Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Dramatic Saga of the Iles Chaudes Folles (rough draft part 5)

  Now, the reason the pirates that Jenkins had been foisted on, by the sea, were such pestiferously ineffectual pirates is that they often lost their way altogether when at sea, having very little clue in which direction the sun set, or if the sun did, indeed, set at all. Then, of course, there was the fact that every fair maiden living on or by a shore, and there were many, was an absolute distraction to the men, who always wanted to stop and lure the pretty young lassie aboard.

If that were not enough to seriously lessen their “hours at sea” versus “booty logged” ratio, there was the fact that they, being avid drinkers of most anything not nailed down, or not coming out of something nailed up (except on Saturday afternoons), but, most especially rum, were almost always too foxed, too passed out, or too hungover to really get on with the reaching of their goals. The case in point being the invading they were going to do, as was mentioned when they were still in the canoes, heading toward the island which they had now lost to the English.

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