Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lightsmith part 1 (conversations from Red Bubble)

  • Arletta
  • Oh, hello I just commented on it, sort of. Thank you!
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • sigh It’s probably a bad sign when I read two pieces of someone’s work, plus the comments they get, and I analyze it in my mind, and I turn it this way and that, and I read her replies to comments on her writing, and at the end of all that mind/soul searching the only conclusion I can come to is to look in her insolent, oh how I only wish I were Audrey Hepburn except I’ll never be half that classy, eyes and spit out “You make me want to puke, you lousy bitch!” , huh?
    I get so sick of people thinking because the word “fuck” is in something, or because it’s about sex, or whatever, that it means the writing is actual good. Mind you, there is plenty that is about one, has the other, and is good – but, there is plenty that is horrible, too.
    I am completely disgusted that no one, not even her, knows that she is an utter fraud, who substitutes stringing pretty, ear tickling words together for real writing skill.
    She does not use complete sentences; nor, does she use anything remotely resembling proper punctuation. Only, it’s worse than that. It’s all so ill defined. She is writing about “him” being attracted to “her”, but, there is no clarity as to who she is, or how they met, or if they met, or if this is just his imagination or … or .. or I think it’s about a guy who runs into a stranger and they get attracted and then he cheats on his wife with her. But, it could also be about him wanting his wife,as she was. Or, about her being two women: Madonna versus whore thing, you know? Or, it could be .. well, a lot of things. As I said, it’s so ill defined.
    And, all these people are lapping up the juicier bits of her trash and calling it nectar from the gods. I could cheerfully slap someone.
    You write, man! If they were saying it about your writing, I’d be rather happy, because most of your writing is good enough to get away with that sort of idiotic praise. There is a lovely poetess on here that I have only recently become acquainted with, that I would say the same about, maybe even more so, because she’s disgustingly good! But but, but …
    The people who get read are .. oh, that’s it. She gets read, Mtnman gets read. They are both flirty little sluts. I get it now.
    We need to show our tits and offer to rub them in the faces of others. Then, and only then,shall we be good writers.
    Wanna bet? If we changed our pictures to some nubile nymphet or something, I bet we’d get more views and more comments. lol
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • LOL. Yes, I know what you mean. I find the same with artworks. Things get lots of attention when really they should be put through a shredder. Twice. I am certain that what drives such things are networks and a desire for fornication (which they know cannot happen but still they slobber and hope).
    Sometimes I get p*ssed off. For example, I enter a challenge and get nowhere whereas some of the rubbish that gets into the top 10 is enough to drive me off redbubble and into a job sorting out floaters from sinkers at the sewerage farm. Grrrr……. but I try to remind myself that popularity is not related to quality. I try. Sometimes it doesn’t work…..
    I guess I like to think that they’ll get whats coming to them soon enough without my bad vibes. So I try to move on. Grrrrr. Doesn’t always work.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • I didn’t expect to win. 1800 entries so what chance did mine have?
    Mine was very artistic. and clever. making USE of cage wire which normally would ruin a picture to actually MAKE the picture.
    Bugger off chris.
    I didn’t even get a voucher.
    I didn’t expect to win. I was not disappointed.
    Only more annoyed. Because, as usual, those who do qualify for life’s gifts have in most cases submitted stuff I’d have left long ago on the hard disk (and most would have deleted). Look at that damn spider. How pathetic is that? Anyone could have shot that. aRT with a very small (3-point font in fact) ‘a’.
    And I try to tell myself not to take it personally.
    But I just don’t listen.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Well, you might have a point in not listening, because I’ve seen that darned cat before, and it was by someone who said “and here’s mine” without even saying if they were going to vote for yours or not, in a comment, on YOUR POST and I looked at it and thought “Well, that’s utter crap!” I would have voted against it, if they allowed such things.
    I’m always happy when Anita wins anything close to the top, because she’s one of the few people on this site that I think really does art that actually wins sometimes. I mean, consistently wins and consistently creates art.
    There are people, like Ken .. I love Ken, and sometimes Ken does something lovely, and sometimes Ken wins things, but, they seldom coincide Once I saw Anita win something where I did not agree with the decision and I thought someone else’s work was better, but, at least I knew she had talent.
    I could just cuss, cuss and then cuss some more.
    Instead, I’ll show you the poet lady HERE SHE IS It was the poem Lovelier Than Paradise that got her onto my watchlist. I don’t know if her other stuff will be as good to me, or what – but I love that bit!
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • THIS IS THE OFFENDING WRITING Well, part of it The thing is, it’s not as if it’s totally without merit It’s that she’s a sleazy whore, who is lazing about ,wasting her talent by writing this crap and giving “big sloppy kisses” to her viewers, rather than actually making it GOOD. lol lol lol I am enjoying the hyperbole, and insults, thank you!
    I can read things into it, and make assumptions, and then it gets better, but – is it a story or is it poetry? If it’s poetry, it should be less like a story, and if it’s a story, then it needs more substance.
    And, the sell out of ending the second part with him “fucking her” – that classic, oh sorry I ran out of talent, so I am going for shock value and making you see the word fuck as something real and tawdry while you sit in your safe and secure little home – is really low, as in common, as in trashy. Plus, she didn’t even write that well, because it should be " a man possessed" because, uhm, if he were doing her like a possessed man, which apparently he is since he’s owned by his wife who he is cheating on (unless the wife is her), then he would not be doing her at all – since he’d be owned by someone else and know better.
    Now, I’m just getting nit picky, because it offends me. It would offend me so much less if it were not for the fact that she and others seem to think she’s God’s gift to writing. That’s what I hate about Mtnman too. Well,actually, he gave me plenty of other reasons to dislike him, too; but it started there.
    There’s this guy, I just recently put on my watchlist, who has this story about leaving Jamaica , okay? It has a lot wrong with it, in punctuation, sentence structure, kind of ways. I am not remotely offended by his story, though – because I get the impression that he is a writer – just some guy that writes. And, that’s cool.
    I hate saying anything to most people, as they think it is jealousy over the attention. That’s not it, though. It’s being offended for the sake of writing. I do not get offended when someone writes something very well and they get attention for it. I get offended when the people who write well are not even read, and someone who writes crap gets the attention.
    I’m sorry you didn’t win, by the way. I liked your photo!
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • I just wasted time reading it. I admit that it left me cold. I have no problem mixing poetry and story but it just didn’t work for me.
    Then I read part two.
    puddles of passion collect in her dimples
    words fail me. as they obviously did her.
    I’d have been too ashamed to write such cr*p down let along post it up for view. And the responses crush me like an ant pressed by a very large elephantine creature with spikes and dandruff. Some of my stuff gets NO comments. How BAD must I be if she gets comments with this drivell? It’s the written equivalent of photographing your own poo and being given a nobel prize for it
    puddles of passion collect in her dimples.
    hmmmmm……. don’t comment on an item I post up with the title of To Touch the Heart of the Betrayer
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • i’ve tried to write ‘down’. but I don’t think it works…..
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Oh my goodness! lol I’m still laughing! That was great! I think the problem is that you are still using grammar and punctuation. lol But, please do not change it, because I think it’s bloody brilliant!
    I was thinking of starting another account, putting up a picture of a young girl with big boobs, and posting some of my writing on it, and see what happens. But, then, if she got a lot of responses, well, that would just annoy me!
    Anyway, a good whack of it is probably that whenever someone like Mtnman tries to flirt with me, I tell him, quite honestly, that I am not here for sex and if I was here for sex, I wouldn’t be here for sex with married men; and, other things like that.
    Dude, as I shall call you for now – one of my bits of my story was featured at WMG, which I forget what that stands for but it’s something to do with writing (writing mad good? ), and, even then, no one looked at it. They had high praise for some other crap that was also featured, though.
    The puddles of passion collecting in her dimples, if the woman was not trying to pass her self off as a serious poet or something, might just be okay. Except that, earlier, something else collected in her dimples, or shone in her dimples, or whatever, and that made her dimples all full for the day, it seems.
    You know, if she just wrote about the woman’s dimples, then, it might work. All about how he tried to avoid falling in love with her, but, then she smiled and her dimples did odd things to her psyche and he imagined … etc. I could see it. I just want to slap her until her head goes straight!
    It’s wonderful of you to not like that writing, too!
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Awful stuff, that. I had an urge to write about dimples, but, I managed to refrain.
    I guess I should submit it to groups, but .. but .. I don’t want to be seen as having written it lol Maybe I’ll dedicate it to her, as my inspiration. Maybe that would be too mean. She might see it and think I mean it. Hmm ….
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Okay, I did it. I dedicated it, so to speak, to both your work and hers, and I submitted it to all the groups I was in that she submitted her work to – even joined one so that I could submit it to that group, too – and a few that she isn’t in.
    Why? Perversity, I guess.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Oh my goodness, the madness continues … please read my latest journal entry, and consider being interviewed, as you are actually interesting, intelligent, and talented.
    The two people who have responded, so far, are … (sigh) .. well, confused, to put it as politely as possible.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Oh my word: I actually got a compliment on my lousy writing! I mean, my purposefully lousy writing. And, it was by the guy I was saying had potential. That’ll teach me!
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • Should stir up some apathy. Probably get 10 views and no comments as usual…..
    Yet, that doesn’t matter. Because I mean what this article says. And it doesn’t really matter if anyone thinks lowly of my work. Because I am driven to do what I do. (from the perspective of a Christian, I am free to believe that the ultimate driver is actually divine but as soon as you bring religion in, people polarize without thinking. God, they like to think, is safely locked up in the sanctified ground where (s)he cannot get out and influence things).
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • There! I wrote another one HERE I think I’ll have to stop I’m beginning to feel tawdry.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • LOL. Writing at that level is very tiring. I’ve decided I’m no good at it. The more I try, the more I realize that I am producing stuff which DOES make sense on deeper levels. Grrr….. anyway, my other piece had 17 views and no comments (or favourtings). How disappointing.
    I wrote another piece a little while ago called dark lover which I thought was quite good. It has had 16 views and no comments (or favourtings). Talk about depressing. People obviously don’t give much for my writing.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • perhaps it’s too deep. the simple flirting of a girl with the Grim Reaper….. maybe I cast pearls amongst the swine….. or swine amongst the pearls…
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • I think I missed that posting! I miss a lot of things, sometimes due to glitches and sometimes .. well. . just because, I guess. Too many things coming in, from too many people, because I have a very greedy sort of watchlist. Though, there are some people that I put on, take off, rather, linse, repeat .. lol
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • Oh, they are easy to miss. I’ve missed many (due to the pain and trouble of less enjoyable but more essential activites). But EVERYONE seems to have missed it. With only 16 views it obviously doesnt hook people in. I might repost it with a different title…..
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • With only 16 views …
    I’ve got a whole lot of writing that doesn’t have 16 views on it, In fact, the better it is, the less views, apparently. Many of them have only recently surpassed 16 views by virtue of the fact that I kept taking them out of groups and resubmitting them. lol
    People only really read erotic bullshite or the stuff that comes out of people like Linaji or whatever her ID is. And, do you know what sort of person she is? She’s the sort whom, if she doesn’t like you, will cut you publicly, will spread rumors about you, and will gush all over you when you do things exactly her way. She wants to be a dominant mother to Red Bubble.
    I do not say that by way of insulting her. It’s just the truth. They want to be on her good side, because she has catty down to a fine art. Plus, she’ll write occasional erotic pieces or pieces on how it’s so sad that no one respects the drug addicts who are really holy men in disguise. Twisty weird shite that makes them feel good about their own inner demons, and accepted.
    She has no real moral compass, just her public. Or, that is how she presents herself.
    They eat her up!
    Valzart, and that horrible Karen are also goody-two-shoes, oh aren’t we so sweet, love and light bullshite artists who are really mean, conniving, two-faced bitches. People love them, too.
    What they do not like is honesty, or someone more talented than they are. If we want people to like us for what we can do, we need to find people into bdsm and import them to come and fawn over us. Apparently.
    I do not want to be fawned over, however; I want my work respected, when it is, in fact, worthy.
    I am in a mood. Can you tell?
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Oh, that is so just it! No one even noticed that I was trying to write badly NO ONE Well, you did, I guess, but, I told you lol
    Speaking of which, you moribund cocktail, I posted some more of my story that I had kept intending to post. I shall probably do even more in the next day or two.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • LOL. I did notice – I might even comment on it (got to rush out in a minute).
    Alas, I think you are right about some of those people. I’ve been forming that opinion myself :-(
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Yes, well, let us keep that information to ourselves, or we will never get any more views at all lol
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • You mean not start a journal on people we think are a waste of space?
    Darn. OK. I’ll delete the hate-list I’ve started LOL
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • lol Well, at the very least, we should probably not start a group called We HATE you, you damned waste of space lol
    Speaking of which, that lady whose writing I did praise, did something so annoying. She answered my questions, for the interview, okay? Then she told me never to publish any of it. lol lol
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • I have not commented on that last thing you posted, or finished reading the one I linked to, even. That’s not lack of interest, that’s lack of energy versus time.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • I am too tired and too under the affluence of incohol (praise be to Will Fyffe) to comment but your post was a wonderful entry that fills me with warmth and (should my wife let me) would almost certainly result in a further proposal of marriage…
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • lol lol Well, I shan’t hold my breath, for I know how those wives can get. Glad you liked it.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Okay, I hate you! Which is to say that the last thing I wrote was … accchhh .. as painful as it should be I favorited it, because it was that good, but, I’d be just as happy never to see it again.
    Oh, people can be so ugly!
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • hows this,
    I get up, mow the front lawn, mow the back lawn, (while someone else lazes in bed), dust throughout the house, vacuum throughout the house, fork out $100 for christmas card postage, make the dinner, fill and ice a cake, and then, because I am not ready to go beddybyes at 11pm when ordered as the business plan I have to present tomorrow wont print (for no good reason), I have become ‘impossible to live with’.
    what part of the day did I do wrong?
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Errr …. the part where you woke up? Honestly, you had me at “fill and ice a cake” Never mind the rest of the stuff. If I had a man who would fill and ice a cake, and would, he could get away with a lot lol lol
    You know what, I started making lists, on occasion, because, eventually, my husband (when I had one), my parents, friends, boyfriend, sister, boss, etc. got to the point of saying “You never do anything!” That is because I do not make a big production of doing anything, I don’t rub their faces in it, or make a big scene on “WHY DO I HAVE TO DO THIS?” etc. So, they do not notice, nor do they appreciate it, and a lot of times they think they did it, because they did it once before the seven or eight times I did it after them and the three or four times I did it before them, or because I helped them do it, or because they put the finishing touch on it, or etc.
    So, I would make lists, detailed lists, of what I did on each day – and, if necessary, where that person was and what they were doing during the time I was doing it. For instance:
    Monday, August 3rd, 1981 8 am – washed dishes from your friends visiting last night AFTER I was in bed; dried and put away dishes; cooked breakfast, including making separate eggs for you because you have to have them a special way; cleaned up mess from cooking breakfast (washed stove top, scraped bits out of the pan and set aside pan to cool), and served your breakfast to you, where you were (in the living room watching television).
    8:30 am After you ate it and went to bed, still drunk, I washed the breakfast dishes, took out the trash, wiped down the coffee table in the living room, put away the breakfast dishes, scrubbed out the kitchen and bathroom sink, and went grocery shopping.
    That is a definite for instance. I do not know what I did on August 3rd, 1981 or what day of the week it was, but, I know I wasn’t old enough to be married, and I wasn’t making lists at that point, of that nature.
    Of course, you don’t say she was accusing you of not doing anything, just of being impossible to live with. So, I don’t know. There could be a lot of reasons for that kind of talk.
    Maybe she was in the mood, and doesn’t want to have to blurt it out or demand you also get in the mood.
    Maybe you grouch a lot, while you do things. Or, at least, while things refuse to print right.
    Maybe she hates noise in the other rooms when she is trying to sleep.
    Maybe she’s about to run off with her optometrist.
    Maybe she had a headache, bad cold, touch of the flu … and was just feeling grouchy
    Maybe you are an artist, and she is not, so you often have different priorities.
    Maybe you always do the work and she takes you for granted.
    The thing is, I don’t really know what you are like, or what she’s like. So, my inclination is to just feel bad about your long suffering plight; but, I really don’t know if that’s the appropriate response, without more information lol
    And, I say this as a person who has a dad who does the majority of the housework, but, is still impossible to live with. He insults people, he’s grouchy, he talks down to us sometimes, and tries to correct our feminine perceptions even if he doesn’t say that’s what he is trying to do, he cusses, sometimes he is just horribly horribly rude and crude. So, the fact that he does good things, or necessary things, sometimes, in no way means he is easy to live with. You know?
    I don’t see you as being that sort of person, though.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Now, I shall complain mightily at you, but, not about you. Okay, so there is this guy, Augy, who I used to sort of revere for his writing and wit, but, who seems to have lost a good bit of both after having come off a really bad relationship, been embroiled in a custody fight, gotten stabbed by more than one person he was living with (different times), etc. Which, you know, come to think of it: NO WONDER! Nevertheless, the shine is a bit gone, but, when he calls, we can still talk.
    We had plans to live near each other, and write together. Or, at least help and inspire each other. We were looking both in Georgia and in Tucson. So, the other night, about a week ago, he tells me he really likes Tucson, and makes it pretty clear that he would be quite happy to have a place there. Then, he also, basically proposed to me. In this same conversation, he told me that he’s been really angry because someone shot his cats eye out, and he was probably taking it out on me lately, which is why we were fighting the last week or so before that.
    Well, I looked, and I found a place that, before, I hadn’t thought would suit me and my son. But, I looked at it with new eyes, and, yes, it’s actually a good place. It’s a duplex, which is what I’d want to live near Augy, because I am not going to have people assume we are living together and sexing up the place. You know? That wouldn’t help at the Kingdom Hall and it would not help if either of us ever wanted to date someone else.And, he already knows I’m in love with Stuart, anyway.
    The place is 0.5 miles from a Kingdom Hall and from a Public Library. It’s 1.3 miles from the Tucson Mall, there is a thrift store about 2 blocks away (if it’s open), and a feed and seed store nearby; it’s in a good school district (which is uber importante as he is getting custody of his daughter), and, while it is not gorgeous, it is appealing. I want this place. It’s a good price.
    He has enough money for the down payment, he is pre-approved for the sort of loan it would take. But, there is already an offer by someone else on this place, so we have a small window of time in which to make up our minds and put in an offer. I WANT THIS PLACE.
    He has disappeared. He is not answering his phone, he has not been online – at least, not where he is answering my emails.
    Now, it would be highly unusual for a man to half-assed propose to a woman, tell her to think about it, and then decide never to talk to her again, so, probably he will return, if he can. Only, maybe that is what he did. Or, maybe, whomever shot his cat, shot him to. Or, maybe he found out who shot his cat and he killed them or beat them up and is in jail. Or, maybe he decided I’d never love him and killed himself. Hey! He’s bi-polar and upset about his cat – it could happen! Or, maybe it’s the holiday season and hes’ working extra hours at work and just is never home and awake at the times I told him its’ best to call in between. Maybe the electricity went out and stayed out, where he is living. Maybe his roommates kicked him out and he’s wandering the streets.
    I don’t know what the heck is going on. I just know that I’m worried that something bad might have happened to him, and also a bit pissed as I doubt it has – and if he found a place in Georgia, he should have told me. If he changed his mind about anything, he should have told me.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • HELP! You know that program you were talking about, the one that will capture all the writing on Red Bubble? Well, I have NO IDEA how to use it, and no time to learn, so, I am wondering, if you could, in fact, use it for me? Or tell me where to find it and explain it REALLY SIMPLY because I need to hurry and save my journals and writing. that’s on here – at the same time, I need to save all my paintings and photos and such. And, that’s a lot to save, rather quickly
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • 1. I think my wife is the only person allowed to complain or get frustrated. That’s the big problem. Well, I’m mostly patient (despite what she thinks) so things will tick over …..
    2. The trouble with bi-polar, as you know, is that they can be subject to extremes. If someone shot my dog and I caught them, you’d think all the serial killers in the world had had sex and produced …. me. In such things I can lose my control which is a pity for me and for them. Alas, but I lost my doggie to liver and kidney failure and have no one to blame. So I just weep (sometimes).
    It’s quite possible he has been distracted. the BP thing can have that effect too. I don’t get any bad feelings (am somewhat empathic to the point of almost psychic) and I’d trust my feelings. There’s a lesson here and I suspect it’s related to his reliability. But you know him better than me, and you should judge your instincts I believe. Still, I’d say you’ll hear again in a few days. Don’t be too upset if it is nothing (or something).
    3. I can certainly capture your writing (not journals yet) if I logged in as you, but I think it might not be too hard to modify it to do so while logged in as me…… I’ll give it some thought.
    The art is more of a problem, because RB only gives a reduced quality version. I personally believe they should give you access to the full quality copies as they still have them…… hmmmmm I wonder if I can find them…… let me dig about :-)
    Tomorrow (Friday) I have to present my business plan for Videoscape Productions to get a years allowance (not much) in order to fund my business for its first year. Wish me luck! AND I have an interview for a 15 hour a week part-time job which would not hurt the bank balance. Wish me more luck. However, if you want to save time, wish me a single bit of luck on Saturday and I might win the lottery……. ha. some hope of that one!
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • lol lol I wish you a great deal of success, all the way around!
    Yes, please do look around. I am trying to save as much as possible, before they go completely snarky. But, they will not let me have the original files back unless I pay them $100 or maybe a 100 pounds. Not sure which. It’s for their time and effort. And, now, with more files, they may want more.
    I’m not overly concerned, though, as I can up the quality of the images again, most of them, and I may alter some significantly, just because – as one gets used to them, you know, it, sometimes, seems a very good idea.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • I don’t want you to leave.
    if there’s anything I can say to encourage you to stay ….
    1. please.
    2. pretty please
    3. you are needed here
    4. running away wont solve anything
    5. those who insult us are fuel for our rising above them
    6. pretty please with sugar on it
    7. you can’t let them win
    8. you have so much to contribute
    9. yellow cardboard
    ok, so the last may not swing it but in an infinitely complex universe, the most careless random statement might cause a change that ultimately alters history forever.
    If you are intent on going,
    before you go, change your password – give it to me – and I’ll download all your written stuff if you want.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • That’s so sweet! And, strangely enough, the yellow cardboard really helped.
    It’s not the people who insulted me.
    It’s the people who didn’t do anything when I was verbally attacked by Karen Taylor; and who didn’t do anything when I was verbally attacked by Valzart. And, I mean, several attacks, spanning a good week or so, each.
    They also did not do anything about this woman who went on a tirade against her boyfriend, wherein a whole group was sent this posting about him having raped her and such, that gave out his name and what city he lived in …. but, they deleted my journal posting, wherein I complained about “the hacker” and ’my ex-husband Adam" and gave me a warning for “not playing nice” since anyone could, if they cared to do the research, discover who I was talking about and retaliate against him. Okay – she gave the full name of the guy, and a lot of detail, otherwise.
    And, now, I am giving a warning for harassing a woman who I asked not to write to me again – because she decided to report me, for asking her twice and telling her if she wrote to me again I would report her. I got a warning for that.
    They said my journals were also harassing the group, even though I only stated the truth of what they wrote to me, and I said, repeatedly, that I am not interested in fighting, and it is not just that group – but, I am saying that groups should post the rules they actually want people to follow.
    So, I am not allowed to ask why, or talk about my life, or ask for help when someone is attacking me. It’s just utter shite.
    I just don’t want to talk about it, to anyone else, or in a public setting, because I don’t want them to delete me before I get everything saved. You know?
    Otherwise, when it comes to you and a few select other, wonderful people, I would very much like to stay. But, I gave it a fair go, after the last time I had that sort of trouble, regarding Karen and Valzart and me getting in trouble for being attacked by them, and .. I am not going to be thrown off Red Bubble for being attacked and reported by my attacker, which is what would happen next time. That’s just too much to take. I was thrown off Deviant Art, for being interesting to a Scotsman, and popular with some people, and because a print manager was pissed about both those things.
    I don’t want to be controversial, or deal with people who are .. whatever they are. I just want somewhere I can be comfortable and I can post my art, etc. without fear of extremely random censure.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • okay, i changed the password, so, for now it’s Arletta (log in name) and 33333333 is the password Nice and simple to remember: 3 (8 times)
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • OK, so far I have downloaded all of your written works.
    I can send them to you as an .EXE file which you can run to extract all of your written works – just let me know an email address…..
    I am working on the journals – do you want them to? I’ll need to do a little bit of work to make the journals come down so if you don’t want them, I wont bother – but if you do, I will.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Yes, if it can be done, I definitely want the journals, too! If I could, I’d even save the comments, because I am a packrat, but, I already deleted a lot of those.
    Thank you very much! Just in case I misspelled that it is let the wild rumps start @
    I am semi-considering, maybe a bit later on, making a new profile here and starting over, just adding the people I really know and like, and the few groups that have definitely been cool, and going from there. But, I need a break from the madness.
    Not from you, though.
    Hey, so, you are bi-polar, right? And you are Chris? What’s with that? The guy I was telling you about, who has disappeared, is also a Chris. lol
    Anyway, I go to bed. Goodnight!
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • so did you just reply to me? I should have asked for a code word LOL. like bubblebutt or something…
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • I did reply to you, yes. I said it was you.. I meant, me lol
    By the way, if you still need work, go check out about being a guide. I am not sure if they hire people from any old country, or just a specific one, or what, but, they are hiring and it looks pretty easy. No idea what the pay is, yet, either, come to think of it. Anyway, I just got signed up and have been watching the videos for it. I like doing research, so it might be very good for me. And, I read about it in a magazine that has a little article on legitimate “at home” work from time to time.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • I just got a bit sick of working on stuff for others’ benefit and then getting single-digit views. There’s no point. I am seriously thinking of moving my stuff to my blog where the lack of interest can be taken as people just not finding it :-/
    I’m off for a couple of days. When I get back I’ll decide what I’m going to do. I’ll keep my photos here anyway.
    thanks for all the work-from-home links. Will check them out properly when I finish my two days holiday…..
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Nope! If you leave, I will bite you! I really, really will. I just posted something of yours on Stumble Upon for goodness sakes Stay, stay, stay
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • Against such a threat I am a) tempted to leave and b) tempted to stay. So I tossed my double headed coin, called TAILS and so lost the toss. So I’ll stay :-) At least for a while. Maybe I’ll give it all six months or so LOL
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • lol lol Weirdo! I’m glad you’ll stay.
    almost 2 years ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • I have not changed my password, so , if you have the time, I’d like you to log on and read the emails between myself and Jason D. Laderoude, I believe is his name. They should be up at the top. Though, I wouldn’t suggest more than skimming through his, as I couldn’t!
    That way, when you read my journal post, the latest one, you’ll know who I’m talking about.
    Though, this is always a dilemma, as sometimes that odd feeling of “Just don’t” when going to contact someone is more about time, or illness, or whatever. Or, even just PTSD from former contactings of people.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • I tried logging on but it wouldn’t let me. I double checked the pw and the logon name. SO I’m confused.
    On the other hand, having read your journal, it seems to me that we live in a world of projectors – all projecting images onto each other, which is bad enough, but then getting cross because we don’t like the results.
    We project the image of a saint on a popstar – then hate him because he does something against that image. We project images on people we don’t even know – and then disliking the result. We know a person is ‘too fixed’ in their beliefs – but that’s the image we have projected on them. We know that a person is an intellectual willo-the-wisp (i.e. changes every second) but again, that’s the image we have projected. Yet we never see it as our own doing, and so blame the person or think ill of them.
    I am what I am – and most of that is my self-projection. When others project their own images on me – only to then criticise me, I am learning to smile knowingly and say ‘perhaps the world is not as simple as you seem to think’ and move on. Because it isn’t as simple as they think. Or as I think.
    Artists are at least as guilty of this as others – perhaps more so. Their often unique insight into new ways of looking at things can often be mistaken for the ‘right way’ of looking at things.
    My usual way of dealing with people who seem to be criticising me is to respond with something like ‘thank you for bringing this to my attention. I shall give your views some thought. Of course, we all think and see things differently, and that sometimes makes enemies of friends or friends of enemies, but at the end of the day any criticism, well or ill-meaning, can only open up new lines of thought.’
    I never (well, hardly ever) get caught up in an emotional reply. It’s always like throwing paraffin on a fire LOL
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Whoops! I guess I did change it back. Well, now, it is back to the one you know.
    I’m not asking for someone to take sides, by the way; I just want someone to share it with, is all, and it’s neither big and bad enough or appropriate to post all over a journal. It’s just a rather long and involved bout of miscommunication, and, perhaps, some utter lunacy.
    Not utter lunacy based on his beliefs, but … well .. more the over the top way of expressing himself and getting really both offensive and defensive, at the same time. It’s really kind of amazing.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • I’ll check it out …
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • Hmmm…… Where did ‘slander’ come from? It’s almost as though he has jumped a track or something….. I am tempted to believe that there is a language issue or two here which might have been easily resolved in person, but in (b)mail is totally inexplicable.
    Leave it all as it is.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • I don’t know where it came from . The first time he said it, I kind of assumed he was just expressing a general desire not to argue; but, that quickly went out the window lol I am leaving it – it is left.
    He wouldn’t even be fun to tell the truth about, much less slander. That’s the sort of person who would burn someone at the stake or heckle their funeral, I am fairly certain. Maybe both!
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • I tell you the same thing I just told my sister and daughter:
    “This is the sort of thing that makes me want to fly into a rage, or cry, or spew all over the world
    It’s not that she wrote it, it’s that people call it good writing, and she is constantly and consistently praised for this kind of thing, where I can’t even get anyone to read anything I wrote.
    It’s not jealousy, just disgust."
    This is who, and what, I told them that about:
    Well, I can’t give you a link, because, for some reason it only says www.
    It was linaji On My Way To Paradise though
    To me, this is some of the worst writing I have ever encountered in my life! I couldn’t even work my
    way through it all, as I was in danger of developing the dry heaves.
    It’s so bad, I was longing for someone’s dimples to fill up with something, just to break the monotony.
    You know?
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • I read it.
    garbage imho.
    possibly very meaningful to her.
    not to me.
    frustrating huh? when we write stuff we think is good and we can’t get people to even look at it.
    I find that so upseting.
    I spend hours on something, post it up and get 3 views.
    makes me want to shut down my presence here completely.
    I am mostlly posting writing to Jaja Toff now. I have (finally) uploaded my infrared book on Geelong and ordered a print. took a lot of work but finally managed to upload. I am using that as a pen name.
    I am going to force myself to post every friday.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Cool! I actually have a blog there, but, I continually forget what it is, or to log in, or etc. I meant to.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • This , by the way, is my daughter’s succinct review of that one piece:
    I’m not even going to finish reading it, because it goes on forever, not even making sense.
    I..hate it.
    lol She does not pull many punches. My sister just said she couldn’t finish reading it, because it was atrocious .
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Okay, I found mine It says “overflowing” So, I am following you, now, from there. Feel free to follow me, as well, and maybe I’ll even post something for you to follow.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • I have begun my social experiment I found one of my digital paintings that has been on here since October of 2008 and had 38 views, 8 comments, 1 favoriting. So, I downloaded it and uploaded it to the other account and I shall see if it gets any better of a response.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Haha Here is what else my sister said – some of which I didn’t even consider as a possibility, not really; but, it could be quite true, any or all of it.
    “Well, you can be pretty sure that folks who like her kind of crap are saying they like it because they confuse random words with deep thought and they are just pretentious like that. Your stuff is elegant, elaborate, funny and emotional. Maybe she just has all her pretentious friends following her. Maybe she is signing in under many names and giving herself good comments.”
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • I honestly do think people often read stuff into crap. It’s a bit like abstract painting – people paint their own perceptions on it and think the artist is brilliant. Which is not to say that all abstract painting is crap, just that it is an area where this argument often can be seen.
    I believe that redbubble success stories are primarily driven by networking. i.e. having your large group of friends comment etc on your work. ditto with stuff like youtube. If you don’t have a large network of supportive friends then the sites never elevate you to (perceived) greatness.
    All of my non-redbubble friends are NOT the types to come here and comment. So my network is small.
    In theory people will surf by and comment (or buy) but generally, it’s statistically impossible because there are trillions of pieces online and the chance of someone hitting any one piece of art is equivalent to winning the national lottery. twice. in subsequent weeks.
    Greatness is not found in the masses.
    Wisdom is not found in the masses.
    These things are mostly passed by in pursuit of the trivial, the trite and the tripe.
    (tripe: stomach lining cooked and eaten with relish by some Scots but held in especially low regard by every one else).
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Hello By the way, that guy still appears not to suck! I’ve read a couple of his things, and I liked them.
    So, I sent you an invitation to an MSN group, yesterday. Something like “Serious Writers Only” Or, if you like, we could apply to do it on Red Bubble, instead, just so there are less sites to fiddle with.
    Just, I want a place where you will post your work and I will post my work, and we can critique the hell out of it. Maybe let a few other people in, but, that’s it. Very exclusive and very much about working, and reworking, the writing until it is ready for publishing.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • I accepted the invite. it sounds good. I think it would be very good for us.
    I am kinda losing focus with RB. Too many people get too many hits while I get too few – sour grapes? Maybe. Maybe I stink and they dont. But honestly, putting aside negative and positive ego, I don’t think I stink that much. Cliches and networks of friends and people who post because you posted etc…… which is not what I’m into.
    Just sold another t though. so thats good :-)
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Yes. I don’t think I’m going to have anything to vote about, but, I will certainly vote for yours when it’s open .. remind me in three days!
    I’m glad you accepted. I don’t know if Augles, aka: the other Christopher, will or not. Can’t say I much care, at this point. I just want a work group where honest work takes place, to benefit us all.
    And, you know, if we ever collaborate, it would be a good place to discuss such things, too.
    In fact, maybe I should invite grabaleg as we are, allegedly, collaborating on a book.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • Darn it! You didn’t remind me and I didn’t remember! I’m so sorry.
    That Xandrix .. Xandrik .. whatever his name is, really went off on me this morning. Kept sending me emails apologizing while getting all argumentative on the comments . Then, he tells me that I am the one trying to argue. Wow!
    He’s all upset over what I personally -being the upstanding Catholic that I am , you know – have done to the Celts and the pagans.
    Too bad, as I really do like his artwork, but, now he’s all “never speak to me again!” when the last thing I had said to him was to take writing as writing, not as an invitation for debate, and then a good lot of agreeing with him on certain issues of Catholic versus Celt and pagan history.
    I really didn’t need this today. I am so ill.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • lightsmith
  • If its the person I suspect then I think he has some problems with his life atm.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • lol If you have read my latest writing post, you couldn’t help but know who it is.
    He apologized several times, then started in again; but, the last thing I heard was an apology and that he was done, live and let live, or something like that.
    over 1 year ago | Delete
  • Arletta
  • (sigh) I posted another comment on your writing, explaining what I meant by tightening up. While I was there, I saw some comments from that Xandrik (sp?) about me and directly to me (one of them) It was really hard, but, I refrained from saying anything snippety to him then and there.
    I did write to him about it, though. Basically, the gist of it was that 1) you and I both like constructive criticism and give it to each other and 2) Don’t drag you into the middle of his not liking me; but, comments should be about the work and to the person who did it.
    I’m really sorry it happened; though, I did not, in any way, cause it. That’s the first I heard from him, since that one little outburst of his, a week or two ago, on one of my writing posts.
    over 1 year ago | Delete

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