- I shall have to read this later on the grounds that I am jaded and tired today. Have you ever tried Hub Pages and E How and places like that? I did, before, and most of them confused me, but, I think I am going to try again as I so badly need money
- Care to join me? “http://www.redbubble.com/people/kris-t/writing/...; Assuming I can remember how to do a link, that is a link to a poem that makes me want to hurl .. both as in vomit and as in throw things. I am going to write my own version of it, through mimickery, or otherwise, and then post a link back to it as the inspiration. Think it would be fun if you did it, too. Just to see what we came up with. I mean, I don’t want to do something so awful she knows she’s being made fun of. I just want to write something better. And if it is not better, I want to throw things at myself, instead lol
- lol I’m afraid it’s even worse
- I’m afraid I must be missing something. I read her ‘poem’. I think she made up words with a scrabble set, glued them together, then threw them into the air and wrote down the results …..I haven’t time to finish reading yours yet but I will. I have just read a few lines and I am sorry to say that you cannot compete with mediocrity…. even when you try, you still write better than the other crap…..
- lol lol That is not the worst news anyone has ever broken to me lol Are you going to write one, too?
- No, I refuse to publish written stuff on RB anymore. Not even in jest. They have lost me which could be my loss or theirs, but either way it’s a loss. I tear strips of flesh from my imagination just so people can give their accolades to their chums…. not anymore.
- oh I forgot .. I mean, when I asked, I forgot. I’m sorry. It was not intended to be disrespectful. I was just thinking of it as a fun thing to do.
- I know that! Now, excuse me, whilst I make demands of your time and intellect. Not even politely, either!Read this, below, and make suggestions. It has the right flavor and style, but, it gets a bit bogged down in places, so I’d love to hear your suggestions:The Dramatic Saga of the ÃŽles Chaudes FollesHalf a dozen canoes whispered through the waves, carrying along their cargo of pointy-toothed cannibals. Or, so the waves imagined.In truth, the men were not cannibals, and, in fact, one of them refused to eat any sort of meat whatsoever, and would have been a vegetarian, except that vegetarians had not been invented yet. If vegetarians had been invented, he would still not have been one, unless a very strange occurrence occurred, as, once they were invented, they were invented on a different planet, altogether.However, he was not a cannibal, as he ate mainly vegetables, and he was mainly meat, and, so, the waves were wrong, and that really is the point.Waves are often wrong, as a matter of course, because they have been around since the beginning of most everything, on whatever planet they exist on, and, strangely, even though they have a great deal of mobility, in some respects, they still manage to get very set in their ways.“Oh,” say the waves, after having seen the same cannibal tribes passing over the same area, since cannibals came into existence, upon seeing a new set of canoes bobbing into view “here comes a new set of cannibals.”Eight times out of ten, they would be correct, too; but, tonight, the men in the canoes were riding the ninth wave, the one that takes you all the way in to shore, and, what rides the ninth wave, always makes the other waves wrong.Or, so surfer legend has it; but, to believe that, would be to assume that if the men were riding the seventh wave they would have broken into a frenzy of cannibalism, according to the Htunk Tunk tribes of Outer Ingleston,who believe that what does not ride the ninth wave proves every other wave right. However, the Screnton Buccaneers of Ptweeret Bay believe that the waves just generally waffle about the ocean, doing as they please, including tricking passing cannibals, surfers, and pirates into believing that they have any significance at all.The men in the canoes were not cannibals, nor were they surfers. Surfers seldom carry quite so many muskets, swords, and other accoutrement of destruction upon their person, in much the same way that pirates seldom carry surfboard wax. These men had no such wax, not even a little bit.On the canoes sped, riding a wave they were no longer sure they believed in, which did not consider their existence, so, existentially speaking, all was copacetic in the ocean.They wore leather breeches, menacing grins, smelly hair styles and not much else, these men. The waves did not mind, the canoes did not mind, but, the people whom they were about to invade were apt to mind very, very much. It is not pleasant to be marauded at, even less so if one is sleeping peacefully at the beginning of the marauding spree; and, much, much less so, if the marauders are half naked, at best, grinning menacingly, armed to the teeth, and apt to leave a nasty smell on your hands if you pull their hair to try to stop them from biting you. Since this fact of the sheer unpleasantness that marauding is pervaded with, from the point of view of the maraudees, was exactly what the pirates were booking on, every slurgle of the ocean which brought them closer to shore filled their nasty grins with a bit more gleaming menace.
- It was interesting… I made a couple of changes but like the general flow. The style is one I like – a kind of integrated footnote characteristic of authors such as Pratchett and Adams – can be very hard to write without losing the clarity. I like that style and try to write it but almost always end up grunting at my self :)Here’s a slight reworking which I think reads slightly simpler which you can probably totally re-write better…Half a dozen canoes whispered through the waves, carrying along their cargo of pointy-toothed cannibals. Or, so the waves imagined.In truth, the men were not cannibals, and, in fact, one of them refused to eat any sort of meat whatsoever, and might have been a vegetarian, except that vegetarians had not been invented yet and even if they had it would have been a strange occurrence indeed as, when they had finally been invented, they were invented on a different planet, altogether.However, he was not a cannibal as he ate mainly vegetables, and, so the waves were wrong, and that really is the point.Waves are often wrong, as a matter of course, because they have been around since the beginning of most everything, on whatever planet they exist on, and, strangely, even though they have a great deal of mobility in some respects, they still manage to get very set in their ways.“Oh,” say the waves, having seen the same cannibal tribes passing over the same area since cannibals came into existence and upon seeing a new set of canoes bobbing into view they routinely think “here comes a new set of cannibals.”Eight times out of ten, they would be correct, too; but, tonight, the men in the canoes were riding the ninth wave, the one that takes you all the way in to shore, and what rides the ninth wave always makes the other waves wrong.Or, so surfer legend has it; but, to believe that, would be to believe that if the men were riding the seventh wave they would have broken into a frenzy of cannibalism (in according with the Htunk Tunk tribes of Outer Ingleston who believe that what does not ride the ninth wave proves every other wave right.) However, the Screnton Buccaneers of Ptweeret Bay believe that the waves just generally waffle about the ocean, doing as they please, including tricking passing cannibals, surfers, and pirates into believing that they have any significance at all, which, it should be noted, they do not.
And so the men in the canoes were not cannibals, neither were they surfers. Surfers, seldom carry quite so many muskets, swords, and other accoutrement of destruction upon their person, in much the same way that pirates seldom carry surfboard wax. These men had no such wax, not even a little bit.They wore leather breeches, menacing grins, smelly hair styles and not much else, these men. The waves did not mind, the canoes did not mind, but, the people whom they were about to invade were going to mind and mind very, very much. It is not pleasant to be marauded at, even less so if one is sleeping peacefully at the beginning of the marauding spree; and, much, much less so if the marauders are half naked, grinning menacingly, armed to the teeth, and apt to leave a nasty smell on your hands if you pull their hair to try to stop them from biting you. Since the sheer unpleasantness that marauding is pervaded with from the point of view of the maraudees was exactly what the pirates were booking on, every slurgle of the ocean which brought them closer to shore filled their nasty grins with a bit more gleaming menace.
- No, and yes, and thank you. No, as in I will not be using the rewrite as a replacement Yes, as in some of the bits flow better with your rewrite,all the same, and it is helpful to me in that it gave me another perspective that I think, upon further study, will help me revise it to be more readable. Thank you is fairly self explanatory. I hope! xxx
- I’d be cross if you did use my rewrite! That would be like Van Gogh switching to digital because his accountant uses a Mac…..
- lol That was a very amusing thing to say. Also, highly complimentary. I do take offense at it, however. It would be more like Van Gogh switching to digital because Picasso used a Mac. You do NOT write like an accountant. We are not precisely the same style, but, damn, we are both wonderful.
- LOL. I do absolutely nothing like an accountant. It’s the one subject where my knowledge definitely is measured with the nano ….. Oh, and as a general rule (which excludes those I know personally) I detest bean counters :)
- lol My mother worked as some sort of accounting clerk, for the State of Alaska. She’s mostly okay, but, she is a bit of a micro-management specialist. Only in some ways, though.
- Invite me back to that digital interface group. I left all groups for a while, and now I am rejoining some.
- Shall do so. I probably don’t need to tell you, but just so no-one claims favorites (LOL), I am actively rejecting stuff that doesn’t have really good ‘how I created this image’ stuff…. just mentioning that they used ‘filters’ is not enough…. Now I have resurrected the group I have all the hosts being very hard on those blighters who flout the rules. (Actually, I’m enjoying it he he he)
- You have been invited to join the group Digital Interface – With Tutorials Only.You can accept the invitation, or ignore/delete this message to decline
- I know that, and, you know – or you did – that I totally wowed your pretty little arse with my first post on there, ever so long ago. Because, not only am I talented, but, I am anal retentive and weird. However, I got tired of posting things to the group and no one ever rejecting them or accepting them, after a while. so I am very glad things are going more smoothly, now.
- I thought of something today, but, it got screwed up at the end – still, it is a valid thing, if one gets it to work all the way through, so you might ask your co-hosts about this.I was using Capture Fox to make a video of me making a design, then saving videos with an eye to splicing them all together later, putting it on YouTube, and then posting a link to it on the description. Would that count, for your group, or would people still have to write it all down? I might do both, anyway, some time, but, it is good to know for the sake of lazy days.
- If you post a link in the description e.g. ’here’s how i did it’ pointing to a youtube video then I don’t think anyone could complain. I certainly wouldn’t.
- That Tumble Down Game of Love, the one I wrote in semi-mockery, has been featured in a group. (sigh) In the meantime, people ignore my pirate story in droves.I have posted several more bits of it, by the way, and I would love to hear your thoughts.
- I definitely want and need (or want or need) to read those pieces. I have been flat out as in busy not as in enjoying a sleep or dead or run over by a very heavy steam roller which would of course be thebig sleep i.e. dead. I am trying desperately to make $. I’d be happy to make euros or pounds or even pennies – the currency is irrelevant except that it must be current currency. I.e. the currency of the currency is important though the currency isn’t. Anyway, I’ve been having little success except for the ‘Beware of the Photographer’ t-shirt that actually only took about 10 minutes to design a year or so ago but which has since sold oodles (where oodles is definitely less than 100 but more than 10). Which altogether is probably a pretty poor reason for neglecting you, or a very ugly reason for neglecting you. But at least you know that there WAS a reason even if it is not as good a reason as ‘I got locked in a lift’ or ‘my leg fell off’ or ‘a magpie stole one of my testicles’.
- I’m very worried about magpies, now! Go to chacha.com and see if they are hiring people in your country. You won’t make a lot of money, but, you can pick up spare change while waiting for a real job. Inbox Dollars is good for that, too.There are also, of course, places like Hub and Demand Studios that pay people to write articles, which might work for you. I have found little success with such ventures, but, there is always hope for others, the future, and, apparently, magpies – but, none for their victims.
- Oh, here we frigging go again!I read it to my daughter and the comments about it – she got it. Just the poem, she was like “Err .. maybe she ..” and then, after I read one comment to her “Maybe she is trying to weed out the bullshit artists by writing something that bad.” Then I read her the other, more over the top comments, and she made disgusted noises, agreed with me that no one that writes like this deserves that kind of praise, and then left the room before I could read anymore at her.
- feeding the polar bears eye?If such deserves 18 comments when I can barely get 2 then I must assume that eithera) I am the most gutwrenchingly nauseatingly no-ness of a writer
b) I waste my time writing for people who have an IQ in the complex number series…..
- Honey, it is not you. I think many people believe if they cannot understand something, then it must be profound, is what it is.Here is my little, quickly written piece, based on hers:It was going to be more “profound”, but, really, there was so little to work with that was usable.
- LOL. I think all too often, RedBubble runs on superficial co-operative wanking rather than anything else. Because I hardly get time now to look at others’ works let alone comment on them, I get almost none myself. Now, when I post something, it’s usually achieved through some almost superhuman effort to squeeze time out to take a photo. If I do that for those on redbubble then I am a fool because they are not interested in me enough to look (a small select few are but I mean the majority). Even when I was commentin a lot, I still probably got one comment for every ten I made – and all too often, as you’ve seen, crap work of others often gets accolades while I might as well be publishing mine on mars….oh well. back to the ‘other’ stuff…
- but before I flollop off, this gets up my nose. Because everyone literally oozes glory and wonder on her just because she tells them that they can ‘do what they want – so do it’ when there are plenty of people here who have been trying for the last 3-4 years and getting ignored…..i know, i’m getting to be a miserable old sod.MY enthusiasm has been kicked in the teeth by many of those claiming that ‘we can be anything we want’ so many times that I have to suck my cornflakes!
- I tried to start a group for helping promote each other’s work, etc. It didn’t get started though.Didn’t watch the video I can’t take that b.s. tonight. Let’s just be miserable old sods, together.
- Here, this might do you some goodIt’s for a job where someone who likes to blog will be writing about photography. Don’t know for what country, I mean, if it matters where you are located, as I did not read it. But, if all you need to do is be able to write and know photography, I guess you have that covered.
- Alrighty then. But, did you read the last piece of mail I sent you on here? I can see it, above me. Link to a job, which may or may not still exist and may or may not be available in your country.
- I did read it – and chased it – but I didn’t think much of my chances. Had my confidence shaken of late – RB doesn’t help! But wonderful people (like you) keep me going…
- Well, I think that you are a) a wonderful person and b) worth keeping going!
- I am definitely packing up and leaving Red Bubble, now. I made a comment on a journal entry of someone who was visiting Alaska, just giving them some friendly advice, and, they deleted the comment and read me the riot act for being prejudice against Alaskans and, yet, they want to hear about linaj’s Alaskan experience. Oh, I have nothing to tell them and I hate Alaska, having been born and raised there and still calling it my home and all; but, someone who flitted in knows all.Which, by the way, made me feel very insulted, treated with racial prejudice, oppressed, etc. So, hmm .. I shall give you my URL to a blogIt’s not really about bdsm. Well, not all of it. lol
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