Friday, August 26, 2011

Beliefs questions

12/15/2010 10:17:00 AM
Lifestyle Orientation beliefs Questionaire: (copied from profile of a slave, changed only for the sake of bettering both spelling and grammar.)1. Are you aware that although actual Slave Ownership is illegal that there are still legal enactments on the statute books that can facilitate Power Exchange relationships between Dominant and Submissive individuals?Yes.2. Would you be willing to enact one of these legal Power Exchanges so that you can acquire actual authority over another individual to act on their behalf concerning their affairs and well being?Yes.3.  Do you believe that there is  both the essential need for and desire within society to acquire a Power Exchange between both Dominant and Submissive individuals so that the former can have legitimate power and control over the movements of and direct the day to day activities of the latter in the service of the former for their direct personal benefit?Yes, and no. Power exchanges are not acquired, they are made between two or more people.  I believe it is a desire to have real, as in legal, authority, as well as authority by permission. However, I do not believe it is essential as I have had many slaves, in the past, with no hint of contract, who served me quite well, having recognized me as a true master and themselves as true slaves by nature.And, by the way, that was my answer from the other day. Since then, I have decided it is quite necessary, because, as it has been pointed out before, there are a lot of fakes, fantasists, fetishists posing as slaves. A real slave wants to sign up, fully, legally. So, yes, let us do that.4. Do you believe that all submissive individuals who volunteer to become the chattel bondage subjects of the Dominant individual,be it irrevocable or fixed term subjugation,should sign over all right to be responsible for themselves to their Dominant Owner so that said Owner can be possessed of the legal right to exercise legitimate power and control?No. I believe the word 'should' is too strong. Some are not ready for that step and to force it upon them, from the start, would deprive them, and their potential owner, of a very rich and rewarding experience that may, eventually, build up to that sort of ownership. I would not want a slave who wanted me to take full control right away - they don't know me, yet. I want loyalty, trust, given by knowledge, over time. 5.  Do you believe that during the period of the irrevocable or fixed term voluntary subjugation that the Submissive individual surrender itself in its entirety and that it ceases during that time to have any entitlement whatsoever to any  freedom, human rights or civil liberties?No.  No one who is human ceases to have human rights. Much of what 'slaves' on this site seek I would not do to my worst enemy. They ask to be treated as dogs, and, it makes me think that I would keep my dogs far, far away from them, now that I have seen the cruel and despicable manner in which they think dogs should be treated! And, by the way, even if one were to have power of attorney, adoption papers, a contract of servitude, etc. there are still laws governing the treatment of any and all human individuals. I am not a criminal. If you want a criminal,  look elsewhere. If you want someone you can respect, here I am.However, I do believe that the voluntary slave ceases to have rights that he or she has no use for, and this is part of the power exchange, that I willingly help them remove the weight of those rights from themselves; since, of course, it is in pursuit of their happiness.6.  Do you believe that there should always be a social distance between the Dominant power and Subservient individual and that there cannot be any  equality of status between the two since one is possessed of total power and the other is entirely devoid of any power whatsoever?I think only an idiot would believe a slave has no power. That is a gross simplification of facts. And, really, how can there be a 'power exchange' if all parties concerned do not have power? However, yes, I do believe there is always a social distance between Owner and owned.7. Do you believe that the Submissive should adopt certain recognized postures in the presence of the Dominant power in order to reinforce the fact that one is superior and the other inferior and as a  mark of respect and devotion?I believe that is none of your business. What I do or do not want my slaves to do is between me and my slaves. If I choose to have them kneel, stand on their head, or do the hokey pokey, or simply come in and say 'I am here.' that is because it is what I desire from them; and, what I desire is what should occur. I will not be contractually obligated to perform.8. Do you believe that it is the prerogative of the Dominant power to determine whether or not the Submissive entity should be utilized to provide sexercise stimulation and that the said entity should have the genitals kept locked in chastity restraint at all times except for when and if required?I believe you are using a euphemism to hide the fact that you are asking if a dominant can force a slave to perform sexual acts without actually being allowed to fully engage in the fulfillment of their own sexual desires. I hate that! Speak plainly: Do I believe it is the prerogative of the owner to force a slave to perform sexual acts with mouth and hands, or otherwise, and do I believe the slave should be forced to be in a chastity device, unless their genitalia is needed for the owner's amusement? Yes - if that is the relationship they have defined by contract. No. if they have defined some other sort of relationship by contract. Do I need it? No.  I don't have sex with slaves. As  to the chastity thing, I could take it or leave it, as I am not afraid of the big, bad penises hiding in the forest. If the slave desires a chastity device, they should state so, plainly, and then prepare to wear it except for when they are allowed to have the key to remove the device, clean it, clean themselves, have release if they must, re-affix the device to themselves, and return the key to me. Or, perhaps, they may be released if I give them free time to go to a concert or somesuch, as well. Chastity is for their benefit, though - them not bugging me about their sexual desires is for my benefit. Oh, look: another power exchange!9. Do you believe that when irrevocable,voluntary subjugation is enacted that the Submissive entity should be permanently marked with the Insignia of the Dominant power so that all recognize the commitment involved ?I believe that if I receive a slave that is marked by another dominant, I find it rather off-putting. Therefore, I would probably not mark a slave, permanently, just in case I do not live forever. I might, though. So far, I have thought of no mark which I would wish them to bear.10. Do you believe that the Submissive entity should wear a locked collar has a token of its voluntary,irrevocable or fixed term subjugation to the Dominant power?I believe that the word 'can' or 'may' is more appropriate. After all, what if I do not want the slave to wear a collar? Then, suddenly, I am being ordered, or contractually obligated, to do something I do not want to do, so that something I do not want to have happen can take place for the pleasure of the slaves. Who, then, is serving whom? I do like collars, sometimes, as they are pretty, and they set a tone. However, I bloody well hate turtlenecks and to be discreet in public, with a big old locked collar on, one would have to shove the slave into turtlenecks more often. Should I suffer for their fashion sense, being forced to see slaves dressed in ways I do not approve of, just so that they are allowed to preen about, wearing their locked collar.  A better solution is that they have an earring, a certain style of dress, a certain sort of hairstyle, and/or other things of that nature, that mark them as mine by their combination, to those who are in the know, for public usage; and, for private, perhaps they will be allowed a collar.Or, perhaps I will get them a collar that is more of a necklace, instead. There are many alternatives. I will settle on which works best for me after I have the slaves.11.  Do you believe that in appropriate situations the Submissive entity should wear locked movement restraint shackles or plastic movement restraints to restrict but not prevent movement?Yes. However, what those appropriate moments are, that is up to my discretion.12. Do you believe that the Submissive entity should be gagged or hooded at appropriate times as necessary to facilitate control has necessary in given situations?See answer for 11.13. Do you believe that a Submissive entity should sacrifice itself when necessary to endure prolonged painful suffering for the direct personal benefit of the Dominant power so that the said power can derive three dimensional euphoria and general well-being?I think you slipped entirely onto another plane of existence, and are speaking in an alien tongue, where many of the words sound the same as Earther words, but, the meanings are vastly different. (grin)Yes, when necessary, certainly: however, I sincerely doubt it is ever necessary to experience three dimensional euphoria. Sounds awful. Do they have a pill to prevent it? Or, are you employing euphemism, again?  Don't you really mean: should the slave have to allow itself to be tortured for the amusement of its owner? Because, the answer to that is: Yes, if that is the relationship they both contracted to occur; no, if they contracted for some other type of relationship. And, anyway, I think you are hinting that you want to be tortured and are hoping to be tortured and humiliated, which makes you a fetishist, not a slave. Remember, when someone slaves away at a hot stove, all day, it has nothing to do with butt plugs, whips, insults, or loss of human rights: it has everything to do with hard work, endurance, obedience to both need and duty, and exhaustion.14. Do you believe that the Submissive entity should be kept in a state of perpetual naturism so it is humiliated and degraded and constantly reminded of its inferior nonentity status except when the Dominant power has guests or family present?If I said no, would you transform into something unnatural? What would that be? And, is it on the same plane of existence as the three dimensional euphoria?If you were not being euphemistic again, would you mean do I think slaves should be kept in the nude? Because, the answer to that question is: no! Well, yes, for the people who want it that way, no for the ones who don't. I do not. That is gross - pubic hair, splooge marks, dead skin cells, possible shite stains on the carpet, the nasty smells of human bodies that are far too intimate to experience coming off of someone I am not sexually attracted to - gross! And, why would it be humiliating, anyway? It's just nudity. We all have bodies, so why be ashamed? You should be ashamed to be trying to force me to look at your naked flesh, but, if I want to look at it, and you want to be treated that way, where is the shame?15. Do you believe that once a  Power Exchange has been enacted that the Submissive entity should be regarded has being the de facto Property of the Dominant power for the duration of the agreed timespan?I believe that as soon as the contract is signed the 'Submissive entity' who is really probably a rather dominant person who happens to want to be a slave, since being a volunteer slave is hardly the province of the weak spirited, should be regarded as my property, since that is what they just signed up for. Power exchange or no power exchange, for the duration, they belong to me. I do not guarantee power exchanges, certain tortures, or anything else but a dire respect for hard limits and religious principles, safety of body and mind and spirit, and, a few other similarly important things. That's the beauty of not being the slave: one does not have to promise the moon, only that there will be air.16. Do you believe that the Submissive entity should not be shown any kindness or compassion or given any praise,thanksgiving or reward for the performance of their voluntary servitude whilst in a state of Power Exchange Subjegation has de facto Property?No. For goodness sakes, I have thanked shopping carts! Let's get back to reality, though: VOLUNTEER, VOLUNTARY, VOLUNTEERING: slaves who can be described in this way, they are doing things of their own free will. An owner is not required to thank them, but, they should be required to show a little compassion, and they certainly can give praise. Why not? If the slave did a good job, and you never tell them, you are only enforcing the belief that you cannot be pleased, and if you cannot be pleased, they may as well not try as hard, eh? As you punish them for when they are not doing well, so you should praise them, on occasion, for when they are doing well. Positive reinforcement is a very effective tool for training the human psyche. And, by should, I mean that the slave is not to expect praise, but, I say to the owners that if you do praise for good work (sometimes) and punish for bad work, it helps the slave understand, better, what pleases you and how to perform.17. Do you believe that the Submissive entity should contribute both to its own upkeep and the upkeep of the Dominant power at all times during the duration of the agreed Subjugation?'contribute'? No. The submissive entity is being used as a slave, and, as a slave, it works and it wages are earned. This is not contribution, this is the owner utilizing the slave to earn money. However, yes, it should be for the duration of the agreed subjugation.18. Do you believe that a formal and elaborate collaring ceremony in the presence of a lifestyle ordained clergy person and invited congregation would serve to enhance the solemnity and sacred nature of the Power Exchange Subjugation and so make it more meaningful by the exchange of solemn vows in the presence of witnesses?I believe my yes means yes, and my no means no. This is not a relationship between us and God, so, no clergy is required. It is meaningful, more, if other people know about it, though; and, to some degree, other people will know about it. For some, you will be known as my slave (I say to whomever is reading this who such a statement is true for), for others you will be known as that wonderfully helpful neighbor of mine. In all cases, they will know you are mine, in some regard.19. Do you believe that during the entire period of the duration of the agreed voluntary Subjugation under Power Exchange Control that the Submissive entity cease to have any contact with family or friends and preferably terminate all contact irrevocably so it can concentrate upon servicing your personal needs exclusively?I am looking for 24/7, 365 , eventually live-in, slaves. If the duration of the contract was for a month or two, sure, it would make sense, but, for a year, several years, maybe a lifetime, that would simply not be practical to cut their ties to family and friends. Their contact would be limited, but, no, it would not be severed.20.  Do you believe that the Submissive entity should be housed in appropriate facilities that befit its nonentity status, such has a Cage,Cupboard, Basement/Cellar, Attic/Loft or similar when it is resting overnight or when it is not required for service at a particular time?A 'Submissive entity' is not a 'nonentity', it is a 'Submissive entity'. Right? So, this question makes no sense, because, again, someone just can't be trusted to speak plainly. (sigh)  Given my druthers, the slaves would have separate slave quarters, where they would sleep, bathe, use the toilet, and maybe even cook for themselves and eat on occasion. It can be very formal for slavery and involve chains and locks and a bare room except for a bed or cot, or it can be a much simpler thing where it is an oasis of small comforts that would only be taken away in case of a need for punishment. That would depend on the slaves and how they function best.Please remember these questions are to ascertain compatibility of lifestyle Slavery belief systems.They are not demands or dictates concerning how I should be treated once entered into such a Power Exchange Subjegation.Well, then, you should have said so, at the beginning, as they certainly do sound demanding, in places. I might have answered differently, if  I wasn't busy feeling 'led through the nose' during the reading of some questions. My ideals wouldn't have changed, but, my level of smart-arsedness would have.1. Do you personally believe in Human Chattal Bondage Slavery has being both essential and desirable in todays modern world?This is a badly written question and it should be rewritten. To save time, I shall attempt to answer it, anyway, based on what I believe it means to ask: I believe it is desirable, and, for the serving of the desires of those who wish to be slaves or who wish to own slaves, in the truest sense possible, it is bordering on essential. 2. Do you actually seek to acquire consensual Ownership of a Chattal Bondage Subject to utilize in your personal service for your direct benefit?Those are not the words I would use, but, essentially, yes. And, no, you may not ask what words I would use. I am a writer, and, as such, I might use a great deal of varied words, changeable by time and mood, so don't ask questions that will lead to an hours-long discussion of semantics. 3. Would you prefer the legal protection that facilitating the enactment of power exchange statutes can afford you over the more precarious and none legal power exchange that is more usual?Probably. I mean, in the end, it is more important that you are entering into a relationship with a person you can trust, then anything else. I would prefer legal to not legal, though, whenever possible.4. Do you believe that once owned a person can no longer be considered a freeborn but must retain the nonentity status of a Subject in perpetuity even when it is no longer owned has property by any particular person?No. Slaves can be set free. Slaves can purchase their freedom. This is tradition, in most cultures that ever had slavery. They would still have the slave mindset, more than likely, and still seek to be a slave, again, but being a slave is taking on a position, not a disposition.  I am a writer, because I write - it is also in my nature, in that I cannot be happy and fulfilled without writing. You may be a slave, because you slave - it may be in your nature that you cannot be happy and fulfilled without being a slave. Fine! But, if you are not in service, you are not a slave; you  are a person who aches to be a slave.5. Do you believe that a Subject should be devoid of any and all freedom,human rights and civil liberties by virtue of the fact that it is legally owned property?No. I gave further answer to this sort of question, somewhere above.6. Do you believe that being a nonentity the subject should remain for the most part(certain situations exempted) in a state of perpetual naturism as a visible sign that it is property and so owns nothing?Already answered, above, somewhere.7. Do you believe that to facilitate proper control over the nonentity subject and display your claim to its ownership,that you should place a locked collar around its neck, a made to measure chastity restraint locked on its genitals,movement restraint shackles(when appropriate) and a brand or tattoo on its servile anatomy?Already answered, above, somewhere.8. Do you believe that the subject should be engaged in a variety of useful servile labor for long hours each day to keep it occupied and maximize its potential in your service?Yes. Except on the days when I wish it to be otherwise.9. Do you believe that the subject should be housed in shackles within the confines of a locked cage within a locked room/basement/attic when resting overnight or when not required for service?Already answered, above, somewhere.10. Do you believe that a subject should be utilized to endure painful suffering when required so has to alleviate the stressful anxieties or increase the pleasurable activities of the legal owner and that it should be restrained for the duration of any therapeutic flogging/torture session?Already answered, above, somewhere. Or, close to. Let me put it this way, if I want to make you suffer pain, and I own you, and your contract does not preclude that sort of treatment, then, yes. Otherwise, no.  I'm not interested in giving pain, and, if I was going to be doing so, it would almost certainly be due to a need for punishment.

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