Monday, July 18, 2011

Miscellaneous Forum Posts:


ORIGINAL: hardcybermaster

power corrupts,absolute power corrupts absolutley 

Says Satan, but, never God. 
In other words, it is never the people with the highest power who thinks they are more corrupt, it is the people who struggle to gain the power - and, they are already corrupt, or, they would not be vying for power, to begin with; especially not if they truly believed it would corrupt them.


ORIGINAL: Lucylastic


I wonder how I ever got to be (almost) 50 without needing to have a gun, or any weapon to sustain me .. thru the terrors of life

When I was a kid, I lived in a State with one street gang, who sometimes robbed places like KFC, making sure to do it when it was empty. There were no drive-bys, there were no drug dealers standing on the corner or harassing children at the school. When I was a teenager, there was still none- except that one pusher, who got shot n the chest for trying.

And, if it wasn't for America getting oh so tough on gun laws, there probably still wouldn't be. Because, criminals, and, politicians, are all oh so much more polite to a well-armed populace. It's really hard to get up the gumption to steal someone's farm, or, invade a home, when you know there will be a gun waiting on the other side of the door, held by a person who would just rather you change your plans.

Guns are a wonderful deterrent to crime. They do not sustain you, unless you need to hunt. But, in the case of living in a society where the criminal elements have so many rights, they do help equalize the playing field.

 RE: Over stimulation with pain, causes Fibro? - 7/14/2011 12:55:54 PM   
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Pardon me for being blunt, but, I think it's all a lot of cock twaddle written by someone who wanted to get paid and patted on the back for coming up with a theory that people would believe. And, if the people who have Fibromyalgia get offended? Well, they are all overly-sensitive dinks, as the theory proves, right?

I have been diagnosed with Fibromyalgia. what it is, is a nice tent under which to cluster a lot of symptoms, by description, so that the insurance companies and doctors will not have to be bothered paying for, or looking for, cures for any of the troubles. These symptoms could stem from a lot of reasons, all of which fall under emotional or physical stress, and, which could certainly lead people to believe that getting spankings or being dumped by your boyfriend might cause Fibromyalgia in the unfortunate who have those sort of nerve endings. HOWEVER ..

Not all emotional or physical stressors are the same, and, many of the physical ones are actual long term infection and disease, long term allergies, which are untreated. Those are the primary causes of Fibromyalgia. When it comes to emotional stressors, the most common causes are extreme long term childhood abuse, followed by extreme long term adulthood abuse. Things that cause severe PTSD or death from infections, in those who remain alive long enough, can cause Fibromyalgia.

It has nothing to do with low pain tolerance. In fact, it is quite the opposite. I had my pain levels tested, as a child, as part of a thing where they went from school to school doing demonstrations. Mine tested so high, they said there was no way anyone could live through that much pain, much less be out walking around, playing, etc., so they assumed the machine was broke - even though it worked for everyone else, including the boy with the broken leg, who was in significantly less pain than me - and, so, they took it away to fix it. Later they said, they found nothing wrong with it, and, wouldn't let me near the machine, again. lol

People with Fibromyalgia don't all have the same pain threshold, but, they must necessarily already possess, or, grow, higher pain thresholds than other people do (except maybe people with severe arthritis, people with spina bifeda, and, the like), because, if they do not, they do not survive.

So, no, beating someone, even harshly, in play, is not going to cause Fibromyalgia, unless they are so abnormally emotionally sensitive that you shouldn't be playing with them in the first place. However, if you are beating someone harshly, and, they are laughing at you, or, ignoring you, because, you just don't have any sting to your swing, it's an indication that they might already have it.

RE: Over stimulation with pain, causes Fibro? - 7/15/2011 12:19:29 PM   
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Got even a little bit of evidence to back that up?

If this was a court of law, I surely would, yes. As it is, I put in over two decades of research, as someone very interested due to suffering from Fibromyalgia, and, I have neither the time nor energy to devote to doing your research for you. There is a lot of information on the web, some of it is even true. Go find it!! But, if you are going to discount the actual experience and knowledge of people who have Fibromyalgia, you are not going to get anywhere!

The primary point that was being asked about is, will pain play cause Fibromyalgia, and, the main point to my answer is that no, it will not. I don't need evidence to make that statement, as I AM THE EVIDENCE, in this case.

You want proof of that? Go screw yourself. You have no reason, or right, to act as if I've been caught lying, and, I do not know you well enough to direct you to the doctor(s) who diagnosed me.

 RE: Profile DO's and DOnt's - 7/14/2011 10:09:05 PM   
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Tony, ideal is relative - for an ideal profile, it would show he is what I'm seeking, while being truthful. However, what would make it a good profile to me, regardless of whether he was what I wanted (or I was what he wanted), is if it was friendly, rather than bragging; if it displayed personality, rather than a rich fantasy life; and, if he seemed honest, instead of telling me he was.

I really can't stand the profiles that say things like "Of course, a submissive must never wear clothes, so Mistress would force me to be nude at all times", or, things like that. It's crap! There is no "of course" about those things, until you narrow it down to a particular Mistress and she is telling you so. But, it's fine to say that you enjoy being nude, in some way where it does not sound like you are attempting to force your potential owner into doing things just as you think they ought to be done.
 RE: this places achillies heel - 7/14/2011 11:47:13 AM   
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To me, the achilles heel is .. well, this place is in need of a lot of legs, to support how many heels it will need.

For starters, there is no real clarity, in regards to many things there should be clarity on. For instance, when you do the Interest lists, and, it gives you the option of Ass Play. Ass Play covers an enormous range of activities, only a few of which can be further defined by your opinion on something else (strap ons, enemas, dilation, for instance), but, mostly, the limitation to being able to answer comes from this: you have no way to say if your definitely are into it, in all ways possible (deep seated ass fetishes, ahoy!), or, if you hate it but are willing to do it for the right person, if it would be a good punishment or a good reward for you, if you are willing to give but not receive, or, are willing to receive but not give.

Then, there is the minimum height requirement, maximum weight requirement. That's great, for the people who are prejudiced against short people and fat people, but, what about for the people who are prejudiced in favor of them? Or, what about for the people who have a broad range of possible interests, but, know that there are some heights and weights that are just going too far?

Personally, as someone who is overweight, I would greatly prefer there to be an option for people who are only interested in HWP, as they say, to define exactly what that means, and, not only set their account to where they will never find my profile in their searches, but, to be able to set their account to where people who do not fall within their prejudicial limits won't find them on their searches, either. It would save a lot of wondering, time wasting, and, create far less stress from people that I have no interest in, seeing my profile, then, attacking me because they don't like the way I look. As if I was forcing them to view my profile!

Speaking of profiles, there is the small matter of people continually coming at me, telling me that I have ever so many profiles. It's true, I do, because, they exist. Only, it's not true, because, I left this site, in disgust, many times, and, when I left, I told them to delete my account. It says that they will delete the account within two days. So, there's a big problem, right there.

Accounts should be deleted, then, they are not. It is not the fault of the person who left the site. If an account is inactive for so long, there should be an automatic deleting of it, and, if the person requested it be deleted, it should be deleted even more quickly. That way, people are not wasting their time searching through, and , writing to, people who don't actually exist on the site, anymore.

Speaking of attacks: one of the reasons that I leave in disgust, ever so often, is that the same few persons, who have multiple profiles that are always in use, keep attacking me in my inbox. They send pictures I do not want to see, send horrid insulting cussy face, sometimes life threatening, emails, and, even send viral attacks. I report them. Nothing ever happens as a result of the reporting. These people have had the same profiles for years, now, and, I know I am not the only person they harass, or, who has reported them. Allegedly, if enough people report them, they will ge banned.

Well, what is enough, and, if one person has to report them over 200 times, shouldn't that count at least as well as if 200 people have to report them once?

I could go on, but, I have to go and ponder, once again, why the journal entries I posted, yesterday - which were me, sharing my artwork, that I created, and, not in an attempt to make a sale- were deleted, when so many other profiles have other people's artwork up, without benefit of permission of the artist, and, no one does shite about that.

 RE: Older Dommes - 7/3/2011 10:34:59 AM   
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Older Dommes are just like younger dommes, only, generally, with more experience and less willing to put up with empty compliments. Dommes, the ones who really are dominant, wish to remain independent. You care for any of them relatively the same way: By learning what they actually need, want, and, like, and, doing your best to make yourself useful to them.
Age really has nothing to do with it.
Now, if you are talking about Dommes with disabilities or infirmities, that is a different matter. It still has nothing to do with age, though, except that, maybe, it's age that brings on some health issues. Still, it is all the same thing: think of her, act accordingly.
 RE: What do you look for in a guy(sub) overall - 7/3/2011 10:37:51 AM   
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What I look for in a man is : understanding that I am not a generic mock up of women in general, which makes this question null and void. Why? Because, what I look for is not what the woman in the next profile over will be looking for, necessarily.
I think most of us want to be seen as persons with real personalities, and, for the men to be the same, though - and, for the man to listen, act respectfully, and, to be truthful.
 RE: Slaves Fetishes - 7/3/2011 10:43:12 AM   
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My viewpoint is that this sounds like a thread started by someone with a hidden agenda, which has nothing to do with frank and honest discussion about how to handle slaves.

I do not cater to slaves. If I was catering, I'd be the caterer. Caterers serve. Slaves serve. Slaves cater. I may or may not allow them to pursue their own interests, if they benefit me, or, if their work for me is done for the nonce. However, I remain startlingly uninterested in their fetishes, since the definition of a fetish is what they cannot live without - and I would never accept them if they had to have some bizarre thing done to them just to keep them from falling apart - and/or what they need to cum, which is knowledge I would not welcome them forcing into my life.

I don't use slaves for sex, and, damned straight, they will not attempt to use me for it. If they need sex, they will do it during whatever free time is available to them, or, they will come and ask me to find them a wife or husband with whom to have it. End of story.
 RE: "That don't impress me much...." - 7/3/2011 10:49:32 AM   
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Uhm .. I'm impressed by Arpig, after reading that post about deep thoughts in the park. Even more so, that he mentioned thoughts of cucumbers, and, it didn't get all nasty. However, he is neglecting to think of using them in salads, pickled cucumber salad (which is not made with pickles), cucumber soup, and, using cucumber slices to cool puffy eyes.
What impresses me is when a man displays proof that he has read my profile and/or journal entries, when he seems capable of intelligent conversation, and, yet, he is polite without being obsequious. Extra points if he knows what the word obsequious means and how to spell it.
 RE: Don't count out the snowbilly from Alaska - 7/3/2011 11:46:41 AM   
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You know, I read these little things, occasionally, wherein it is speculated as to why the media, and others, are so very vitriolic when it comes to Sarah Palin, and, it amuses me, greatly - in a way that makes me want to kick people in the head and start a revolution. Fortunately, I am not political and I will not do so.

Sarah Palin is not Alaskan. She was not born in Alaska, and, she spent the majority of her life living a very civil, as in citified, existence. Who says so? Alaskans. The ones who know by what criteria someone is, and is not, considered to be Alaskan. This is separate from what the Federal Government says, true; but, since the Federal Government is, also, not Alaskan, no one much cares for their opinion on the subject.

However, the media thinks she is Alaskan and the media is, whether it admits it or not, highly influenced by the government. Why do you think the few despicably honest reporters suddenly retired or died, when the whole sham election, 911, etal happened and we all moved ever so much closer to living in a Facist, Neo Nazi state of existence?
The American government never liked Alaska and never had any attention of making it a State. It only made it a territory with the intention of strip mining it, clear cutting the timber, and, tossing it back in the ocean, as it were. In other words, it was purchased as that worthless piece of land which could be used for its resources, without thought to the consequences to the environment or the people who lived there.

The only reason Alaskans voted to become a State was that it was the only form of protection they could get from the American government, who spent its time trying to force them to remain a territory, so that it could steal their resources and oppress them. This is not the first State in the Union this has happened to. If you don't believe that, read the history of Texas, sometime! The only reason the American government ended up accepting Alaska as a State is that the Governor of Hawaii, who had no interest in Hawaii being a State, and, the Governor of Alaska, made a pact between them that Hawaii would only become a State if Alaska were made a State first.

This is why Alaskans love Hawaii, why it is their first and best destination for vacations. There are places that are cheaper to go, easier to get to, but, none who have gone so far as to sacrifice their freedom to protect the innocent from the depredations of a corrupt government.

One of the reasons that the Feds hate Alaska so very well is that, despite rumors, there are no Reservations there. Alaskans could have put the Natives in Reservations, and, it would have gone much better for the rest of the citizens of Alaska if they had. Yet, they refused to. They refused to believe that the color of someone's skin or what sort of house they lived in was any sort of proof of inability to live in America and thrive, so, rather than oppress the Alaskan Natives and force them to live on Reservations, they helped them start their own Corporations, learn to run them, and, made an agreement with them as to what lands the Natives would keep and what lands could be used by everyone as citizens of Alaska, the State of America. In other words, Alaska did what America should have done to start with, when they became a country. It left a stench in the nostrils of those who like to believe that the American Indians were treated in the only logical way, at the time.

The American government, even after Alaska became a State, made laws to prohibit Alaskans from governing themselves, and, would not allow the criminal prosecution of those politicians the Americans appointed to run the State, even when they stole millions of dollars from the people. That was the plan - to bankrupt the State and force it back to being a territory, because, ladies and germs, that is what they can do with States, if the States are not capable of caring for themselves.

They also made laws that it was illegal for anyone to hire an Alaskan for any job that anyone from any other State wanted. First, the employer would have to advertise in the Lower 48, rejecting Alaskans, and, they would have to accept anyone who was remotely qualified. Then, they would advertise and allow Alaskans to apply, if they still had not filled the position, but, still only in the Lower 48. Then, they could advertise (once they laws were relaxed) within the State of Alaska, but, preference had to be given to non-citizens, even if the non-citizens could not do the work. This is how Alaska became filled with doctors, lawyers, nurses, judges, police men, etc. who were unfit for their position where they were, due to sexual misconduct, violence, thievery, etc. and how so many ex-felons ended up there.

The American soldiers went on maneuvers, wherein they were encouraged to shoot people's dogs and shoot at the children in the yards. They were told that Alaskans were not real Americans, but, only people who were forcing themselves onto the American people, and, therefore did not have the same rights as American citizens. In fact, the only reason things got better, in that regard, was that there were many foreigners working in Alaska, at the Air Force and Army Bases, who were so shocked by the treatment of all Alaskan people that they actually helped petition the United Nations for relief for Alaska, to have it declared as its own third world country, to be protected from America .The Alaskan National Guard, when ordered to attack the protesters and treat them as guerrilla soldiers, pointed out that they were ALASKAN National Guard and took the side of the people, rather than the government. This all embarrassed the American government to the point that they started to treat Alaskans almost like human beings.

In the 1980's there was actually a vote taken to make Alaska the nuclear waste dumping grounds for the United States of America and it came terribly close to being passed. They already use it, unofficially, in that capacity, which is why so many native people are born deformed. It is passed off as alcoholism and the problems thereof, but, the people of Alaska know about the nuclear waste being dumped out on Native lands.

In other words, the reason why the media is in such a frenzy over Sarah Palin is that she is one of those uppity, not quite real Americans, who should know better than to raise her gaze and look you real Americans in the eye, much less have the temerity to run for office.

But, as I said, she is not Alaskan. She did not grow up with this same horrible violence and oppression, as she grew up in Alaskan cities, with other Americans who think they are Alaskans, and, who have no idea of the horror endured by the rest of them. She didn't know she shouldn't expect to be treated like an American citizen. She thought that if she ran for office, they would look at her merits, not her supposed place of origin; she thought that if someone burned her in effigy, it would be considered just as much of a crime as if they did it to some other candidate. She didn't know.

If she had talked to the fire fighters, who go out in response to natural disasters, who are treated like crap the whole time by American fire fighters, and, ignored by the media while fake heroes who allegedly did the work, instead, were paraded around, because the American government would rather lie to its people than admit that anything about an Alaskan could be an asset, she would have known, though.

The fact that she did not know, that she was not forewarned and ready for the battle, is one of the biggest reasons she is not an Alaskan.

Do not write to me about this, and, do not expect a response. I was born and raised there, lived there most of my life. I know the truth and I don't care what you think, or, what misinformation you have been fed, that you feel the need to share with me, on any subjects I have brought up, by the way.

Just saying, it's not all as cut and dried as you think.

 RE: What is the best/ most awesome thing that your sub ... - 7/3/2011 11:59:25 AM   
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Well, hmm ..that's a good question. It's been a long time since I owned anyone, so I have to think about that. Most things were nice, but, fairly routine.

Once, several of them got together and did a very funny thing, which might be considered awesome; but, it definitely was not for me, but, for them. Which is that they took a shirt, which had ..I don't remember what you call the sort of sleeves it had. It was basically a basque, that had sleeves that fitted to the elbow and then a bell sleeve with an opening over the forearm so that the bottom of the sleeve drapes behind the arm and frames it. Well, they set the sleeves with stones from mood rings. It was because they felt they needed a little warning as to what sort of mood I was in, before they approached me. So, when I wore it, they would see it was all dark blue (love) or light green(happiness), or, light blue (friendly), or dark green (horny), or some combination of them, and, know what to expect, a bit. However, one day I came in, with a horrible sinus headache, managed to stub my toe on the way in, to find this ever so annoying Englishman (who, later, owned me) standing in my way, and, everything flashed bright clear red, really quickly, and, all of a sudden there was a giant slam of doors, the sound of running feet, but, no slaves, no subs, not even visiting Masters and Mistresses, in sight. Just me and the Englishman.
 RE: Ballbusting preference of Females' - 7/3/2011 12:06:52 PM   
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Hmm .. I am guessing that you are hoping many will say "skinny guys" and some few will even go so far as to say "but, only if they are barely even adult in age and have really weird hair."

You're a doll baby. If you weren't into ball busting, i'd want to wrap you up and give you to my sister.

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My brother's DVD collection (which covers 4 floor to ceiling bookshelves) has to be in alphabetical order. He knows if someone has went in and watched something and did not put it back... yet the rest of his house looks like a troll lives there 

Traditionally, that's the way trolls are. They live in the muck under the bridge, but, keep the bridge quite tidy, and, every brick accounted for Perhaps, somewhere back in time, you have an ancestor that has some explaining to do! Do you have any family portraits of hairy-chinned aunts who are known for thinking a trip to the Great Wall is the ultimate adventure, perhaps? Or, any ancestral lands featuring a nice bridge?
 RE: What "ocd" habits do you have? - 7/5/2011 7:32:32 AM   
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My OCD habits. Well, for one thing, if someone asks, I have an urge to answer. Even if it is a question on a subject I am not interested in, I have no knowledge of, and, it's being asked by someone and to someone I do not know. This goes along, somehow, with this terrible rampant honesty that keeps pouring out of me at the most inopportune moments.

Even when I was young, and, we'd get stopped by the police for being out late, or whatever the police were stopping us for (being young, I believe), and, they'd ask me why we were ... (doing whatever it was they were pretending was illegal that day, or, on rare occasions, actually was illegal that day) I would reply "Well, if I was going to lie, and, I assure you I am ..." and then I could tell them a lie, that would make them happy to leave us alone. All they wanted was the lie, all my friends wanted was the lie, but, even upon risk of arrest, I couldn't just lie, unless everyone knew it was a story.

Also, when I was in a business class, my teacher returned some papers to me, telling me that I had done a marvelous job on the work, but, that she had to give me a slightly lower grade than I otherwise deserved, and, next time she would give me an F. Why? She seemed to think employers prefer their letters and such without doodles all down the sides and backs of them.

The doodling isn't all bad, though. I once was offered a job as an art director, $26 per hour, at a t-shirt shop, when all I had to show them by way of portfolio was a doodle that I had just drawn as we were out, driving around, looking for places to apply for work. Unfortunately, due to severe bitchiness at home, I had to move and couldn't take it, but, you know ..sometimes OCD works wonders for you.