Monday, July 18, 2011

Journal Entries for SlaveRMneeded: Pt. 9

1/10/2011 11:06:10 AM
Further explanation of the second contract that I am working with.
6.0 Punishment
The slave agrees to accept any punishment the Mistress decides to inflict, whether earned or not. If the slave wishes for activities that normally fall under the title of punishment, he will beg his Mistress, state so plainly, or otherwise make known to her his wishes and she will consider if he deserves such as a reward for his good behavior. This section always disappoints the majority of readers, who, apparently, hope for large, gory details on how often punishments will be inflicted, when, with what. They also tend to want punishments that are simply ridiculous, such as to be punished for being male. Can you help being male? Weren't you born that way? Am I not primarily seeking males? Think about it! I find nothing offensive about the existence of males, in and of itself. They are fun to tease and lightly abuse, sure, but, so is anyone else who is teaseable and capable of taking light abuse with a good sense of humor. So, here is a fact of life for you, slave, that you had better get used to: if you are going to be punished, then it is going to be because you did something wrong, and, as much as possible, the punishment will fit the 'crime'. IE: You break a dish due to clumsiness, you pay for the dish. You break a dish on purpose, you pay for the dish and you might also be caged, tied up, whipped, etc. as seems appropriate considering why you did it and your general attitude. You break a dish over someone's head and you are dismissed from service - unless that someone else is a burglar or something, and, then, you might just get ice cream. Anyway, the point is that I can punish you - I can flog you 12 times for failing to put the toilet paper on the dispenser at the right angle, if I want to.  You have to accept that I can, and I might. Sometimes I might, just to remind you that I can. It'll make us both happier in our roles when it happens, too. Life is weird that way.
6.1 Rules of Punishment
Punishment of the slave is subject to certain rules designed to protect the slave from intentional abuse or permanent bodily harm. Punishment must not incur permanent bodily harm, or the following forms of abuse: blood may not be drawn intentionally at any time - punishment must stop immediately if blood is drawn; burning the body; drastic loss of circulation; causing internal bleeding; loss of consciousness; withholding of any necessary materials, such as food, water, or sunlight for extended periods of time.Don't bother trying to argue the point, because, here is a news flash for you: I have absolutely no interest in doing these things to you, even if you want them done. If they are that important to you, say a friendly goodbye, and move along.  But, don't read anything nicer into it than is there. I can and will withhold food, water, sleep, sunlight, blankets, do mean things like eat something yummy while you have something far more fit as slave fare, possibly I'll lock you in a standing cage, trussed up nicely and gagged, and let people walk by and tickle you. I might do a lot of things that many would think are cruel, or at least weird, because I want to, and I can, and we are both going to enjoy those facts being made manifestly true; however, none of them will be purposely damaging to my property.
7.0 Permanent Bodily Harm
Since the body of the slave now belongs to the Mistress, it is the Mistress's responsibility to protect that body from permanent bodily harm. Should the slave ever come to permanent bodily harm during the course of punishment, or in any other slavery related activity, whether by intention or accident, it will be grounds for immediate termination of this contract, should the slave so desire.The why's and wherefore's of how the immediate termination may occur were already discussed, earlier. If you missed it, scroll down and start from the beginning of the explanation of the first contract.
Permanent bodily harm shall be determined as: death; any damage that involves loss of mobility or function, including broken bones; any permanent marks on the skin, including scars, burns, or tattoos, (unless accepted by the slave); any loss of hair, (unless accepted by the slave); any piercing of the flesh which leaves a permanent hole, (unless accepted by the slave); any diseases that could result in any of the above results, including sexually transmitted diseases. If they are accepted by the slave, it will be in the form of a hand written, notarized statement or request.
8.0 Others
The slave may not seek any other Mistress or lover or relate to others in any sexual or submissive way without the Mistress's permission.  To do so will be considered a breach of contract, and may result in extreme punishment. This does not mean that the Mistress may not seek out other Mistresses or lovers for the slave, however.  I would not do that, mind you, as far as forcing a slave into a sexual relationship, with anyone, ever. But, I might decide they are lonely and seek out a companion for them, or I might see that this Mistress is into something that I know the slave likes and I do not, and I might invite her to do this thing to the slave, or something like that.The Mistress may accept other slaves or lovers. So, do not act surprised, after claiming to have read this, if I mention I might want other slaves. The Mistress may lend out the slave to others, provided the rules of this contract are upheld, and, the slave is not required to perform an act or duty for another person that he would not be ordered to perform for, or with, the Mistress; unless, of course, the slave has either asked to perform such act or duty, and has been given permission by the Mistress. In such a situation, the Mistress will inform the one(s) the slave is lent to of the provisions stated herein, and any breach by the new Mistress will be considered a breach by the Mistress as well, subject to all rules stated in this contract. This slave will continue family ties that are not damaging to the slave, the Mistress, or service from the slave received by the Mistress. This means that, more than likely, you can visit your family for Christmas, or arrange to receive phone calls on Wednesday afternoon (with permission), but, there is no way your third cousin is going to crash on your couch (if you have a couch) while waiting to hear from his probation officer. No other relationships are permitted, without express order or permission of the Mistress. Yes, you may say hello to the mailman. No, you may not bend him over or blow him. Haha?   

1/8/2011 10:11:29 AM
More explanation of the role of a slave, as it is presented in the second contract:
This whole section, on Chastity, is negotiable, but, mostly, only in one respect: You can take it or leave it, because I can take it or leave it. Many slaves hope to be in chastity, for their own self restraint. That makes it an accommodation I am willing to allow the slave; but, I really don't care, otherwise. I would prefer good, clean people who are not out fornicating like wild beasts, but, I am also practical. If it does not affect service to me, and nothing is being rubbed up against me, shown to me, asked of me, as regards sex, then, I am not concerned.
4.2 Chastity
As the Mistress has no desire for sexual use of the slave, and as the Mistress has a reputation to uphold within the community, the slave may choose whether or no to bind himself in chastity. If the slave chooses to bind himself in chastity, it will be done in this manner: The slave will wear a chastity device, which he either owns now or will obtain permission for the purchase of. Which chastity device he will put upon himself and take off of himself, as needed for once a week proper cleaning and maintenance of both the slave and the device.
A. The slave will not request the Mistress to remove the device from him, to “milk” or otherwise have contact with his genitalia, or ask for her help in affixing the device to his person, but, will be solely responsible for the care and keeping of his own genitalia.
B. The slave will inform the Mistress if he is developing a problem in this area that seems to require care from a doctor or time without the device, and the slave will display proof that he is wearing the device if the Mistress demands it.
C. Otherwise, once a device has been purchased and the slave has learned how to affix it to his person, properly, beyond a request to obtain the key to clean himself and the device, and a return of the key once the cleansing has been performed – or a request to be released should the slave be allowed time for the pursuit of personal relationships or appointments - the slave will not speak of the device or his genitalia to the Mistress. The exception being if the Mistress brings up the subject and/or otherwise gives the slave permission to speak of his genitalia.
This, below, is not negotiable. A slave may request  some alteration of writing, or further explanation, but, this is who I am and what I am about. I will not do these things to a slave, so there is no reason to remove this from the contract, as I have been requested to.  You are human and have the right to be treated as human. If you cannot accept this, I do not want to own you.
4.3 Slave's Veto
The slave, where appropriate, holds veto power over any command given by the Mistress, at which time they may rightfully refuse to obey that command. This power may only be invoked under the following circumstances, or where agreed by both Mistress and slave: where said command conflicts with any existing laws and may lead to fines, arrest, or prosecution of either party; where said command may cause extreme damage to slave's life, (such as losing their job, causing family stress,etc.; where said command may cause permanent bodily harm to the slave or to some other person; in any instance where service is deemed to be of a potentially sexual nature, either by current Western society social convention or by the standards set by the Mistress; where the slave has prior obligation to family, he may request to visit with his family; where the slave has established religious protocols or beliefs, he may ask for consideration of same in regards to assignment of duties and time for worship.
4.4 Information
As slave, I have determined to divulge all factual information to my Mistress regarding my profits from wages, debts owed, cost of living (actual necessities to keep me healthy and working), and any other information necessary to aide her in the informed mastery of my person and property, all of which now belong to her, except as otherwise stipulated by this contract. Not negotiable.
4.5 Interaction with the “Vanilla” world
A. For the purposes of interaction with family, this slave will represent himself to the family and friends of this Mistress as her employer and/or neighbor. Due to the nature of the property they will be dwelling at, and due to the signing of the Training Consultant Agreement this will be the truth. Obviously, this does not include the family or friends who know better. And, no, this is not due to shame - this is one of those 'in order not to stumble them' things. Many people do not understand. It is not required that they do understand for me to love them; but, most people who know me do know I want slaves, already.
B. The slave may be granted, if convenient to the Mistress, and if he requests it be so, up to 24 hours per week for the conducting of personal business, personal relationships, or in pursuit of personal interests. The Mistress may choose to allow the slave more time, or no time at all, for these pursuits, as she sees fit. A big bone of contention between me and other persons who have read this. Well, deal with it. I say 'may' be granted, not 'has to have'. This is for the sake of possible future emergencies, not because I am going to let slaves wander about  all over the place, never being kept under control.
C. The slave will hand over all personal documents such as birth certificate, passport, license, immunization records and address books into the care and keeping of the Mistress. This includes the key(s) to any chastity devices, vehicles, storage facilities, or residences. The slave will have one proper legal ID showing his place of residence, possibly two, which he will be allowed to carry when he must travel for work, because the police so hate pulling you over and you not having such things. However, they must be handed back to me when you return, and, if I am with you, I will retain them while you chauffeur me.

1/8/2011 9:55:58 AM
More explanation of the second contract. Now, we have gotten to the role of the slave. This highly confuses me. Not the writing! lol  It confuses me how anyone could read this and come up with 'Oh, you seem to mainly want a roommate.' or 'Oh, you have no intention of controlling me.'  ???  Well, read on and see what you think.
4.0 Slave's Role
The slave agrees to submit completely to the Mistress in all ways. In other words, even if Mistress tells you to stand on your head, peel a whole bucket of potatoes, and submit to receiving five swats from the other slaves every quarter hour, until you have the whole bucket done! It's not something I am likely to order, but, the point is, I could - and, the very fact that I thought of it and shared it with you gives you fair warning that I am quite capable of being inventive and commanding.There are no boundaries of place, time, or situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of the Mistress without risking punishment, except in situations where the slave's veto applies. As in 'Step into this cage, slave.' or 'Bend over, grab your ankles, and don't make a noise while I flog you, slave.' or,'Go and pick up those dog turds and then wash your hands, slave'  or 'Come here and be my footstool and don't mind the other people at the bus stop, slave.' Get it? Does that sound too much like I am kind, compromising, too willing to please the slave to have any command of him? Really?The duties of service to the Mistress begin at the electronic signing of this contract. Which means, even if you are 6,000 miles away (or more) if I tell you to do something, you had better do it. If I have reason to believe you have not, you will be punished for it, later - so you better do it and have proof it was done through visual record, signed affidavit or  proven result.Not only does the slave agree and understand that there are no boundaries of place, time and situation in which the slave may willfully refuse to obey the directive of the Mistress, but, the slave has actively sought out this type of relationship and enters into it both willingly and eagerly, as a person with the freedom to pursue his own happiness.
The slave further understands that his role as a slave means that he is first and foremost to act in the capacity of an obedient, loyal worker wages, domestic duties, serving others at my behest to the Mistress; second, he is to act in the capacity of an entertainer, or entertainment, for the Mistress In case I want to ride a pony, cage someone, use you as a foot stool, play at hypnotism or brain washing, lend you to someone else and watch you get whipped, make you crawl around the floor and clean it on your hands and knees even though we have a perfectly good mop, or whatever else might be amusing. Again: does this sound like an easy person who is only after money and some domestic duties?; thirdly, he is to act as a companion to the Mistress. Because I have no interest in living with someone who has no conversation or liking for me, as a person. I do not want to go camp with churlish people, no matter how obedient they are. I want slaves who can and will enjoy their time of service to me.
4.1 Etiquette/Protocol
As this slave exists for the pleasure of the Mistress and is a human Not toilet, horse, pig, sub-human, etc.  male Obviously negotiable, as I am quite willing to accept females; it is just unlikely to find one that is not all about sexual service. But, it does make the point that I do want them to be of a distinctive sex.. of an adult age and at least average intelligence, this slave will devote himself to learning proper procedure, protocol and etiquette, as defined by the Mistress. When in doubt, the slave will fall into proper social etiquette as defined by current polite Western societal standards or as define by Miss Manners; slave will ask for clarification of what he does not understand that he needs to understand, give good advice and/or physical assistance to assist his Mistress in matters of which he is likely to be more knowledgeable or capable, or sees her making a definite error (but, always, politely and keeping in mind his status and her own); and, slave will use his own mind to be self-governing enough not to make unreasonable demands upon his Mistress for time and attention. Unreasonableness is to be defined by Mistress, as well as Mistress's laws and rules, and societal laws and rules of social etiquette. This has been questioned many times. It is like this: If I say 'That person is driving me insane. Go kill them.' you know that I do not mean it, so, do not kill them. If I say 'Take your little blue sponge and go to the kitchen and clean out the sink.' and your sponge is green,  be aware that I do not care what color the sponge is. In other words, use basic, common sense. Make the reasonable choice, unless you have very good reason to think I expect unreasonable action. I really shouldn't have to, for instance, tell a slave who is obviously in need of defecating, 'Go to the bathroom' only to find him standing there, unsure of what to do once he gets there, with crap dribbling down his legs.

1/8/2011 9:30:30 AM
A good morning start to explanation of the second contract. Though, there are parts I will be skipping, as they specify certain things which need no explanation (which property, who to contact, etc.) and which could be misconstrued, in a journal entry, as a person making demands, rather than just sharing knowledge and such.
2.0 Living Arrangements
In the first stage of this contract, as both parties are dwelling in separation, but, are in agreement of intent to dwell together for the purpose of bonding and acting within the bounds of this relationship, the slave will retain his residence while affecting the purchase of at least one piece of Real Estate, per the Training Consultation Agreement, sections 4. and 5., as defined by the Mistress and as chosen by the Mistress. As has already been mentioned, the purchase of the Real Estate is negotiable. Obviously, if I am considering a slave that I know cannot afford it, I am not asking him to ruin himself, take out loans from loan sharks, or go to any other dangerous or illegal lengths to obtain it. This is where slaves must trust the fact that safe, sane, and consensual are concepts that truly do mean something to some of us who wish to own them. If the slave can afford it, he is expected to honestly  do so. If he cannot, he is expected to honestly show that he cannot. End of story.
Once the Real Estate has been properly purchased by the slave, and deemed fit for human habitation, by Tucson and Arizona health codes and as defined by the Mistress, the slave will relocate to it.. The exception being that if this purchase and “making ready” of the Real Estate threatens to take more than four months, the slave may be required to, instead, relocate to an apartment with, or nearby to, the Mistress for the purpose of commencing the relationship while still working toward the establishment of the Real Estate after relocation.Which, also, means that if the slave cannot purchase the Real Estate in the first place, he would be relocating to my apartment or to one nearby; because, obviously, if you cannot get a loan and put down a down payment, at least, then, it will take over four months to get a place. Right? Right.
3.0 Financial Service
The financial service of the slave, outside of what is mentioned in the Training Consultation agreement signed between the two parties, is not to be considered either as the paying of wages or the giving of gifts to the Mistress; but, it is to be considered, legally, as the Mistress agreeing to retain control of the slaves finances and assets for the purpose of the slave's enjoyment of the relationship. In other words, I am paying taxes on the weekly payment. If it is deemed necessary, legally, I will pay taxes on the property. Anything else that might be spent from the wages you earn  will be for the sake of your being in service, maintenance, health care, equipment, etc. Some of it will be set aside for your possible future need.
For the time in which the slave remains dwelling in separation from the Mistress, at the permission of the Mistress, the slave retains the majority of control over the earnings of the slave, to pay for the bills, food, and necessaries of life for himself in his current residence, including all taxes, insurance, health care, or any other reasonable expense for the maintenance of the slave and the property owned by the slave.
The weekly payments which are stipulated in section 3. of the Training Consultation Agreement, will have already begun before the signing of this contract. They will continue as per the agreement already signed between the two parties, regardless of if this contract is terminated, or not, by either party, except in regards to the stipulations made within the Training Consultation Agreement. Therefore, whatever the weekly payments are, while they are expected to be a bit of a sacrifice, they must be something that enables you to continue to pay for those things necessary to keep you healthy, fed, sheltered, and working.
By the signing of this section, the slave agrees to commence making these payments to the Mistress, from the date of his having signed the Training Consultation Agreement electronically, and, he agrees that, until he is released from this obligation by the Mistress, he is legally obligated to continue making these payments, with the understanding that if she is the one who terminates the relationship (which shall be in writing) after the electronic signing of the Training Consultation Agreement, she must release the slave from his obligation, if they have not, yet, reached the point of dwelling together or in close proximity. In other words, the slave may not shirk this duty, nor may the Mistress keep him suspended in a state of half-service simply for the sake of receiving these payments. Further exceptions are made in the Training Consultation Agreement.
Once he is properly established in the slave house, or an apartment nearby, so that the slave and Mistress are located on the same premises or a close proximity to each other, the Mistress will then be handed over, by the slave, all majority control of the slave's wages, but, not his property, bank accounts or other assets or means of profit. In other words, your wages are mine, minus whatever it is I may grant you to retain. However, if you make profits on property already owned, or in some other acceptable manner, you will set it aside in your own bank account or safe. It is yours. I have no interest in access to your bank account. I do have interest in seeing your pay check, to know that you are being honest and faithful with your Mistress.
From the point of their coming to the point of living together, or in close proximity, the slave will beg for his needs or desires which are not provided for by the Mistress. The slave may be given an allowance by the Mistress, if she chooses, which he will be allowed to spend as chooses, but, only when he has permission of the Mistress for the leisure time in which to spend it. In general, I believe that slaves should retain 20 percent of their wages (after taxes) to save, buy presents for others, invest, or do whatever is necessary or good to do with it. This is an allowance. Like with most allowances, you still have to ask permission to go to the concert, the mall, etc. This will be set aside from all other money. If you get wages by direct deposit, you will calculate 40 percent of your income and set it aside, in separate accounts. 20 percent for taxes and 20 percent for you. Then, you will pay me the weekly payment. Whatever is left is not yours, but, it is also not payment to me. It is for the sake of maintaining your slavery. This is because I would so much prefer to say to you 'Arrange a trip to Hawaii.'  and leave it up to you and what I know you have in your account, rather than to give you access to mine, or demand access to yours. You are a slave, after all.
At the point where the Mistress and slave are dwelling together, or in close proximity, and this contract has become fully validated, by the signing of it electronically, and then the other three times after it, on 30-day, 60-day and 90-day anniversaries of their having come to live together or in close proximity, the slave will further sign over to the Mistress the Real Estate, because he properly wishes to serve her in her home. Obviously, if there is no Real Estate before this point, this is null and void. Except, if there is Real Estate after that point, it would automatically be signed over, since it is already understood that once the contract is validated, the Real Estate is mine. If the relationship is terminated by the Mistress, or by dint of the slave's veto coming into play, within the next two years of his having signed the Real Estate over to her, she must return the Real Estate to him, if he wishes it to be returned. If he is the one who terminates the contract, for any reason other than what is covered by the slave's veto, the Real Estate remains in the keeping of the Mistress. In other words, I cannot use you to buy me a house. If I abuse you to make you leave, or if I simply dismiss you, after you sign the Real Estate over, it is yours - unless you do believe I had a valid reason for dismissing you and you accept it, and allow the Real Estate to stay with me for that reason. Likewise, you cannot put me in a position of being established in a home, and then just renege on the contract and screw up my life by leaving.

1/7/2011 7:22:17 PM
Further explanation of the second contract. Feel free to read, ruminate upon, copy and change to suit your own needs, curl your toes in excitement, or ignore altogether, just as you please.
1.0 Tone of relationship
This contract is a confidential extension of a legally binding agreement between two consenting adults of sound mind and reasonably sound body, who have signed it, for the express purpose of establishing a relationship of a non-sexual, non-violent nature, for their mutual pleasure. That's right. I said it: non-sexual and non-violent. This is not someone paying me for sex, paying to be sexed up, and this is certainly not about anyone commissioning a crime. It is good, clean fun which may or may not restrict movement and sting a bit. (grin).
We, the parties who have signed below, have come together and signed this contract, for the express purpose of sharing time together in a mutually agreeable manner. To the best of our knowledge, everything that we are doing, or are agreeing to, is completely legal and moral within the confines of the laws of the United States of America and in the eyes of God. Yes, this must be left in, because, 'in the eyes of God' is very important to me. I will not do anything to you, for you, with you, or against you that I am sure is against God. Though we will be referring to ourselves as the Mistress and the slave, or Mistress Arletta and slave _______, within the contract, these are not titles or roles established to undermine the authority or laws of any government, foreign or domestic to the individuals, but are terms only used descriptively to establish the general, consensual tone of their relationship. This agreement is entered into voluntarily, with the knowledge that it cannot be broken except under the conditions stated herein, and is, ostensibly, a life time agreement in that both parties enter into it with the express intention of a long term commitment, of not breaking the contract, and of doing their utmost to remain in the relationship for the duration of their lifetime.  'ostensibly, a life time' is negotiable, if it must be; but, I find loyalty and banding together to be intoxicating, whereas planned obsolescence is kind of a turn off.
Regardless of all else this contract states, it is understood, tacitly, that the slave is free to pursue his own religious and political ideals, up to an extent that does not interfere with service to the Mistress. I get to eat pork, if I want to, regardless of your feelings on it. I go to the Kingdom Hall, regardless of how I feel about it. You may not berate me or my guests. If you are atheist, Jewish, or whatever, it is no excuse not to dust my books that deal with religion, read to me from them, chauffeur me to meetings, etc. It is a good excuse, however, not to enter into the Kingdom Hall, sit down, and start answering questions.
For his part, the slave will respect all of the religious beliefs and traditions of the Mistress, learning what they are and why she believes them, if it is necessary for his service to her. He is not required to engage in these beliefs or traditions, but, only to respect them and to aid the Mistress, where required, even in these ways. See! I told you!

1/7/2011 6:58:58 PM
Now, I begin to explain the second document, which is an enhancement of the first document. Keep in mind that this is not being posted here for you to sign it, but, only for those who wish to learn from it to do so.
This contract is a confidential document, stemming from the creation of the Training Consultant Agreement, already signed and in effect between insert name here and Arletta, and is an expression of the will of Two Free Persons who agree to come together for their mutual pleasure, entertainment, instruction, enlightenment, comfort, and companionship and written for their mutual understanding and protection. All of which is said to further make the point that this is by choice, because we both want it that way, and, that it is not an attempt to break any laws. You are a slave by 'expression', not legal fact.
It is valid as signed by electronic signature, in that duties and actions shall commence as outlined; but, is considered irrevocably valid on the following date: _________, which date is 90 days after the date at which the slave has relocated to the Real Estate purchased per the Training Consultation Agreement, sections 4. and 5., to live with the Mistress, and/or in close proximity to the Mistress. Again, the purchase of real estate is negotiable; but, that we must live together somewhere, or live close to each other, is not. This contract will be signed once, electronically, You will type in your information and I will type in mine afterward. If possible, we will use a program that allows electronic signatures via emails for both this and the original agreement, which sends a copy to both parties after both parties have signed. then thrice afterward, on the 30-day, 60-day, and 90-day anniversary of the slaves having relocated into the Real Estate or otherwise commenced living with, or in close proximity to, the Mistress. On the date of the 90-day anniversary, upon the fourth signing of this contract, it shall become absolutely binding. This is for the sake of the slave understanding and for the sake of the Mistress not being held legally responsible for false claims made by the slave, the slave having proven that he understands the agreement and is a willing participant, who is not signing under any form of duress. The other signatures, in the various sections, need only be signed once, electronically, at the same time as the first full contract signature, as proof of them having been read and agreed to.

1/7/2011 5:50:17 PM
More sharing information regarding the meaning behind various bits of contracts. This is not a posting related to trying to entice someone into signing, but, it is for the edification of those who wish to know more about me, or, more about contracts in general.

Has already been explained.
Confidentiality. Both insert name here and Arletta recognize that the other party has and/or will have the following information: personal and professional information of the other party, access to the Confidential Services contract, visual or written records reflecting activities related to this Agreement, knowledge of other persons who have entered into a similar agreement with Arletta, costs, affairs, lists, charts, and possible other information (collectively, “Information”) which are valuable, special and unique assets, thoughts, expressions and materials of insert name here and of Arletta, and need to be protected from improper disclosure. In consideration for the disclosure of the Information, Arletta and insert name here agrees that neither will, at any time or in any manner, either directly or indirectly, use any information for their own benefit, or divulge, disclose, or communicate in any manner any information to any third party without the prior written consent, or prior signed agreement on another document, of the other party. An exception is made wherein confidential facts, arrangements, or documents may be shared with other persons who have entered into a similar agreement with Arletta, or who have been mentioned in a document stemming from the creation of this Agreement as persons who are allowed to be made aware of the information in part or in whole, or in the case of employees, associates, or other parties who are to be a part of the training of insert name here. The parties will protect this information and treat it as strictly confidential A violation of this paragraph shall be a material violation of this Agreement. This is mutual protection from any form of using photos for blackmailing, because, if anyone who is involved tries, they can immediately be sued for breach of contract. We can only share the information in the signed contracts with other persons who are also involved in the same type of relationship with me. Which means, people you are serving at my behest might know, and people who are serving me might know.
Unauthorized Disclosure of Information. If it appears that insert name here has disclosed (or has threatened to disclose) Information in violation of this Agreement, Arletta shall be entitled to an injunction to restrain insert name here from disclosing, in whole or in part, such Information, or from providing any services to any party to whom such Information has been disclosed or may be disclosed. Arletta shall not be prohibited by this provision from pursuing other remedies, including a claim for losses and damages. Arletta does not want to be brought up on charges of abuse, mental cruelty, or be left in the lurch by slaves. Therefore, this makes the point even more clear, that what happens between us stays between us.
Confidentiality After Termination. The confidentiality provisions of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect after the termination of this Agreement. This means there will never, ever be a time when anyone can spread rumors about anyone else who did anything in the house, or in the relationship, etc. Not just now, not just until the agreement is over, but, ever - what we do is always between us. Yes, I know, there are several sections about confidentiality. I want that to be fully understood, by the slaves, by anyone who is invited into the relationship to participate in any manner, and by anyone in any position to decide upon any legal action.
Notices. All notices required or permitted under this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed delivered when delivered in person or deposited in the United States mail, postage prepaid, addressed as follows: IF for insert name here: Insert Address here IF for Arletta: Insert address here. Such address may be changed from time to time by either party by providing written notice to the other in the manner set forth above. You cannot email me and tell me 'I changed my mind.'  You cannot leave me a message on the answering machine or tell me over the phone, either. If you want to cease being a part of this relationship, you will write it out and submit it to me. And, vice versa. This is a matter of respect for the persons and the relationship, and, a matter of practicality - you cannot expect me to know something that I may have not seen or heard. 
Entire Agreement. This Agreement contains the entire legal agreement of the parties and there are no other promises or conditions in any other agreement, whether oral or written, which supersede this agreement. The Confidential Services Contract, any charts, lists, or other written instructions that come after this Agreement will be an enhancement to the parties' understanding of this Agreement, or addendum or revision to this Agreement. Not only is this true, but, it is further reassurance that everyone understands that, even in the worst case scenario, not only is it a breach of contract to 'tell all', but, it is strictly unnecessary, because the legal terms are laid out here, the agreement is made here, and the rest is only the icing on this cake.

I am skipping sections 20 -23 as being very self-explanatory legalese which, in no way, actively defines the relationship.
So, that is all of the first contract. Which, as you can see, even though it does no once mention slaves, slavery, Masters, Mistresses, owners, being owned, does, in fact, state that you must do as I say, I will be garnering the fruits of your labor as should happen with slaves, and you will be trained, by me, to do my bidding. It also says that, in no way, should this be construed as me being allowed to abuse you or simply use you for money, but, that I must actually perform my part of the agreement, as well.

1/7/2011 5:24:33 PM
Further explanation of the first of two contracts. Hope you enjoy it, whether it is for getting to know me better or getting to know yourself better.
Relationship of Parties. It is understood by the parties that Arletta is an independent contractor with respect to insert name here, and not an employee of insert name here, insert name here will not provide fringe benefits, including health insurance benefits, paid vacations, or any other employee benefit for the benefit of Arletta.

Disclosure. Insert name here is required to disclose any outside activities or interests, including, but, not limited to, participation in other, similar arrangements. If you want to get involved with business, if you want to date someone, if you want to spend time with friends, etc. you will not only obtain my permission at the outset, but, you will absolutely answer any questions I have regarding the arrangements or relationships after you become involved, you will share your feelings, and you will continue or stop your involvements based on my permissions or commands. Which, of course, it will be more likely for them to be allowed if I know you are being honest and upfront.
Involvement of Others. Employees, consultants, other clients or anyone who is actively involved with this Agreement at the behest, or by the permission of, ____ or Arletta shall also be bound by the provisions of this Agreement, whether involved by work or only by knowledge, and may be sued for breach of confidentiality if they engage in the sharing of confidential information or the spreading of rumors regarding confidential information. No spreading rumors about other slaves or me; and, vice versa.
Injuries. Insert name here acknowledges insert name here's obligation to obtain appropriate insurance coverage for the benefit of insert name here. Insert name here waives any rights to recovery from Arletta for any injuries that insert name here may sustain as a result of Arletta performing services under this Agreement or any confidential agreement which stems from the creation and active utilization of this Agreement. You have insurance from your job, from the government or purchased with your own money.
Intellectual Property. The following provisions shall apply with respect to copyrightable works, ideas, discoveries, inventions, applications for patents, and patents (collectively, “Intellectual Property”): Any improvements to Intellectual Property items, inventions or improvements, and any new items of Intellectual Property discovered or developed by Arletta (or other associates of Arletta, if any) during the term of this Agreement shall be the property of Arletta, subject to the irrevocable right and license of Arletta's to make, use, and/or sell products and services derived from any such Intellectual Property without payment of royalties. Such rights and license will be for the term of this Agreement, any extensions or renewals of this Agreement, and continue on even upon termination of this Agreement until and unless some part of the Intellectual Property, or profit derived from same, is assigned to insert name here or some other party, by Arletta through written, notarized statement. I am writing stories, books, painting, working on sites, etc. If you help me with them, in any way, this gives you no right to claiming them as yours. However, if you are working on your own books, paintings, etc. they are outside of what is service to me. You will work on them during time I do not need you to do work for me, unless we are collaborating, and, therefore, unless we are collaborating and sharing in profits, your work is all your own and so is any money, acclaim from same.  

1/7/2011 12:00:45 PM
This is further explanation of contracts, for the education and edification of any who care to read. If you do not, then, happy reading of whatever journals you prefer!

Has already been explained, below.
Term/Termination by Independent Contractor:Arletta, only, may terminate this Agreement, without waiting for the signature of the other party, by written notice. This is exactly the same thing as a slave contract stating that the Mistress or Master has the right to dismiss you from their service, but, you do not have the right to leave them as you have committed yourself to their service and ownership. Arletta, only, may terminate this Agreement in regards to financial obligation, as outlined in sections 3. and 4. of this Agreement; with the understanding that if violations of Section 4.3 of the Confidential Services Contract have occurred, and the client has terminated the agreement as fully as he is able, and Arletta has not terminated the agreement in regard to finances, as well, within a full four week (28 days) from the time he has given notice, the agreement is terminated in full without further need of signing or request by either party at the end of this 28 day period .In other words, if I am really extra creepy, you may be a little inconvenienced, but, you can move to a safe distance away, make the last four payments by Pay Pal, and never have to see me again or deal with me expecting anything further from you.
Term/Termination by Default: If it has been determined by one or both parties to discontinue the process of validating the Confidential Services Contract, by not signing up to the 90-day validation date of _______, then this Agreement will be terminated, without need of further written notices or signatures, four weeks from this date. Payment for up to, and including, the week in which the 90-day signing was to occur will be made, and, then, for the next four weeks (28 full days) after this date. This is regardless of the date in which it was determined that either or both parties have determined that they will no longer validate the Confidential Services Contract. The exceptions to this is that there is an allowance of 7 business days leeway allowed to the 90-day signing when, if the contract is signed within that time period, this Agreement will be considered still valid, and/or a written statement that is signed by both parties which stipulates that the validating signing of the Confidential Services Contract must wait until a later date, due to circumstances of work or emergency – in which case the 7 business days leeway may also be applied to the latter planned date of signing. In effect, this says, if you freak out and do not sign the last time for a few days, the agreement is still valid, and if you need more time, we can make an addendum that allows for more time. However, if you decide to sign once, and then never again, you will be paying four months of the weekly payments before you are fully released - which is put in place because too many people do not take contracts seriously, nor do they take it seriously how much it emotionally affects, and otherwise inconveniences, their potential owners when they waste a lot of time and make false promises. So, don't sign anything, don't even ask to see anything, unless you are serious. If you ask to see my contracts, you are proposing to me. If you fail to follow through on the proposal, you will pay for breach of contract. But, you won't pay too much.  

1/7/2011 11:25:50 AM
This is a continuing explanation of the contracts I am working with, for the sake of those who care to know more about them without feeling pressured to perform; or, for those who are simply interested in studying examples for their own personal education.

Has already been explained
Support Services. Insert name here will provide the following support services for the benefit of Arletta fulfilling her role, per this Agreement: Living quarters, in the form of at least one piece of Real Estate of her choice, as a place in which to engage in the disciplines which are related to this Agreement, whether those disciplines be physical, mental, or emotional in nature;As previously mentioned, the purchase of a house, in all or in part, is negotiable. However, this part is still fulfilled, if, for instance, I choose an apartment for us to live in, whether we are in agreement to stay in the apartment or to seek out a proper house later, because, if we live in an apartment together, you will more than likely be paying the rent on it out of the money you used to use to pay your own bills before we moved in together. That, too, is negotiable, depending on the total picture, however.  the following of all protocols and instructions to the best of his ability; As in, obeying your Mistress, without question. the performance of all assigned duties to the best of his ability; As in serving your Mistress and learning how to please her.and whatever material possessions it is in his power to provide, that are needed for this training. More serving, again with some limitations for your protection; because, obviously, if I went out and bought a diamond ring with your credit card, under most circumstances, it would not be needed for this training. Groceries, utilities, whips, cages, a throne, all sorts of other things might be justifiable, but, expensive baubles should be purchased by the owner with the owner's money (even if it is the money they receive from the slave's labors) or as a gift that the slave has given of their own volition -otherwise it is misuse of power, and extreme rudeness. Why? Because, they provide no sustenance, no physical comfort, no benefit to health, and they are not a tool for teaching.The best use of this Real Estate will be determined by Arletta, with possible input from insert name here. In other words, if in the unlikely event that I  have 6 slaves, and each of them wants to, and does, purchase a piece of real estate, understanding that it is some part of their training, there will be no expectation on the part of the slave that I will be living in all 6 houses, training each slave, individually. That would be silly. However, I might choose to devote one house to my parents and send the slave to serve them as their gardener and pool cleaner, as part of his total service - and all service is training. Another house might be in a foreign country and only used when we want to escape the heat, so the training will occur there, but, not all year round. It is for me to decide. It is for the slave to determine if he has the ability to purchase a piece of real estate in the first place, during or before contract negotiations.
New Project Approval. Arletta and ____ recognize that Arletta's Services will include working on various projects, including directing insert name here in his activities. insert name here shall obtain the approval of Arletta prior to the commencement of any project, activity, outside relationship, or other act, duty, or obligation which may, in any way, affect insert name's here productivity, loyalty or concentration in regards to the keeping of this Agreement or any confidential agreements between Arletta and ____ which stem from this creation and actualization of this Agreement. In other words, Arletta is your Mistress, your owner, and you must ask her permission to go camping with friends, change jobs, quit your job because your boss is a filthy jerk, try a new haircut, start the Atkins plan, or anything else that is other than what is already generally accepted or has been specif iced by verbal or written agreement or command. And, since you are signing this document, you have just given her legal permission to treat you in the manner that a slave is treated, even though you will not legally be considered a slave.
Term/Termination by Client:This Agreement may be terminated by insert name here with regards to physical, mental, or emotional duties of this Agreement or any confidential agreements which stem from the creation and actualization of this Agreement in the case of one or more violations of Section 4.3 of the Confidential Services Contract, which section, due to its confidential nature will not be quoted herein. Otherwise, he may make a written request for the termination of this Agreement and wait for Arletta to read, agree to, and sign the written request for termination of this Agreement. Section 4.3, as you will see later, is in regards to horrible, violent acts that no one should do to anyone else, ever. If I do them (which I never will) you can remove yourself from the home and refuse to perform any duties for me, etc. You may not quit the weekly payment YET, even in such a case-  but, have no fear, there will be relief for that, as you will see if you keep reading. You may also, even if I have not done something awful, make a written request for these duties to stop - it is up to me to decide if your request is valid. The reason for this is, say, your dad dies, your mom is living all alone and needs someone to care for her and you are the only one of your siblings who is not an utter dick. That would be a very good reason to ask to be released from the agreement, in part or in whole, temporarily or for good.  

1/7/2011 12:26:10 AM
Still sharing information regarding the meaning behind various bits of contracts. This is not a posting related to expectations or demands of anyone signing - but, it is for the edification of those who wish to know more about me, or, more about contracts in general. 
4. Expenses. insert name here shall be responsible for the following expenses: Accommodations in the form of purchased Real Estate, to provide a place of privacy in which for these services to occur; any legal expenses which are the result of either entering into this Agreement in good faith of its legality or of actions taken, in good faith, in following this Agreement; obtaining and maintaining membership in Direct Buy, Sam's Club, and Costco in Arletta's name for the duration of this Agreement, or for whatever length of time Arletta desires these memberships that does not extend past the duration of this Agreement; and, travel expenses related to the relocation of parties, goods, services for the purpose of dwelling with, or ceasing to dwell with, Arletta in regards to the fulfilling of this Agreement.
 This particular section is highly negotiable, depending on income. You will see more about the why's and wherefore's of purchased real estate in the next contract. But, suffice it to say that I do not desire anyone to ruin their finances, be forced to sell the home they own now, or to otherwise do anything crazy for this to take place. Big, yeah - if it can be done - but, not crazy! The reason for the memberships is to save money on fixing up and maintaining a home. I would not want Direct Buy membership until whatever point a home was purchased, whomever it was purchased by, as, unless a home is being completely furnished, one is unlikely to save enough money to make the purchase price truly worthwhile. So, uhm .. don't sweat it. Give it honest thought and come up with an honest statement of fact as to if this could occur, or could not occur, and why; it is open for discussion.

1/6/2011 7:22:48 PM
I am writing this as a continuation of an explanation of contracts, for the benefit of any who care to read the explanations, whether it is to better understand what I am thinking about, or whether it is to better understand the use of contracts, or something else altogether. Happy learning! (I say to those who are interested).

Was already discussed, below

Performance of Services. The manner in which the Services are to be performed shall be determined by confidential agreement through contracts, verbal and/or written agreements, lists and notices between Arletta and insert name here. Which means, in effect, there will be no 'tell all' books, release of any incriminating information, dragging embarrassing details into court or other public venues (except under very specific, easily avoidable circumstances). This does not mean that the contract would be null and void because you said to your friend 'I can't meet you on Thursday, unless Mistress Arletta will allow me leave.'

Payment. insert name here will pay a fee to Arletta for the Services based on $________per week. This particular bit is often taken in the exact opposite light that it is intended. Contrary to popular belief, this is not about taking maximum money away from the slave; it is about limiting the slave (because slaves love to give everything they have) to a reasonable amount. Reasonable is defined as something that he could pay, with a little sacrifice to comfort, while being sure of being able to have the food, clothing, gas, insurance, food, etc. necessary for his survival. This is also about giving. I am giving to you, in that I am putting my trust in your service that you honestly are a slave who wants to serve, who will make a choice that reflects this criteria. You are giving to me, both in financial service and in that you are obeying the restrictions of this criteria, and giving from your heart rather than me having to take it by force every time OUR utilities need to be paid, when we are living together. This also, of course, legalizes the transfer of money, to an extent where I can pay taxes on it, make purchases with it,  and that makes me feel much happier - as I am not interested in breaking laws or being sneaky.This payment is for the duration of this Agreement, and, as such, may only be altered, to become lesser in size, to a different payment schedule or in any other fashion by the request of Arletta and the notarized signing of an addendum to this Agreement by both Arletta and insert name here. Again, this is often taken exactly the opposite of its intent. You see, I keep running into slave potentials who want to be ordered into financial ruin. I am not interested in ruining someone's financial status. So, I am making the point - the only way this payment will be considered to be altered is by me, and the only manner in which I may alter it is to make it smaller. So, if I see that you have less work, or have been letting yourself suffer more than I deem necessary, to make the payment, I can change it and you have no right to argue with me .This payment shall be made to Arletta in cash, in person, commencing on the day that this Agreement is signed by both parties and thereafter on the same day of the week, each week it is made. If it is not possible for the payment to be made in cash, it will, instead, be made through PayPal payments to the address of I prefer the payment be made in cash, not to be sneaky, but, because, I learned from a submissive that insisted on sending me cash in a card through the mail, that it means so much more, for both slave and owner, for the slave to come to their owner and make this offering, showing that they are thinking of the owner, and letting them see that their owner appreciates this sacrifice - much preferable to ugly forcing and demands. However, it is not entirely practical, before the slave and I are living together, to make payments in cash, as they are more likely to be stolen, and there are reasons why payments should commence BEFORE the moving. For one thing, it is one of the easiest forms of service, in a long distance situation, that has the most impact. For another, that way, I can set money aside for shopping for items necessary for our living together (both vanilla, like furniture, and bdsm related) rather than ordering you to make the purchases and the bank seeing it as a drain on your financial status, in case we need you to have a good credit record. The banks are getting highly persnickety, and, it is common practice to check credit records several times if someone is taking out a loan on a house. Therefore, if the slave is effecting the purchase of a home,  co-signing for me so that I can effect it instead, or anything related to that, he must have a stable credit record.  Insert name here may have up to 7 days leeway in which to begin, or to continue, making payments, without being found to be in violation of this Agreement. However, insert name here is still required to make full payment of each week's payment, so that if he signs on Wednesday, the 15th, but, cannot pay until Wednesday the 22nd, he will need to pay two weeks worth of payments on the 22nd. Exceptions to this, such as being allowed to catch up on payments through a scheduled increase for a duration of time, must be made by written, signed agreement between the two parties.

1/6/2011 1:28:09 PM
This is a continuation of an explanation regarding contracts I have written and am working with; not, in and of itself, a contract or an attempt to get someone to sign a document. Use it to learn more about me, to learn more about contracts, or ignore it, as you please. Thank you.
Therefore, the parties agree as follows:

Description of Services. Beginning on insert date here Arletta will provide the following services (collectively, the “Services): Training n the art of domestic skills; advice; serving as a focal point and figure of authority, somewhat like that of a mother figure, for insert name here's peace of mind; the writing of chore lists, protocols, and other documents to help insert name here live the lifestyle of his choosing; companionship of a legal, non-sexual nature; training through the use of non-sexual, mutually agreed to, physical and mental discipline; providing assistance in making life choices and decisions; providing assistance in grooming; providing assistance in self-help meditation, visualization, exercise and other practices acceptable to insert name here and his choice of lifestyle; research and/or creation and/or application and/or usage of disciplines, protocols, methods, instruments, tools, and/or whatever is deemed appropriate by mutual consent to enhance the public and private life of insert name here. Consent will be given by confidential written or verbal agreement, between Arletta and insert name here.

In other words, in legal language, Arletta will be your Mistress - the head of the household, of which you are the slave. She will train you to perform your duties, she will be the one to whom you give your service, she will direct your steps, discipline you, teach your mind to think as a slave should think (such as you might need that teaching), control what you wear and why you wear it, and possibly chain you up, tie you down, lightly brain wash you, cage you, make you sit in a corner, or  beat your silly little slave arse if, in fact, it is deemed either good or necessary - because you agreed to it, and you need it; or, because she darned well wants to, and, as she is the dominant figure of authority in your life, you wish to obey her.
Also, to some extent, this answers the age old question 'But, what are you going to do for me?' This is what I am going to do for you, slave, and, it involves a lot of effort on my part. True, my effort will mainly be mental and yours will mainly be physical; but, that all gets reversed when the whip comes out, or the slave gets caged and the Mistress has to keep traipsing back and forth checking on him, now, doesn't it?

1/6/2011 9:56:49 AM
As my profile has stated, I  am making these journal entries, with bits of my contracts in them, so as to break it down into sections (as I think seeing the contracts as a whole, all at once, is overwhelming to most), and explain them, to some extent, as I go.
The purpose of these entries is not to provide a contract to be signed by anyone, but, only for the purposes of sharing what my contracts are, currently, and why I have written them the way I have, so that, those who are interested in contract writing, or interested in potential service, can have more information. So, please, do not report my journal entry as being inappropriate. 
It may not be for you, but, some people are very interested.
Thank you.
Part one of Training Consultation Agreement.
Now, first of all, I should explain that the reason for having a 'Training Consultation Agreement' is for the sake of there being a fully legal component to the relationship. Both I, and the slave, would be under obligation to provide what we have contracted to provide, or else we could be sued in a court of law.  That means, you cannot refuse to obey, and I cannot sit around on my lazy butt and just order you to do things, without teaching you any protocols, correcting your work, or otherwise providing training.
Training Consultant Agreement
This Agreement is made effective as of insert date here, by and between insert name here, of insert address here and Arletta Sloan, of insert address here.
Please note. You have my name. You can Google me. I suggest you do, because if you are seriously considering me as your Mistress, you should want to know everything about me that you can know. I am out there, a lot - on old sites and on one's I am still active on. Put in the time to research your potential owner!
In this Agreement, the party who is contracting to receive services shall be referred to as “insert name here”, and the party who will be providing the services shall be referred to as “Arletta”.
Arletta has an informal background in domestic arts and disciplines, as well as an employment background in customer service and confidential contracts, and is willing to provide services to insert name here based on this background.
This means that I, Arletta, have had a whole lot of years as a babysitter, mother, dutiful daughter, slave, training slaves for others, slave owner, volunteer, caregiver. I have been training myself or others since I can remember. I am telling you that I know how to train people to cook, clean, organize themselves to some extent, and, also, because I include it as part of domestic arts and skills, I know how to train you to think, act, and be more like a slave. I am guaranteeing you training, not just the use of your body and money for my own needs.
insert name here desires to have services provided by Arletta.
You are guaranteeing me that you want to be trained and are not going to turn around and call it abuse, later,  in a fit of pique. This is a bold statement that cannot be misunderstood. You want what I can do for you, even including what I do to you to achieve the results I determine are desirable.
... to be continued ....

1/6/2011 8:26:28 AM
This is actually a response message that I just sent to someone (approx. 12:24 pm 01/05/2011), but, it says things that I think anyone who is reading m profile should know, so, here you go:
'Nice definition! Then, to answer you: Yes, someone does really want a relationship. I want a relationship. I just don't want it to be based on romance, sex, or the horrible degradation and abuse of another human being. I want a real relationship, as much as possible, of a real owner (me) with a real slave - possibly along with other real relationships with other real slaves, who would also be in a relationship with each other, that would also not be founded on sex or abuse, and would only involve sex and romance if they happened to fall in love with each other - or, met someone else.
In other words, I want REAL LIFE with slaves, not pretend, role-playing, b.s. where people think 'lifestyle' is all about whips and wanking off in corners, instead of it mainly being about getting the dishes done, working toward common goals, establishing and following rules, and actually LIVING TOGETHER
Mind you, I do think whips, etc. have their place - as part of punishment, or part of fun, but, not as the whole of either, and certainly not as the major component of living together.
I was just thinking about that. I mean, why have most people in history become slaves, who volunteered for it? Two reasons. 1) They owed their owner something (which none of the slaves, here, owe me anything).  2) Out of a desire to join into a common cause (ie: Lancelot, who was not a slave in name, but, obviously a slave by devotion, who would have properly kept himself in line if only either one of his owners had beat him for thinking of going there).
I need slaves who have a desire to join in a common cause - the helping of others - or common goals - the writing, painting, helping others, living together in a basically 'normal' old-fashioned, slave/Owner relationship that is based on loyalty, fealty, obedience - positive things, where everyone is valued and no one is beaten, unless they truly deserve it.
That's what I need.'

1/5/2011 11:22:49 AM

Interesting how many men quote, or bring up, a certain Ms. Sutton, claiming they want such a domme, even though they cannot live up to her standards for males.
Or, even more so, a certain Ms. Bellamare: whom these men send me the book of, whilst claiming they want such a domme, but, are unable to live up to her standards of what a man should be. Well, if you have read that book, which I keep getting sent: shame on you! I read enough to know that she did not want you to, man. Aside from that, if you have read her works, then, you should be able to grasp this concept quite readily:I tell you what I want from you. You have a short period of time to think it over. If you cannot come to a decision, by the end of that time, you are dismissed.
I am told that I need to be harsher and more uncompromising than that. However, I am told that by 'slaves' who cannot listen to what I want, think it over, and then come to a decision, so, I am not told it for very long at a time.
I am not your God, Goddess, or any other form of deity. I am flesh and blood.
I am not your accuser, your abuser, your  molester, your ruin or your destruction. I am your owner.
If I were a cruel deity, I would not be on this site writing this profile. I would be out enslaving Johnny Depp, who is cuter than you and makes more money. Think about it.
I am not your fantasy. I am reality.
You are not my fantasy. You are my reality.
Your fetishes will not be catered to, your whims are not my concern. That you do as I command, as you are taught, giving generously of your time, body (for labor), brain, and finances, is my concern
.I can be loving, caring, concerned, giving rewards at odd times, bestowing a little usage upon the slaves in ways that they hope to be used particularly, for the slave who does not tax me with his petty needs and ways.
I want to be kind, to share my life with a slave, or a few, who I like and who like me, person to person  - but -  I can be cruel, harsh, unforgiving for the slave who does not listen, does not learn.You will be questioned, you will be tested. I do not demand immediate perfection. However, if you fail to give any sort of satisfaction, you will be summarily cut from my life.
It is none of your business, slave, if I say please or thank you, if I give you a warm bed or a cold floor, if you eat beans and rice or steak and salad. You have no right to judge me, to question my ways that do not threaten your life or your limb, or to, in any way, inconvenience me with your whining wants.
If it is a NEED, we will discuss it. If it is a desire, keep it to yourself unless you are asked about it.
Queue 10 screaming 'slaves' telling me I want too much. Reply: Why yes, yes I do. I want it all, except what I have no use for. If you are not willing to learn to live by my standards and to give to me, I don't care for your opinion. If you are, then, I have already given it to you.
The second photo was taken on 01-04-2011 (January 11, 2011)
I have used these little dot thingies, off the left, as it is the only way I can keep there from being enormous gaps of space between paragraphs. Something weird is going on with the html around here!  

1/4/2011 12:48:04 PM
(sigh) Another week, another several hours of wasted time.
This is my last email to the latest 'slave' who was allegedly interested in being a real slave, who was owned. If you might be interested in being a real slave, or want to know anything about my experience, it could be worth reading - if bitchy.

My advice to you is that, while you are pre-judging people, you actually take some time to read their profiles, their journal entries, etc. and, maybe, even ask them about their experience.
Which, if you had asked me about my experience, you would know that I began in this 'lifestyle' at the illustrious age of  ...??? ... somewhere around 10 -12 years of age, as a protocol slave, primarily. Which swiftly moved into being a trainer of slaves for the benefit of the sort of people who were not just out looking for kinky good fun but who actually wanted real slaves, who put in a hard day's work, or obeyed commands, or that sort of thing - the sort of slaves that seem to no longer be in existence.
The foremost reason I was a trainer of slaves is that they listened to me, in the majority, without having to resort to brain washing, beatings, etc. And, when I did have to resort to other methods, to train them to listen or obey, I was very very good at finding their buttons to push.
It was never about pageantry, or how cool someone looks in chains, or pretending to want to make the slave work when, in fact, what was really wanted was to have an excuse to beat them for their pleasure and your own - it was about serious expectation of proper performance. 
Then, of course, there were the slaves who came to me, some as gifts, some literally coming to me because they wanted to be slaves and owned by someone who was really going to use them and value them for their work and as persons.
And, there was all the work I did help setting up events in various cities, the modeling for fetish catalogs,  the writing of contracts for actual slaves being sold in actual slave auctions, the purchasing of whores from their pimps and retraining them to be functional members of society, and .. well, I have a lot of experience.
The difference is, I don't have a lot of experience just playing around, thinking how cute everyone is in their leather outfits and learning all the key phrases that make people 'feel owned'. If I own someone, I fucking own them - and they know it, whether they are allowed to sit beside me on the couch or forced to serve as a step stool, stuck in a cage, or out doing their wage work. If I just wanted a maid, or money, I'd simply put on a little makeup, go find a sugar daddy, and make him pay for a maid. When we first started talking, you sounded like maybe you knew something about being a slave, but, now, you sound like just another fetishist who is out looking for a contract that is going to guarantee him that all his kinky desires are met - which is great fun, for those people who want it, but, it is hardly the same thing as a slave.
Slaves work, they obey. That is their primary function.
Sorry if me expecting that from slaves makes you feel leery - but, if you think that a slave is anything other than a worker who may also provide entertainment and companionship, then you need a collegiate dictionary.
I tell you none of this in hopes of continuing conversations or for purposes of justification; but, I tell you to give you something to think about, since your thinking is obviously flawed.
Mistress Arletta
Now, why, oh why, Mistress Arletta, would you write such dastardly things to the good and innocent slave boy, do you ask? Well, go ahead, ask!
And, then, I shall show you the end of our first, and last, yahoo chat: 
(12:02:54 PM) mistressarletta: Lifestyle, of course, is a relative statement What does it mean to you?(12:06:03 PM) 'slave': to me it means service first and foremost be it domestic or otherwise but it also means exploring the different types of Bdsm for either pleasure or punishment. i am a bit of what one may consider a pain freak not in the actual pain but in the knowing i am pleasing another by endurring it as well as the different types i may be able to experience if that makes any sense and that is just a couple of things i look at in the lifestyle as you mentioned it can cover a lot of different things. (12:06:47 PM) 'slave': my father has been a Dom for over 20 years now so i am not new to the lifestyle and what to look for and not look for Miss(12:08:06 PM) mistressarletta: I can understand that, about pain. I cannot, however, give an honest assessment of how much it would be a part of my slave's life. Sometimes, I think it is very much needed, or very much fun, but, pain is not my focus, in general terms. Obedience, companionship, getting things done is the focus.(12:14:36 PM) 'slave': i understand and forgive me but i do not really get a lifestyle feel for this type of situation. You will find that while i try to show the utmost respect i am totally honest and will say things the way i percieve them. i get the feeling of a more roomate/maid type idea judging from your profile after rereading it in its entirity as well as going over the contracts and protocols i really honestly only see domestic service coved and really nothing dealing directly with the different variations of the lifestyle. i am not saying that is a bad thing in any way but i am not sure i will get the needed ammount of accomplishment in serving in such a tunnel-vision like way. If that makes any sense and again i am in no way trying to upset you but i am getting a very leary feeling about this......(12:15:10 PM) 'slave': as you read in my profile i have had bad experiences in the past and have done vast research and conversing with several people in ths lifestyle(12:15:15 PM) mistressarletta: I see(12:15:31 PM) 'slave': again i mean no disrespect at all(12:16:59 PM) mistressarletta: I really don't care what you meant, Disrespect was there. I have no idea how some one can read the contracts and protocols and get from them that they would just be a roommate who cleans, but, I am sure if that's how far their imagination takes them, I don't want to own them(12:18:07 PM) mistressarletta: I am looking for someone who wants to be owned, who wants to serve, primarily. People who only want to be used and beaten can be found anywhere. So I focus on those things that are about ownership service, not fun and kinkiness(12:18:14 PM) mistressarletta: Goodbye
And, then, I shall refer you to a journal entry below, that I wrote after he and I started conversing on CM, which covers the subject of how contracts are not able to be all things needed for all persons - how they need to be negotiated, and,the various journal entries on here, on my yahoo profile and my old profile here (mistressarletta in both cases) which give more information on what I think about slaves, chains, whips, etc. to those who care to bother putting in some effort to read them.
Those who do not care to put in effort - are no good to me, slaves.


1/2/2011 2:31:30 PM

Please note that the collarme chat system does not work on my computers,
so I do not accept chat  requests here. Please also note that I am the one in charge,
according to me, so I do not accept chat requests anywhere else.
If I want to chat you up, you will be informed.  

I need a slave roommate. Age, sex, and looks do not matter.  You must be local, or be ready to make yourself local ; discreet, obedient, loyal and fun.
You would live here in secrecy, as my slave, and would  cook, clean, shop when needed, chauffeur, perform some minor grooming duties, keep track of supplements and appointments;  and, of course, whatever else is required of you, none of which will be sexual in nature. Please note that while financial service is part of the relationship, so you would have to work or have an income, you would retain all control of your bank accounts, etc.
Please read my interests to better understand what other aspects of your service to me might be.

I might also consider persons who wish to live some aspect of this lifestyle
I have described, without being roommates. Ask politely and I'll let you know.
For those of you who do know me from my former profile, I have not decided against any of the longer term goals. I've just decided I'd be better off seeking something for now, and seeing how things progress.

1/2/2011 7:43:17 AM
It is the beginning of a new week, and, with that new beginning, comes a freshly clean inbox.  Do not expect me to remember what passed between us, since it is now erased. If you are not blocked, you may return, when you are serious.

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