Wednesday, September 28, 2011

A few different poems and such

Petals Fall

In my hand, held I Death’s flower; it’s petals wilted, though plucked not an hour. From each, blood did drip, into my palm which once pressed yours, before RIP was your accolade, and concrete your banner, and all was gone from me
In my heart, I held your eye; it’s lashes fluttered in ways that made me sigh. From the corners did drip, tears unshed throughout lifetime, before did RIP become your last word, boldly stated above your head, where you lay below

I wonder what I would say

I wonder what I would say, if I could say it … if I could dive deep down past the pain of flesh, past memories, neglect, lies, differences that shouldn’t matter but always do, and swim free of the clouds of controversy. What would come bubbling forth from inside to mind, from mind to tip of tongue, from tip of tongue to tips of fingers, and into the electric orgy of sensory input which flows above and about us, we, who in this late age are like so many ships going bump in the night?
Flowing frolics freely fly forth in bented measures, bowing low, bringing treasures, before they swiftly go. What does it mean? Who can say? Don’t you wonder, too, what can be done within your day?
  • Mark Ramstead
    Mark Ramsteadover 2 years ago
    Obstacles have probably caused you to create more art, than not having them. : )
  • mmm no Obstacles get in the way – otherwise they wouldn’t be obstacles, but, inspiration They cause more art when you move past them, and remember them.
    I’ve lost so much writing, in my head and on paper, and canvas, due to outside influences.
    There is a level that you must reach to be able to truly write or paint … not that you can’t do anything off of that level, but, there is a level. It can be reached through anger, sexual excitement, spiritual devotion, illness, exhaustion, concentration, or distraction, yes .. but, you have to be able to reach it. Otherwise, your head goes numb and you can no longer see … how the water flows.
     – Arletta
  • I thought of a thousand other answers to this, in the meantime. They all boil down, basically, to this: quantity is not quality You can skip in mud puddles all day long, but, it’ll never amount to swimming the English Channel!
     – Arletta

A Filthy Man of Means
A naughty, nitty pile of trouble,
sat on the tiles, winking and blinking,
with heart displayed
Witty, in the city, among the rubble,
with graceful wiles,
he shimmered and he swayed
Dirty and bedraggled,
frizzled and so frazzled,
with a glimmer in his eye, and sleight in hand
He bickered, bartered,
among drizzle and drazzle,
flimmer and flammer man oh so grand

Inspired by this:Arlettaover 2 years agoHe looks like a naughty pile of trouble!
A naughty, nittiy pile of trouble, sat on the tiles, winking and blinking, with heart displayed
Witty, in the city, among the rubble, with graceful wiles, he shimmered and he swayed
Dirty and bedraggled, frizzled and so frazzled, with a glimmer in his eye, and sleight in hand
He bickered, bartered, among drizzle and drazzle, flimmer and flammer man oh so grand
That’s all I have to say on the subject!
And, by Cameron Gray 
 Oh, and this was not a collaboration of any sort. It was just me being inspired when I saw his photo. I started to make an innocuous comment, and this came out, instead. The title may be subject to change!


  • JonoCarrick
    JonoCarrickover 2 years ago
    wayyyyyyyyyyyyyy cool!
  • Thank you! That is very nice to know!
     – Arletta

Why always should it be

 That I must understand this and that, and her, and he
And yet  they are never required to understand the me
He's ill so he can't stand your words, they will say
Do they ever tell him I'm ill and how much effort it cost?
Just to type a line, just to try to join in at all? And why?
It cant' be a painting, you're a creepy, you're a fraud
Because I hide behind a different face and claim it
Does that actually make sense? Is it playing nice?
Double standards painted on comment boards are
Just as ugly as the ones painted on billboards, yes?

I know it won’t make anyone else happy, but, hey: I somehow got in trouble today for trying to be kind and make a gentleman feel better by praising his work, and for posting a painting I worked long and hard at.
Compare that to your day and see if it adds up to me caring for your opinion just now.
I love some people on Red Bubble, but I sure don’t love being attacked for trying to do things right.


  • Anthony R. Plastino III
    Anthony R. Pla...about 3 years ago
    Ouch! How can anyone carp about praise?
  • lol apparently, I do it all wrong I know it’s horrible to many, but I tend towards honesty. As in “this bit right here confused me but altogether the writing was very good” and that sort of thing. Or “I’m not into nudes, but outside of that, this is a beautiful painting” Or “the model has a mean look on her face, but she sure is pretty.”
     – Arletta
  • Anthony R. Plastino III
    Anthony R. Pla...about 3 years ago
    Ahh, well then, I tell you what: You just be as honest as you like with my works. I promise not to get all up in a huff and get my panties in a twist!! Nothing is better than honesty, and you know what? If I don’t like what you say, I can always just delete the comment (But only if it was like a diatribe of how crappy it was… that might sting ;) )…
    I think that you are awesome
    Heh – 6 words :)
  • Thank you. And ditto. I mean, I don’t want to hear a diatribe of how bad my work is, or the sort of thing that happened on that one painting of mine either, but .. I’m all for constructive criticism. Or even a “interesting, but definitely not your best work” sort of thing.
    So, I shall .. and you do, too .. please.
     – Arletta
  • I think you are a sweetheart
     – Arletta
  • Anthony R. Plastino III
    Anthony R. Pla...about 3 years ago
    I like these six word things…
    Thanks – then we’ll be honest together :)
  • Yes, we shall. Lovely! Honest, but kind.
    Maybe you should join the group and make your own 6 word stories, then. I mean, because you like them, not because I want you to stop on mine. lol
     – Arletta
  • Anthony R. Plastino III
    Anthony R. Pla...about 3 years ago
    Hmm, perhaps I’ll just do that :)
  • Cool! Then there’ll be more of the game! lol
     – Arletta
  • Devalyn Marshall
    Devalyn Marshallabout 3 years ago
    Hi there. Here you go again opening yourself up! You are wonderful and amazing!
  • Thank you, Ma’am
     – Arletta
  • pijinlane
    pijinlaneabout 3 years ago
    There’s some people you just can’t please isn’t there!!? People like that are not worth getting yourself upset for. You just keep on being honest – you have to be true to yourself first and foremost!
  • Yes, well, I have noticed that people like that are often the sort of people who end up spreading lies and rumors while you are ignoring them or being actively nice to them as you know they had a rotten childhood, or etc. I’ve had a good deal of my life screwed over or completely stolen by people like that, because I was nice and polite and orderly and spent more time worrying about what I did than what they were lying about. It only works if they are hard to please, but otherwise fairly sane and rational. I tend, however, to attract psychotics. lol
     – Arletta
  • By the way, just so you know, I really did, and do, appreciate the comment you made. It’s very nice.
    – Arletta

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