, serious illness, invading armies, earthquake, gas leak, or other emergencies which threaten loss of life or limb of the Mistress, the slave, or someone of their acquaintance.
E. Kneeling and waiting for permission to enter, at the entrance to whatever room the Mistress occupies, when she is at home. Yet, always moving ahead of her, to enter the store first, open the doors where doors need to be opened, step out and open her car door when parked, etc.
1. If the slave is chauffeuring the Mistress to some place where he will not be entering in, the slave will pull up to the nearest legal position, relative to the door, and allow her to exit; he will then watch for her to exit the buildings, so as pull up to the entrance or as near as possible to pick her up when she is ready to leave. This is the same rule for any family or guests that the Mistress may have the slave chauffeur.
F. Addressing all other females as Ma'am or Miss, and all other males as Sir, regardless of their position or status. The exception being that the slave may continue to address his own family and friends, should he be addressing them at all, in the manner that they are accustomed to.
G. Never testing the Mistress, to judge the Mistress' worth as a Mistress. The slave will do his best to follow protocol, perform tasks and chores assigned, generate an income for the sake of the Mistress first and the “slave house” second, show politeness to all, refrain from fighting with other slaves, and to serve the Mistress in any other way she wishes or needs to be served.
H. To always look for ways to build up the Mistress' life, by increasing comfort, happiness, health, safety, and general well being in ways that reflect the Mistress' own choices with how to live.
I. To always greet the Mistress good morning and goodnight, though it does not always need to be those exact words.
J. To keep a journal and write in it, at least 15 minutes a day, detailing his thoughts, feelings, and activities. This is to be shared with the Mistress whenever she requests it.
K. Online, if the slave should remain online and in such a site as there might be persons who are considered Mistresses, Masters, Dommes, slaves, or submissives, where the site is geared toward bdsm activities or talk, the slave will represent himself as the property of Mistress Arletta, and will not seek out conversation with other Mistress or dominants, real or pretend, without the permission of the Mistress Arletta. To whit: the slave will change his profile on the site where he met the Mistress to indicated that she owns him, and he will also change his “actively seeking” status to the one indicating that friends are all he is seeking.
L. When the Mistress family or friends are at her home, and they are family or friends who are not aware of the slave and Mistress relationship, or if someone in a more official nature in society (work men, police officers, clergy, postal employees, etc.) is present, the slave will not enter the Mistress home, even if scheduled, unless summoned.
1) If the slave is already in the home, when the door bell rings or someone knocks, he will immediately shut off any noisy tools, such as a vacuum before Mistress answers the door. He will shut off any water he may be running, turn off any cooking that may be dangerous to leave for a few minutes, and move quietly to the exit which will allow him to move to his slave quarters and await the Mistress there.
2) If the slave finds or suspects that he is unable to make a discreet exit from the Mistress' home, he will, instead, remain quietly where he is, trusting that the Mistress will do her best to keep the visitors from him, or to explain his presence to them should that be impossible to keep them from the presence of the slave.
M. The use of cuss words, curse words, swearing is offensive and shall not be practiced. It shall be practiced to not do these things. The exceptions are where the slave is quoting or naming a movie, entertainer, song, book, or person where these sort of words happen to have been used (and the Mistress wishes him to do so), reading this contract, explaining what was said by someone else to the Mistress, or in some other way being a legitimate use of the words for the purpose of informing the Mistress of something she needs to know. If the slave is found to utter these words or phrases that offend the Mistress, the slave will immediately be slapped in the mouth. If he continues, he may also be subject to more rigorous punishment. These words and phrases include, but are not limited to: ass, cunt, slut, fuck, god damn it, oh my fucking god, omfg, goddess, Goddess, asshole, shit, fuckle bunny, fuckhead, fuckface, ass rimmer, eat my ass, suck my duck, eat shit and die, eat shit and live, fuck you, fuck me, fuck my life, fuck the world, yeah well fuck them, fuck off, fuck off and die, burn in hell, go to hell, on the highway to hell, nig-ger, kike, spic, wap, dago, little white shicksaw, ofey, ofay, cracker (obviously, this may be used when mentioning the food or food group), white bread (same rule as cracker), jigaboo, jungle bunny, towel head, sand nig6ger. Obviously, the spirit of the speech is at least as important as the actual words used.
N. The slave, regardless of what other languages he speaks, will address the Mistress in English, preferably as spoken by the more well-bred American types, unless she has given him leave, or directly asked him, to do otherwise.
O. What is the Mistress' is the Mistress' and is not for the use of slaves, unless exceptions have been given.
1. If a slave is working in the home of the Mistress and finds himself in need of using the bathroom, he will remove himself to the slave quarters to do so. If possible, he will obtain the permission of the Mistress first. In absolute emergency situations, he will leave her home, without permission, for this purpose. If she notices, he will apologize, but, he will not interrupt her day to tell her of this, unless it is to inform her that he is ill.
2. Slaves who are assigned to prepare meals may bring their own glass to drink water, their own dishes to serve themselves food upon, and may even have some of the same drink as they have prepared for the Mistress in their own glass. They are not to use the Mistress' dishes or utensils for their own need, however; they will only use them to prepare food for and serve food to the Mistress.
3. Slaves will have their own laundry soap, bedding, dishes, toilet tissue, cleaning supplies, wash cloths, towels, clothes, etc. They will only touch the Mistress' items if in service to her or if she has given them express permission to do so. They will never ask to use them, but, will wait for the Mistress to give permission or not to give permission as she sees fit. IE: The Mistress tells the slaves to wash their loincloths and bedding, and they do not have enough laundry soap for the loads. They will inform the Mistress they only have enough laundry soap to do half the work, or that they have run out. She may, then, choose to tell them to use some of her laundry soap, to wash them without laundry soap, to only wash the loincloths and to wait to wash the bedding until more laundry soap can be obtained, or, whatever else it is in her head to order them to do.
P. The slave will earnestly seek ways to improve his mind, his understanding of the Mistress, his knowledge of ways to serve the Mistress (ie: learning about gardening in the southwest), and will ask the permission of the Mistress for time set aside to pursue these goals, for such things as reading time, the attending of classes (which he must also ask if the Mistress will pay for, if they are not free classes), the seeking out of other persons with more knowledge in this area of service or work, etc.
Q. In general, the slave will not leave the home of the Mistress without the Mistress or a family member or a guest of the Mistress being with the slave. On the occasions where the slave must leave by himself, or only in the company of another slave or other slaves, the Mistress may assign him a cell phone by which to stay in communication. The slave will leave the cell phone on, whenever possible, and answer it as promptly as possible. If there is an emergency, he will call or have someone else call, the Mistress as soon as possible. If it is still possible, and affordable, the cell phone will be one that has the capability of only calling the few numbers the Mistress allows. Regardless, the slave will be accountable for the minutes used, and if the minutes are significantly more than can be accounted for by his conversations with the Mistress, the slave may receive a paddling or stroke of the whip, or similar punishment, for each excessive minute used, at the discretion of the Mistress and upon explanation by the slave.
R. As the Mistress does not celebrate birthdays, national holidays, or religious holidays, outside of the Memorial of the Death of the Christ, the slave will not greet her with holiday greetings, wishes for a happy birthday or speak to her in ways that indicate he is celebrating such even so much as near her property; nor will he purchase presents for those occasions for the Mistress or for her guests or for her family. To speak so will be considered the same as cursing or swearing and will receive the same punishment.
S. The Mistress will not be interrupted in activity or speech, for any reason barring emergency.
T. The slave will not engage the Mistress in conversation, without permission. If she chooses to speak to the slave, he may respond, but, he will not initiate conversation, except in matters of extreme importance. He is expected to be out of sight and out of mind, unless the Mistress chooses to grant him an audience or otherwise spend time with/on him.
There will be a very small lamp in the living room that has a small nite-light bulb in it. If the slave needs to speak to the Mistress concerning something significant or extensive, the slave will turn this light on. When the Mistress see it lit, she will approach the slave at her convenience, and allow him to converse.
If the Mistress chooses to allow the slave the freedom to speak, she may turn the light on, or, she may simply inform the slave in writing or in person. This indicates to the slave that he is free to make general conversation as the Mistress would enjoy it, at this time, and he may speak openly, but, respectfully.
The Mistress will have several areas throughout the “slave house” for writing notes to the slave, as well as having provided charts. There will also be an area, near where the Mistress sits to write that will have a message center where she will know to check for messages from the slave, should there be a need for him to leave any. This will be one of the primary methods of communication between Mistress and slave.
When in doubt, the slave will fall into proper social etiquette as defined by current polite Western societal standards or as define by Miss Manners; slave will ask for clarification of what he does not understand that he needs to understand, give good advice and/or physical assistance to assist his Mistress in matters of which he is likely to be more knowledgeable or capable, or sees her making a definite error (but, always, politely and keeping in mind his status and her own); and, slave will use his own mind to be self-governing enough not to make unreasonable demands upon his Mistress for time and attention. Unreasonableness is to be defined by Mistress, as well as Mistress's laws and rules, and societal laws and rules of social etiquette. |
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