- I may pull it down….. not sure yet. Because:I actually think both your opinions here are valid.Xadrik has very correctly identified the style and feel that I was aiming for which, in a piece literally on its first write, is reassuring. I really want that giggly perhaps almost school-boyish psuedo history feel of the Hitch Hikers Guide to the Galaxy.But you have shown that it is still too ‘everywhere’. HHGTTG may FEEL light and all-about-the-place, but it’s not – it’s cohesive and it’s tight (it just doesn’t feel like that to read it). So I know I need to work more on it and concentrate on the tightening – as you said – while keeping the ‘feel’So (have I used that word yet LOL) I find that I need both of you to progress this piece into the place it needs to be.I am looking at rewrite#1 in which case I may replace this one (rather than doing what I did with the other versioned story). We’ll see.In the meantime, don’t worry about Xadrik. As is often the case, in written text (or pixels in this case) things don’t always emerge with necessarily the same meaning as original intent.:-)
- This is the point where I grimace at you and spit in your general direction.He has just written me seven excruciatingly insulting emails. So, yes, I just will worry about a man who started out flaming my writing because he does not agree with my religious beliefs, and who has taken to trying to provoke arguments on other people’s work.And, trust me, that is the way he meant it!Otherwise, tell me this: What exactly was he disagreeing with me about? Did I say “This is not satire?” Did I say “For a completely factual bit of writing, this utterly sucked?” No, I did not.I never said it was not satire, because I was absolutely, positively 100 percent aware that it was meant to have that Hitchhiker’s Guide quality and you got it, bang on. That you got the feel right, does not mean that every last word was in place right.And, while he was telling you how he disagrees with me on your writing, did he happen to mention that he thinks all the words are dead-on in place, and that all your punctuation is correct, and your grammar is perfect, no words are misspelled, and you do not need any editing whatsoever?Do you see my point at all? That he was implying that I said something that I did not , or that I failed to see something that I very much did see?Then, as I say, he wrote me seven nasty little emails. Which is the same kind of thing he did after he flamed my writing.So, yes, I am very, very upset. He’s freaking me out, acting like some bloody stalker.
- and, by the way, the grimace and spitting was about you telling me we both had valid points, and then telling me not to worry about him.May as well worry – the damage has already been done, or you’d know that his point hadn’t been valid in the first place, since I never once questioned your ability to write satire.I may as well leave Red Bubble, now. You’re about the only one who is at all .. anything .. unstressful … and that’s all gone now. .. and you never read my stuff anymore .. well, hardly … and I can’t say anything about yours anymore.. so no point.
- And, yes, some of that was just stupid self pity.I hate this shite. I hate being ignored. I hate being paid attention to, if it’s only by people who want to argue.I happen to like the man’s artwork and I could give a flying fig less if he agrees with me. I just don’t want arguments over it. I don’t post my work to offend people, for goodness sake, and I don’t know why he thinks I was asking for an argument in the first place.I hate it, hate it, hate it. But, you know .. him continually calling me a hypocrite .. is not entirely conducive to any other emotion than hating it.Plus, someone wrote this very hateful poem about Satan. It was hateful towards God. So, I told them I am taking them off my watchlist. I mean, that was the straw that broke the camel’s back, because they are always posting very sexual, spiteful, making fun of people sort of things. I could sort of ignore them, though. Only, it got to where there was nothing they were posting that I could even comment on at all, so no point in me having them on my watchlist.The thing is, I told them that it had nothing to do with their talent, I think they are very talented, and that it was a matter of there being nothing I could say by way of comment on their work . And, they took it as some major insult.People are so frigging weird.And, I just need someone .. who doesn’t hate me .. or think I’m just this person to pay attention to when everyone good hasn’t posted in a while .. or … it’s not just Red Bubble. It’s everywhere.
- I did bmail him on the subject (of the posts). He did say in his bmail back that he meant nothing critical to you as such – I think he was essentially reacting in a manner in which he was almost acting as a protector to my work. I suspect that Xadrik’s life experiences have been such that criticism has always been directed to him as a tool for punishment (i.e. negative) and that he has less understanding (which is understandable) of it being for reasons of help.I explained, in my bmail, that the criticisms you posted were not negative but of the sort that will help me to develop my work in the manner that is needed. For example, that while I am trying for that easy flowing unthought-out manner of writing, it still needs to be the opposite (i.e. tight). It’s really like a magician’s trick – it looks casual but underlying that casual look are complex and structured layers. If I didn’t make that clear in my responses then I am at fault.Oddly, I don’t think my writing will ever develop properly without the input from two seemingly contradictory viewpoints such as yours and his – certainly my rewrite of this piece will be 100% better for the input you both have provided. I look to different people to provide me with different perspectives – in the wholly complex world we live in, there are 6 billion people with 6 billion and 1 opinions.Of course, getting bmails from people that are negative and critical and so on is not on my agenda. That I want to cease. For this to blow up will produce no winners but three losers (and I will be the Biggest Loser which is a bit of a joke except that I hate reality shows anyway).Therefore, I will suggest, as piggy in the middle LOL, that it is not worth responding to or initiating any correspondance with Xadrik. I will be advising him similarly – I do not want him sending you flammable emails of any variety.This piece, by the way, is very much part of a greater whole. In the HHGTTG they use the ‘book’ as a means of aside-like information. I don’t want to copy that but do want some similar method. Not sure what though, so I am still working on it. Normally they use other characters to contribute information of this variety but I would like something different….. don’t worry, just musing to myself.
- Yes, well, I had wrote and told him it wasn’t fair to put you in the middle before he went ballistic on me the last time.Now, kindly here this one point: Ready for it?We are not contradicting each other!I made comments to you. He said he disagreed with them.Nowhere in my comments was there any mention of him, or any contradiction with what he said.Nowhere in his comments, outside of stating that he disagrees with me, was there anything that contradicted with anything I said.This is not a two-sided argument. This is a very one-sided argument. I have not responded to his comments, nor will I respond to them. The fact that he reacted as if I did, and that the other person who commented seems to think I did, in no way changes the basic fact that YOU are the only person I addressed in those comments.Just because I commented, the second time, after he did, does not mean it has anything to do with him. I was coming back to further explain, and his comments happened to be there. I ignored them and explained, anyway. END OF STORY.With my story, I am thinking of making a whole set of books that explain background to the stories and all that, and making mention of them, within the more regular story as something that some fruttering scholar or another wrote.Not sure if I will do that, or no, though.
- PS: I think he was reacting in a manner that was as a protector of your work, too.That’s why I wrote to him and explained that we both give each other constructive criticism and that it was in no way an insult towards your writing.That’s what prompted several hateful emails and me being called a hypocrite, again.I really need some good, jolly, happy go lucky, people with a sense of humor in my life. That’s what I need.
- Well, now I am just in a bitchy mood I so wanted to comment on this , confess to not understanding it and ask them if they could, please, explain it, line by line.To me it reads like “dog twaddle dog twaddle oh let me impress you with my mystical dog twaddle dog twaddle” and I don’t mean because I have different beliefs than this person. I mean because it doesn’t coalesce into something that I can interpret as any particular belief or statement at all.
- “Transported there to here during
A waking breath
Riding the teleportation glitch
Burgundy carriage
Neuron re arrangement”Well, burgandy carriage reminds me of old trains we used to have – red rattlers we called them. They definitely rearranged neurons!The rest reminds me of one of my first computer programs. It generated poetry randomly from various words and phrases…..
- I could understand “transported there to here during a waking breath” Then, the teleportation glitch gets right in the way.I think, maybe, it’s about reincarnation .. but, I think, yes, mostly, it reminds me of random poetry generation.
- My latest (weekly) post on my Blog site – one of them anyway.Having recently written about the end of the world (which didn’t happen but did cause calendar maker redundancies) and just finished watching a 1970s sit-com called SYKES about the end of the world (which also didn’t happen) I suddenly felt inspired.No revisions on this one – at least not unless I bung it in a book or something. It’s a throw it out there and see who bites sort of thing. probably no one is reading that blog anyway but you never know.
- btw. I hope you are feeling better soon. being sick is not one of life’s joys (except for hypochondriacs) relax, rest and read entertaining stories.
- I need your opinion.is this stuff good or bad? I am going into competition with people of this ‘callibre’ in a week and I need to know if I have got it so upside-down-inside-out in thinking what I think about this bunch…..
- Okay, well, I had to stop watching, if that tells you anything. I skipped through the blonde who was having some dinner party, after a while of her rambling on, and heard that someone is in a star at the edge of Federation space, moving on quickly to something about the wild bunch with a guitar and I just couldn’t go on, anymore.Some of them might be good, if I could understand their garbling; and I did like that one guys rap, except he was too full of himself, but , it was cute.Mostly, I thought, they were the sort of thing that people often send to me and ask my opinion of and I can never give it as it doesn’t 100 percent suck, but, all the same, there is no substitute for real talent.In other words.. blechhh!However, that doesn’t mean one of the bastards doesn’t have an Uncle on the judging panel or something.
- Blechhh! is exactly what I thought. It’s like they just make up any combination of words with no consideration or rhyme or metre or prose or anything.‘I stuffed the cucumber of my excesses into the orange that wilts below your intensity’ – which no one said but which is the sort of crap they seem to spout. Your opinion gives me confidence because if I don’t get anywhere, it’s only going to be because I am not brain dead enough …..
- Exactly! Totally exactly!Although, I think “I stuffed the cucumber of my excesses into the orange that wilts below your intensity” is better than some of that, and might actually work lolYou couldn’t write bad with your cerebellum tied behind your back!
- I decided to risk it. I’ll probably go with ‘as the madness takes them’. It’s not total b*llsh*t but that way I’ll either win or lose. If I win – good. If I lose then it’s just because they are bigger b*llsh*t artists than me LOL
- lol You know, when I started posting to Poetry.com I sort of had the same attitude – like IF it is a real contest, well, I couldn’t take losing and seeing what I lost to, if I had really put forth major effort, so I jumped in just for fun. And, I figured if I lost, oh well, I hadn’t even tried, really, and my motivation was never to win. So, if I did win, ever, well, then, that would just mean I’d done really good while having fun. lol
- Happy with Chapter 1. For now. It’ll get reworked and there’s a few places where I need a couple of lines but it’s basically 99% ready for a re-read once the rest of the chapters are done.Still need a title……The Adventures of Captain Titanius Catknobbler?
The Starship Toothgroper?
The Space Race?
- Definitely not The Space Race Wait, are we talking about a title for the whole book, or just for the chapter? The Space Race might work for a chapter, the one explaining their social structure.I like the first one – it sounds slightly smarmy, yet official.
- For the book, really, the Captain Catknobbler thingy is best, methinks, out of the ones you proposed
- well, went, did my poem.the audience picked two winners.
the judges decided to pick three winners rather than two (which is the norm).need I say that I was none of the above?to fail is one thing, but when they go so far as to pick an extra winner and STILL not get anywhere with what I honestly think was a brilliant piece….. it’s the limit.I think i’ll remove all my writing from redbubble. seems like I have nothing to offer – a fact backed up by the number of views I get anyway. Time to get rid of the dream.
- FUCK the judges FUCK the viewers you don’t have FUCK that noiseI like your writing! That annoying Xadrik likes your writing. Those other people who comment like your writing.And, I know darned good and well that you do not think my writing is a waste of time and space, and yet I get far less comments and views on most of it than you do!So, bite me, Mr. Lightsmith! If you take off your writing, I will fly over and piss in your coffee cups. lol
- I mean it ! You must not remove your writing. Write for your pleasure, write for ours, and after it’s all nice and tight, publish it wildly .. but ,do not take it off Red Bubble, as it is one of the interesting, bright spots on this boring little siteYou made me cuss at you and now I have to go apologize to God for being smarmy! Leave the writing!
- Too late. its gone.Not deleted though – just invisible. I couldn’t bring myself to actually delete it.I am thoroughly depressed and demoralized. I would have hidden my art work too but the bulk-edit facility has disappeared and I haven’t the patience to wade through 29 pages at 20 pieces per page.I will definitely keep writing because I don’t really have any say in that – I have to write. Even if no-one in the entire world wanted to read it, I’d still HAVE to write. I’ll make sure – even if I don’t publish on redbubble any more – that you can at least read some of what I write.Its early days. Maybe I’ll calm down, cool down, and turn some back on. Maybe not. At the moment I feel betrayed (but not by you!).Know that I’ll make things available for you to see even if I do decide never to do the same for the world in general. tomorrow I might feel much better but today I just feel that the world has blown its last chance with me….Your support has always been wonderful and I am sure that the Lord will permit a few naughty words because without your support things would be very different here.
- I know the feeling.. I really, really know the feeling. The only time my writing has won anything, that I remember anyway, is when I rewrote something of someone else’s to help them out OR they stole my writing all the way.There was one really cool judge on here, on some group or another, and another mostly cool judge come to think of it. The first one got really pissed off at everyone for not following the rules of a contest and not voting for the few people who did follow the rules of the contest, and she wrote and told me that even though I only got one vote, that vote was hers, and she canceled the contest as she said I was the only one that followed the rules BESIDES that most of the other stuff was crap to begin with.The other one canceled the contest because no one read my work, and part of the contest was that you read and decide whose piece is better, and NONE of them read my work – only her.Otherwise .. I actually got told off by hosts of groups for writing too good and making other people look bad, and they were actively discouraging me from participating in their groups because of it. Seriously! And, the point of the groups was to learn how to write, to ask for critique, etc.
- If the whole contest today had been total crap then I’d have been pleased to fail.
But most of the entrants scored (by me) 4/5. But even those that scored 3/5 got placed!Naturally, I think I write well – often after a few rewrites of course. I don’t reckon that anyone even understood my piece. I think it was above them. But one piece was utter crap – the sort that a 10 year old might write – and the judges placed them in the finals.That sort of thing makes it personal to me. It says that the quality or the value of my work will never override the other factors. Factors such as one contestant was young and good looking even though her poem was lame. Or factors such as they obviously knew some of the other writers which means they had hidden agendas. I don’t know – maybe I was awful or something, but it didn’t feel that way. It’s like someone up there keeps saying ‘forget it, YOU are never going to get anywhere’ and so I just feel like saying fine, I’ll stop trying.Some of the best writers have had hundreds or even thousands of rejections. That used to cheer me up. But today I feel like just denying the world of any of my stuff since they obviously dont value either my writing or my self.I’ll send you stuff or place it where you can find it. For the moment, that’s as good as it gets. I wanted to get started on Ch2 but what’s the point really? The publishers will just ignore it.
- Just posted some writing (being brave) – my first ever poem. I was so struck by Dan’s image which reminded me so much of the poem that I thought I’d post it up. I only came to this decision through the support I’ve received on redbubble to NOT give up. You’re very much part of that support :)
- Thank you. I shall go read it.Being very bummed right now, about a man. I should stop meeting them. lol
- I just wrote something that you must read and be involved in. It’s just for fun, but, when we do make a book of short stories and poems, I believe this will be at the beginning!
- Mr. Moore .. I wrote this, below, to someone else, but, please read it .. pretend it is to you and respond appropriately. My computer is so screwed!Another quick, hopefully easy, question .. I got it reprogrammed ryan the diagnostic stuffies (short and long harddisk and memory) and it passed. Now, it’s telling me Intel is missing a chipset.It does not tell me which one to look for or how to install it, if I need to know that. And, chipsets are beyond my scope of knowledge except to groan and go “Oh, that ain’t good!” So .. I know this is an HP G50-126NR and that’s all I know .. besides that I buy no more HPs!Help would be much appreciated, if available. I understand you are busy, though. I’ve been trying to look it up myself and I will be asking other people.
- Is is a piece of software that you fire up which says this or is the message displayed when you start up the computer?If it is the later, well some pieces of software are designed for specific chips (INTEL, AMD etc). But that’s a long shot and very few things really care at all.If its in the startup then it could be related to a BIOS setting. BIOS is like the basic initial programming of the motherboard (sort of brain). All motherboards are different so it’s not easy to say for certain, but possibly at some point a value in the bios has been changed/corrupted.When you restart your computer, it often says ‘Press DEL for Setup’ (or something like that). This is where the BIOS settings can be set. It’s probably almost impossible to advise remotely though …. you need someone there who can look at it :(
- I confess that I have been very depressed.
I don’t know if that last piece (last post) was autobiographical or not.
Things are not going well here.
But I am so fortunate to count you as one of my friends. Those I call friends are not acquaintances or just people I know and get on with. Real friends stay that way even if they don’t get to talk for 10 years. You don’t let down real friends.
I am here to stay. I will not let you down by leaving.
I owe you a million thank yous for supporting me – and even then probably at least a million more.
I have received such support from yourself, pene, dan and xadrik that I would be letting you all down if I didn’t keep at it.
I am back. And I am here to stay.
- Good:Me too, except I am definitely changing accounts and not to pretend to be someone else, but, to fully avoid the hackers who have been plaguing my life
- Hello you No matter how many times I try to change accounts, I always end up using this one, too. Apparently, I like being me, too.I wrote something today, which may be wildly unpopular. I don’t care. And, I had you in mind when I wrote it, so it belongs, at least in part, to you. Read it. I think you’ll like it.I wonder if it’ll get banned? I better copy it elsewhere!
- I’ve been going to BM you. My creativity is about zero at the moment. So many difficult things in life at the moment, and most because I have tried to help other people! I have three good tiny-tales floating round my head but cant get even one out :( and NO incentive to take pix.off to read…..
- I’ve been reading a good book. Not the best writing, technically speaking, but, all in all it works. It is written like they were writing a movie, not a story for a book, though, so that’s weird.It’s called Pyramid Scheme by two writers one is Eric Flint, I believe If you get a chance, and haven’t read it already, you might give it a go. It reminded me of you, a bit.
- For some reason, I added this woman to my watchlist again and it has taken less time than usual for me to regret doing so.Here is the sort of crap she writes, with the usual high praise following:I could so gag and die over the comments she gets. She has personality, not talent.
- I very much appreciate that post. It’s actually surprising, though, how many people just want applause and don’t want to grow.It’s a sign of the times, I suppose, that people grossly underestimate the importance of the written word. They have vocabularies of five hundred words (with F being every second one). They spell late ‘L8’ because their brains have become fried with false simplicity. They prefer icons to images because they are only able to digest the big bits.Language, and especially the English language, is a rich tapestry – not a printed t-shirt. It lies on the floor in a heap going musty and decaying while the mindless crowd around their iPhones admiring the 640×480 snapshot of tomorrows forgotten yesterday.
- I took my frog to the cemetery for no reason at all except that I am trying to motivate myself. The biggest problem (that has been killing my creativity) is the total non-arrival of the IR camera from the U.S. I am finally dealing with it – I think – but it really sapped my creativity. Not getting much visibility on RB didn’t help of course.But I am not dead yet. And while I am not dead, there’s still a part of me that will not be fettered. I’ve also been snowed under with some work ($ at last) which led me to a) buy a new DVD recorder and b) send a letter of complaint. The two are related. Usually I don’t complain but I figured that if life insists on screwing me then it’s time I got my Stanley out! (in case you don’t have them, Stanley make 100% fantastic industrial quality screwdrivers). Also got the ’flu!But I am not dead yet. And still, though it has but smoldered – the fire of creativity still burns…..
- 1/2 tsp each cumin, curry powder, olive oil; 1 tbsp lemon juice; 1 clove minced garlic; 3 cups water.Mix,, heat in saucepan until at low boil (or close to) and then simmer until reduced to two cups; stir often.Drink as much as you can.Can use garlic powder, paste, etc. Can use more of any of the spices or add ginger or cayenne or whatever other spice you like. Can even use it as a base for soups or stews. It really helps when you have the flu or a cold. At least, it really helps me.Also, chop up some fresh garlic, or can use powder, etc, mix with olive oil (or lotion if you must,, just so long as it helps the garlic soak in) and smear all over bottom of feet and between the toes, put on cotton socks and go to sleep.If you are the hardy sort, do some oil pulling 1 tbsp sesame seed oil if you don’t want to sleep, safflower oil if you do, swished gently through mouth, between teeth, etc. for 20 minutes, head tilted back helps to get the back of the mouth. Never swallow any of it, try for 20 minutes (though I seldom get there, myself) and then spit and rinse very well, brush teeth, etc.The first two work on the immune system, the last one pulls nasty bacteria out of your body.
- Must try that. I do like cumin and curry powder (we’re big Indian Food lovers). Garlic, of course, is legendary and not only for vampyres. Actually love sesame seeds too (and poppy seeds, the black ones of course, the white ones are harder to get without prosecution for possession of opium LOL).I just posted by weekly blogs wonko and Writer Wrote – the latter directly relates to things we’ve been discussing.Better get myself off …. 12:12 and its early to bed for me (usually I like to go to sleep about 3am!).
- Now, this woman I would like to bitch slap for her writing on that piece, and maybe for the painting, and yet I also find both rather endearing.
- Tell me the truth: does THIS suck?
- Hmmm…… “when lovely women” is the sort of thing I might see on a card with the thought that they should be writing more cards rather than the normal crap I see on cards but without the thought that they should be held aloft and dribbled over…Now, “falling in love”. I liked it all the way to the end. But I didn’t really like the end. Not the principle of the end (don’t worry, I will catch you, it will be alright) but rather that the end that came, came so suddenly.I’d probably prefer a few more versus with a turn where the end currently is.For example – and this example is really sh*t because it’s off the cuff -The cliffs of love may end in rocks, but I am the ocean blue.
The mountain top whose dangers cry, holds the warmth of a million unhidden suns,
- That’s alright, then .. about the falling in love bit Because, I kind of felt like, at the least, it should be a bit longer I was just that tired,. So, you have kind of validated my own feelings on it.I’m still tired and will do nothing, right now; but, thanks for the answer.
- This isn’t bad Not great, but,, fairly worthy of praise of some sort. At least it kept me reading until the end, and didn’t make me want to gag, not even once. Which puts it head high above much else lol And, I did kind of enjoy it.
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