Sunday, September 25, 2011

It is said ...

Sort of a freestyle ramble, partially inspired by Ken’s recent announcement of a piece about the house of prayer being under attack having been featured.
Houses of prayer are always under attack, with words if not with swords. People tear each other down, so that they can stand on the rubble and call it a holy mountain.
There is nothing holy about it, though. If it were holy, it would be built on teachings, not on destruction.

It is said ...

It is said, before you can know a man, you must walk a mile in his shoes
I say, before you can judge a man’s religion you must slip off your shoes, and enter in .. to his house, to his temple, to his church building, mosque, synagogue, or Kingdom Hall.
If not literally, at least figuratively.
I mean, seriously, would you want to be judged based on what your enemies say of you? Do you hate your children, because someone at their school called them a dweeb? Are your feelings, thoughts, ideas, and beliefs so ephemeral, so flighty, that they waver at every slightest breeze of hot breath of opinion that spills from another’s mouth?
Can you learn how to operate a V.C.R. without it meaning that you are disloyal to your toaster?
Extrapolate data, test theories, question beliefs – your own, theirs, everyone’s. If you do not understand why something does not seem to make sense, demand answer. Yes, even from God demand answer. Scream to the heaven that you do not understand, that if God wants you to follow him, you need to understand so he better show you what makes sense.
Want it! Take a bite out of information and feel it melt upon your tongue, slide down your throat, and lodge itself in your heart and spleen, like courage .. like love.
Why does this man believe what he believes? What does he believe? Is it harmful and to whom? Should you cower against the wall when he passes by, or invite him to dinner? Is he the enemy? Or, is he a misguided creation, as, to some extent, are we all, and nothing more sinister than that. Does he rebel against God? Does he rebel against Man?
Look into his eyes, slip into his shoes, wriggle your toes around and get the feel of his soul, and listen .. .that’s what ears are for. Question . .that’s what mouths are for. Think .. that’s what brains are for. Love .. that’s what hearts are for.
We are all a reflection of God. Some reflections are distorted through abuse, misuse, shoddy building materials that went into the making of the mirror, but, all are reflections, all the same. We are all one Race, from one Creator. There is no “us” to be against “them” in Man, because we are all Man. There is one “us” and we are “them”.
Are you an atheist? Then one of us is an atheist. Are you a jew? Then one of us is a Jew. Are you a homosexual? Then one of us is a homosexual. Are you a cold blooded killer? Then one of us is a cold blooded killer. And, we are all responsible to seek out how to live in the way that is right, to upbuild each other, and to help heal those who are distorted.
Firstly, we are responsible to heal ourselves. Do not embrace what you know is wrong, even if it is the easiest path. This does you damage. If you feel inadequate, then you are inadequate. Though, it may only be because you believe that you are. Seek your strength and rely on God to help you use it wisely. Seek your weakness, and rely on God to be your shield. Only when you are strong and well protected can you stand in the mad battle of life as a protector for those who have yet to learn to stand on their own two feet at all.
And, then, you must heal others, upbuild others – which can never be done by force. Do not lie, do not judge as worth more or less than others. Remember that you had weaknesses, too; and, help them find their strengths, so that, one day, they, too, are strong enough to face their weaknesses and overcome them.


  • eon .
    eon .almost 2 years ago
    Im a Universalist. It’s there so I belive in it.
    its all the Church and every day its different. Thats the way God planned it " – ))
  • Hmm .. a universe cannot be a church, as it is one thing – and therefore does not congregate, and a church is the congregation of persons. So, therefore you have to take off your pants and marry me. Though, not necessarily in that order.
    Or, we could just go out for coffee.
    Though, it does encompass all the church, in truth… unless there is another Universe .. or Heaven is outside of the Universe, proper. Hmmm…
     – Arletta
  • kenspics
    kenspicsalmost 2 years ago
    Excellent commentary Arletta , with some very profound and insightful comments on who we are, who we could be if we allowed ourselves to be that person, and how we must all strive to be more tolerant of the differences in others.. for WE are different in their eyes as well.
    Faith in and reliance on God is the “answer” to so many of our difficulties.. even if we must scream or pray or ask or shout to Him for understanding …and are willing not only to WAIT for an answer but to ACT upon the answer when it is received… though we may not fully even understand that answer at the time.
    Words fail me to say more.. except to thank you for writing this!!!!!
  • Thank you for reading it, Ken. I’m sure it’s got flaws, because it really was just a free style ramble from a woman with a headache, but, sounds like it was understood fairly well so it must not be too bad lol
    And, yes, I agree: wait for the answer and then act upon it. Very hard to do, at times, but, ever so rewarding when one manages to do so.
     – Arletta
  • grarbaleg
    grarbalegalmost 2 years ago
    Some reflections are distorted through abuse, misuse, shoddy building materials that went into the making of the mirror, but, all are reflections, all the same.
  • Thank you!
     – Arletta
  • Mark Ramstead
    Mark Ramsteadalmost 2 years ago
    People are not always the same. Good people do bad things, bad people do good. We don’t all do as well, we have varying degrees of luck, we are incredibly varied in our abilities and intelligence. Some people crack and screw up, others rise to the occasions that are handed to them. Children are either raised well ,abandoned or worse.
    I try not judge people, but just the same I get judged. I do not like everybody, and am surely not liked by everybody. It is very hard to claim to be “right” in this world and not be hypocrite.
  • No one is “right”, but, some people are more knowledgeable, kinder, more interested in trying to do what is right. And, you can claim to have done what is right, or be trying to do what is right, even though you know you have weaknesses and will, sometimes, fail.
    You don’t teach people because you are “right” – you teach people because you believe God is right. Well, or Buddha or whomever. That’s sort of my point ..
    A man is a man. Unless he has openly, with knowledge, declared himself an enemy of God, that’s all he is, is a man. It is not up to us to judge whether he is a right man or a wrong man, or to what degree. It is up to us to figure out where the path is lain that leads to God, and then to follow it. And, if we find it, to put down some markers to help others find it, too.
    blah blah and blah I am super headachy
    People are all the same as in there is no such thing as a different race of Man. There are black men, yellow men, red men, white men, and various shades in between of men, and some of those men are women and some are children. We all have the same right to free will, to learn, to grow, to evolve in our own minds, to share the earth, to have dominion over animals but not over other men, etc. That’s what I mean by the same.
     – Arletta
  • raymondoantonio
    raymondoantonioalmost 2 years ago
  • Hmm .. if that’s what it sounds like I meant, I better rewrite it! lol I don’t believe in that hypothesis that all paths lead to the same place. It’s just .. you know, believing that what you do for worship (or decide not to do) is the correct path, in no way gives you license to make other people’s lives miserable. That’s mostly all what I meant.
    To many people tear other people down, spread lies about them, deny them basic dignity, because they believe the people are wrong; but, there is nothing in any major religion that says this is the way people should be. And, as for people who don’t have a religion, or whose religion is science, or etc. who do not believe in resurrection or rebirth or etc. they certainly do not, as a group, believe lives should be wasted in making people miserable.
    Yet, all the same, it happens; usually out of fear and greed, and by people who don’t even understand the religion (or lifestyle) they claim to adhere to, much less those that they openly ridicule (or worse).
     – Arletta
  • raymondoantonio
    raymondoantonioalmost 2 years ago
  • That’s so true. Like that one family (sigh) who don’t seem to get that Jesus spent time talking to a woman whose people worshipped in ways that were not prescribed, and whom was living with a man she was not married to and who had been married more times than is allowed per the traditions of either the religious group he was raised by or the one she was raised by, and no where in their conversation did he insult her, threaten her with hell, belittle her, or chuck a rock at her. That conversation was written down for a reason – and as people who call themselves Christians, they are supposed to be learning by those examples.
    Ever read any translation of the Holy Scripture, wherein Jesus heckled a funeral, laughed at the people whose son died, and told them it’s what the boy deserved for being a practitioner of vile sexual conduct? I haven’t! Therefore, Christians should not behave that way.
     – Arletta

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