Sunday, September 25, 2011

From this to this: Halloween Fun Night

From this to this: Halloween Fun Night

From this: (a flyer)
Winkelman Elementary School
2010 Halloween Fun Night
5:30 – 8:00 PM – Thursday, Oct. 28, 2010
Buy and reserve your coupons at the office for all food & events
(Bring your quarters for cake walk)
Green Burros – $3.00 FERRIS WHEEL – $1.00
Red Burros – $3.00
Bean Burros – $2.00 Haunted House – $1.00
Posole – $2.00
Popcorn – 50 cents & $1.00 Jumping Castle – $1.00
Candy Apples – $1.00
Popcorn Balls – $1.00 Games – $1.00
Nachos – $1.50 & $2.00
Water – $1.00 Cake Walk – 1 quarter
Sodas – $1.00 DJ Music – Dance contest
Hot Chocolate – $1.00 Costume contest
To this: (An actual piece in the newspaper):
Story Halloween Fun Night 10-27-2010
Winkelman Elementary School Halloween Fun Night
Gather close around and here the tale of the night that was, but wasn’t quite, and will be again. A night filled with gooey goodies, fun frights, sparkling things, and myriad delights.
It was on a night much like tonight is, or was, or might be later (depending on when you have elected to begin your read), where a sky loomed dark overhead and somewhere there was a piece of the moon, or the whole big wheel of cheese, shining in the way the moon enjoys shining best, lighting the way, a little or a lot, of parents, teachers, big kids and tots.
But, from whither did they come, all these people in their hurry? Why did they dress in strange garb, and to where did they scurry? Laughter tinkled through both cacti and tree, alerting observers that this, a special night, would be. Not a night for just anyone, or someone, or you, but, a night for sharing and fun, for all and the one.
So, they gathered, and walked, or they drove, or they ran, to a building that used to be, but wasn’t, because it was seen a’new, having transformed by moonlight to haunted house from school.
What school was it? Winkelman Elementary. What night was it? Why, October 28, as it should be. And, at what time does the gathering commence? 5:30 pm is a good time to start, if it ends by 8pm, we’ll have time to taste hot, cold, sour and tart, ride on this, jump on that, win something, give something, hug someone, and be home to bed before the moon finishes it’s walk.
Come to Winkelman Elementary for 2010 Halloween Fun Night from 5:30 pm – 8 pm on Thursday, October 28. Buy and reserve your coupons at the office for all food & events, but, don’t forget to bring your quarters for the cake walk.
There will be burros of green, bean, and red for $3, $2, and $3 per head; Posole for $2, and popcorn for 50 cents and $1 – “The same price as candy apples!”, I simply must holler. Then, give your tummy a little rest from its work, before you make it ill and go “Irk!”, and take a ride on a Ferris Wheel or a trip through the Haunted House, Jump on a Castle or in a Castle or through a Castle, or play a game or two, all for $1 each. No really, it’s true! Then, how about some popcorn balls and water, $1 each for son or for daughter; nachos can be $1.50 or 2, but, hot chocolate and soda are only a $1, too. And, when you have had enough of the goofs and the grub, try exhibiting a costume for judging, perhaps of a shrub; or dancing for critique can be kind of neat. There really is, was, and will be, so much to do. All you have to do is put on your costume and get to the school!

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