Monday, September 26, 2011

So, she ...

Written solely to take my mind off things a bit. Some of you know what things, and some of you don’t. Live with it! (grin)
The intent is feminine, and the feminine is very intent. Live with that, too. It’s all about feeling.
At 8:10 am, on July 7, 2009 I found out this has been (is being) featured in Feminine Intent; as witnessed by the notice on my comments that says so!

So, she ...

.. folded up the scrap, into another paper dragon, and left it on the windowsill, to mark her passing. The intention had been to write out a phone number, maybe some cute little note to capture his imagination.
Ever since she first laid eyes on him, most of her thoughts, when they were coherent enough to be called thoughts, were centered upon finding ways to capture his imagination, his attention, his glances, his lips, the feel of his back against the palm of her hand …
There she went again, day dreaming, instead of getting on with the practicalities of wooing him beyond this strange fringe of friendship they tarried on. They were not buddies, for buddies do not smolder within each other’s glances, but, they were not lovers.
Before she had the cap off the pen, she spotted it, the show stopper, the deal breaker, a.k.a. the pair of devil red lacy underpants which peeped, rather timidly despite their coloring, from underneath his sofa.
“Hello.” she said to the panties. “What are you doing there? And, don’t try to pretend you’re mine, as I never did enjoy that pattern of lace on you.”
The panties gave no reply. It was not needed, for they had already spoken volumes.
“I can’t say I’m pleased to make your acquaintance,” she told them, “which makes me sad in a way; but, I’m sure you’ll understand.” She paused, as if waiting for an answer. In truth, it was really the swirling in her brain to cease and desist; that is what she paused for, hoping reality would catch up with her again, and take her off this crazy thing.
“Jane! Stop this crazy thing! Jane!” George Jetson screamed into her mind. Whenever she thought of his predicament, on most days, she felt very sorry for the man. Not so today, as she felt as almost beside herself as she felt beside him.
“See here, now, panties!” she chided. “This is the deal, you see: he was mine before you came along. At least, I wanted him to be mine and I thought he might be interested in that idea, as well, and we could be each others. Now, however, unless he swoops into the room and announces his fetish for red lace underthings upon his own nether regions, I have no choice but to presume that some female person left you in her wake.”
The panties thought she presumed too much, and should have made an assumption, instead; but, they kept their own counsel and let her go on as she would. They’d been in this situation before, and found it best for all if they lay quietly and let the woman have her tirade.
A tirade was exactly what the woman did have, for it was not ugly enough to be a conniption, nor was it full of fists and curses enough to be considered a tantrum. It was a tirade, full and strong, though; complete with a flying vase and a c0-mingled prayer for help/oath to tear out his teeth. The panties were impressed, both by the strength and the short duration of the episode.
The man, coming back from the bathroom, looked bewildered. He did not see the panties, which left them feeling a little miffed as they were quite sure they had been selected specifically to catch his eye. He did not even see the vase, or rather the pieces of what used to be the vase, where it lay about the carpet. All he saw was the woman, and what he saw filled him with so many different emotions at once that he was unable to look away, much less protect himself from the onslaught which threatened, potentially, to rain down upon him, body and soul.
“Valkyrie!” thought he. Here was raging beauty, danger, wrapped up in this dainty being that he wanted, somehow, to protect, even now. Here was rain and fire, hot and cold, love and hate. He was astounded.
She had considered killing him. A quick karate chop right in the middle of his forehead, which would split brain and skull in two, she imagined, would do the trick nicely. Though, she had also considered throwing him down to the floor and proving that she could do it better, whatever it had actually been and however it was best done. It was only a few seconds, but, she had considered those and much else.
Then she gathered up her dignity, which was lightly shredded and faintly reminiscent of goth wear now, and wrapped it around her emotions, like the cloak it was. Then, she remembered, how she had once told him the story, back when all they did was have coffee together, of how she had learned origami in art class in Elementary school; and, how, all the way until she graduated high school, she always left something with each goodbye, a little dragon, to be remembered. It didn’t matter if it was for a funeral of a beloved pet, or her grandmother moving far away, or to say goodbye to the school when she was finally done with it. Whatever the occasion, whomever the love was for, everyone received a dragon,equally.
So, …


  • FlowersEtc
    FlowersEtcover 2 years ago
    Wonderfully written. Great imagination and creativity in this. I loved it.
  • Thank you, most kindly.
     – Arletta
  • lightsmith
    lightsmithover 2 years ago
    A brilliant piece of work. Absolutely brilliant. I love the feel, the grip, the word play.
    (oh, and the panties WERE his weren’t they!)
  • I could give you that information, but, you’d have to marry me first. I see complications arising, and methinks your wife would karate chop my forehead in two lol Best to keep the origin of devil red panties a secret, then!
    Seriously, thank you very much!
     – Arletta
  • lightsmith
    lightsmithover 2 years ago
    I’d marry you today if a) my wife would let me, b) we were in the same hemisphere of the world and c) you’d have me ….. oh and d) you didn’t make me wear frilly red panties…..
  • hmm .. well, I could move and talk to your wife, so, those bits might work; but, I’m afraid d) is non-negotiable lol
    I’d settle for writing something together, however; which would put us in far less danger of either karate chopping women or lacy panties descending to seal our doom lol
    Haha.. descending .. i didn’t mean it that way, but, it works! lol
     – Arletta
  • Carol Berliner
    Carol Berlinerover 2 years ago
  • Wow! Thank you. You are often succinct, but, bold in your comments.
     – Arletta
  • fleethigh1
    fleethigh1over 2 years ago
    Wow! I have to say, baby sister, that this may be the best thing you have written yet. I could feel it.
  • (grin)
     – Arletta
  • RFSoolook
    RFSoolookover 2 years ago
    I love your work! I’m such a big fan of yours and am totally jealous that you stole my powers when you had the nerve to be born on MY birthday. grin
  • pshaw Mom was just telling me about some Star Trek parody you wrote, or something. And, I remember the dragon story. Okay, I don’t! But, I remember that it was written and that I wish I remembered it!
     – Arletta
  • RFSoolook
    RFSoolookover 2 years ago
    By the way, someone explain to me why my baby sister is not making a real good living writing.
  • grarbaleg
    grarbalegover 2 years ago
    Your baby sister
    should be
    will be
    again you take me out of or rather into another world
    where contempt
    brings content
    it flows Arletta
    as always
    with out swearing
    and screaming
    and shouting abuse
    you let out the agnst
    As always much abundance to you
  • Thank you, Ma’am. You are too kind.
     – Arletta
  • linaji
    linajiabout 2 years ago
  • Woo hoo Now I do feel special Also, I like this little image for the group!
     – Arletta
    BLYTHARTalmost 2 years ago
    Hmmmm … talking panties (or knickers as we Brits call them) … have you taken out a patent on them yet … they could make you into a millionaire :) I can imagine the things they’d say: “Ow … help me … I have a twenty-stone woman sitting on me.”
  • For all I know, I am a 20 Stone woman (the weight system confuses me) and I assure you, when I sit on my panties, they are extremely happy. So is anything or anyone else I ever have sat on. I know, as many of them smiled, at the time!
     – Arletta
  • raymondoantonio
    raymondoantonioalmost 2 years ago
  • Thank you! Now I like you even better, which is not easy to do as I had developed a great fondness for you, already! Still, nice comments about my writing will get you a lot of returned admiration.
    – Arletta
    BLYTHARTalmost 2 years ago
    Ha-ha … I wouldn’t imagine you are anywhere near twenty stone or anyone you sat on would have been squashed :) 20 stone is 280 lb. or 127 kg. Your writings are very creative and original by the way.
  • Thank you (for the bit about my writing, that is lol) Okay, what is 18 stone? Someone said something to me about 18 stone being their limit for women and I had no idea what they meant.
     – Arletta
    BLYTHARTalmost 2 years ago
    Unless I am wrong, I think we Brits are the only ones left who still use stones as a measure of weight. A stone is 14lbs (pounds) so 18 stone would be … 252 pounds … assuming your pounds weigh the same as ours. We are supposed to use kilos, etc. but many of us still use the old-fashioned measures. We also sometimes use feet and inches instead of centimetres … or as well as, which really complicates things.
  • Uhm .. as far as I know, everyone does that ?? I mean, I wouldn’t use a centimeter if it came up and bit me, unless I absolutely had to Nor would I use a kilo, though I have some vague knowledge of liters (litres) due to being annoyed by the soda industry. They jumped on that change, because it saved them a lot of money. If there is one thing 1984 taught me, though, it’s that when an old man can’t sit in a bar and ask for a pint, the world is in trouble!
    I guess that’s pretty open-minded of him, then, having 18 stone as the upper limit. Though everything is relative. By that I mean that people have different sized bones, muscle mass, etc. I’m basically the same size around as many women I know who weigh 145 – 185 lbs. But, last I checked, I weighed 296 lbs. I have stupendously large bones and great natural muscle mass, though.
    Most women I’ve met that weigh this much have bellies down to their knees, and can’t barely move, and wear size 36 or something like that. I wear a size 16/18, or X-large.
    And, no, no one ever got squashed flat or complained about my performance, otherwise. Though, I don’t lead that sort of life, now, by choice.
     – Arletta
    BLYTHARTalmost 2 years ago
    When the metric system was introduced here, a fruit-seller in a nearby city refused to convert his weighing scales and still sold fruit by the pound. He was taken to court. They used him as a test case. Poor chap died not so long ago; the stress won’t have helped. Despite all the drama, people here still don’t like the metric system, but being part of Europe we have to obey. You may notice that when I show measurements of my drawings it is often in inches. Ironically, I usually measure in centimetres … we Brits are all confused since metrification. Same with money. When I was a boy, we had halfpennies, threepenny-bits, sixpenny pieces, shillings, florins, half-crowns, ten shilling notes (paper) and pound notes (paper). Now though, we have one pence coins, two pence coins, five pence coins and pound coins and two-pound coins. Lowest paper money is five pounds … not so interesting. When I was born (1950) the farthing was still legal tender.
  • Arletta
    Arlettaalmost 2 years ago
    What about the Euro?
    Yes, when I was a young girl, they rammed the metric system down our throats, with a mighty ramming, and told us all about how much better it is – and, eventually, we conceded the point, that for auto mechanics, factories that want to squeeze out every last penny of profit possible, and scientists, the metric system is lovely.
    However, I am none of those things and have no intention of starting to be. So .. mm .. no I can sort of squeeze by. Like, if you must know how many centimeters a painting is, I think I have a tape measure that will tell me; but, the main answer is "However many will fit in a 16 " x 20" painting."
    Let me tell you, the years of being forced to learn the metric system were the worst years of school… God I hated it, and I was so glad when they basically pronounced all Americans ugly, backwards oafs who were incapable of learning the metric system and told us we’d probably lose trade with everyone else if we continued to refuse to learn. I was like “They have nothing I want. I just want not to learn the metric system!” And then I didn’t.
    And, seriously, it was that bad when they were teaching us it . We had to keep checking for swastikas and hammers and sickles on flags, to make sure we hadn’t been taking over by one of those sorts of countries.
    They told us that the metric system was vitally important for cooks. We pointed out to them that it would do us no good to know that we needed this many milliliters of anything, since we had measuring CUPS, not measuring litres; and, also, that a lot of cooking is a pinch of this, a dash of that, and that is not a scientific measurement. Cooking is not science, it is art. People argue this point, but, those are people who do not realize that measuring out canvas and mixing paint takes a small degree of scientific accuracy. rahahahahha
    They told us we had to learn the metric system to do trade with Europeans and the rest of the world (and we told them that when the rest of the world wants us, they’ll remember how to measure things the good, old fashioned way), and for visiting. “Because,” a teacher said to me “what will you do if you need to fill up your gas tank and figure out how many litres it will take you to get to some place that is 100 kilometers away, if you don’t understand liters or kilometres?” And, I told him that I would 1) Be walking, assume miles, then be pleasantly surprised and arrive early 2) Be driving an American car, fill the darned thing up and assume miles, then be pleasantly surprised when I arrived early and had more gas than I had hoped to or 3) drive a European car, and assume gallons and miles, and since that is what the cars will be built for, it will work out relatively well in translation. “Oh,” he said “I hadn’t thought of that. Well, then, let’s move on to Social Studies, shall we?”
    In summation: I bloody well hate the metric system. Though, I can deal with litres to some extent, because I know there are approximately 64 oz in a 2 litre bottle. I can’t remember if it’s .5, .75 or what, but, I know it’s more than 64 and less than 65, and that there are 8 oz in a cup, so there you go – I can use those as references and sort most things of that nature out.

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