Sunday, September 25, 2011

From this to this: 1965 Class Reunion

From this to this: 1965 Class Reunion

From this:
To this:
Story 1965 Class Reunion 10-06-2010
Class of 1965 Hayden High Reunion
1965, according to popular myth, and Wikipedia, was a common year, starting on an inconspicuous Friday. Which is completely true, if you were not on the ship S.S. Catala, or on the beach in Ocean Shores, Washington, upon which she was driven and stranded, on January 1st, 1965.In 1965, on January 4th, Lyndon B. Johnson gave his State of the Union Address. On the 19th, the unmanned Gemini 2 was launched on a suborbital test of various spacecraft systems.Skipping to March 2, The Sound of Music premiered at the Rivoli Theatre in New York City. On the 7th, an infamous clash between some 200 Alabama State Trooper and 525 civil rights demonstrators, from forever on being known as Bloody Sunday, occurred in Selma, Alabama. This was the beginning of many clashes, and a few beautiful gestures by Martin Luther King, Jr., in Alabama, throughout the whole of March, and on throughout the year.1965, you see, was, for such a common year, a pivotal year in the history of the United States of America, full of passion, mayhem, kindness, children dressed in curtains, and whiskers on kittens. It was also the birth year for the man known worldwide as ‘The Undertaker’, Sarah Jessica Parker, Robert Downey Jr, Trent Reznor, Brooke Shields, Elizabeth Hurley, Jeremy Piven, J.K. Rowling, Amanda Tapping, and Rodney King, so it was a pretty pivotal year for other years yet to follow!In fact, it would be fair to say, if one can pronounce it well with tongue in cheek, that if it was not for 1965, the WWF, fashion victims, and D.C. Comic fans all would have been deprived of so much entertainment; no one would know what should or should not come between them and their Calvin Kleins; the world would have been overrun and enslaved by ego tripping aliens; and no one would know if we could all just get along or not.The more that 1965 is read about, the more one is led to wonder, not only where the Hayden High Class of 1965 has wandered off to, how they fared during the intervening years, but, how they survived! Very soon, there will be much opportunity to ask them in person, for the class of 1965 will be celebrating its 45th class reunion on October 8th through October 10th, being joined by the Classes of 1962, ‘63, ’64, and ’66; one Class of which saw the true birth of the British Invasion – the good, melodic one -so, we won’t go into details about their turmoils and tragedies, as it is more than enough that they get to brag that they were there when Beatlemania struck.On Friday, October 8, they are scheduled to attend the Hayden High School football game, which will be a clash between Hayden and San Manuel, but, hopefully one that will involve more cheering and less State Troopers than the one mentioned above.On Saturday, October 9, there will be a tour of their dear old alma mater, where a pep assembly is scheduled to gather the newer Hayden High students together to witness their older brothers and sisters singing the school anthem. So, I hope you have been remembering to practice your vocal skills, Class of 1965!Later that day, there will be a social hour, with dinner and dancing, and much discussion of how much their heart raced when they read the paragraph above, and whether that completely fictional pep rally would have been more comedy or tragedy, at GKI’s Copper Pavilion, in Kearny. Hayden High alumni from the 60’s are invited to attend the dance, starting at 8 pm. Yes, you may all sing, if you feel the urge, either something by the Beatles or the school anthem.On Sunday, October 10, their former classmates will take time to honor those who have passed on, with a Memorial Mass at St. Joseph’s Catholic Church in Hayden. A menudo breakfast and picnic will follow, at the Hayden Golf Course.For more information, call Gloria Beltran at 356-7801 Ext. 11

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