Monday, July 18, 2011

Journal Entries for SlavesNotToys: Pt.8

7/5/2011 8:14:45 AM
'  Hello, i've read your profile, and i'm interested.  Please just give me the chance to prove that i'm worth serving you.  Please give me the chance to kneel before you and offer you everything i've got.  Let me pamper, honor, adore and serve you the way that you deserve.    Just reading my message is more than i deserve, and, indeed, an honor that i can barely dream of.  Nevertheless, i beg you to give me the chance to make something of my life, to give it purpose by serving you.  If you wish to see my picture, you need only order me to send it, and, of course, it would be my honor to relocate to serve you in person.Thank YOU :)'  
So, you read my profile, and, you were so interested, so ready to be given the chance t prove that you are worth serving me, that you failed to do do ANYTHING, much less everything it says to do?  
Anyway, I've talked to this man before. He said the same thing. So, I asked him, what my profile was about, and, he could not tell me anything specific, at all. This time he viewed my profile at 8:09 am, it is now 8:12 am.  
Seen my profile? No one read it, considered it, and, had time to type out that email, in two minutes, and, it's been over a minute since I started writing this journal, come to think of it, since I got distracted.  
If you think I'm that stupid, why would you even pretend to want to serve me?

7/5/2011 8:02:22 AM
Good morning! (I so want to finish that with 'Vietnam!', but, I just won't). I hope each and every one of you, who read this, have a marvelous, happy, skippy dory sort of day. Which is not to say that I hope the rest of the blighters feel like they are sliding around on hot coals or razor blades all day, mind you - no, not even if they want to - just saying, I can't very well tell them my hopes, if they aren't reading this.  
Just so you know, as some of you have obviously gotten the wrong idea (what a shock), I am not interested in anyone who calls themselves a piggy, and, has a picture of a piggy bank on their profile, who messages me  in the hopes of enticing me into some time wasting fantasy adventure wherein they promise me oodles of money, but, never deliver.  
In fact, I am not interested in you, if you promise me oodles of money and then do deliver, if money is all you have going for you.  
And, I am absolutely not interested in you, if you are a slave, or other s-type, who is messaging me, without having read, understood, and, complied with my profile, even if you turn out to be a sub/sub couple who otherwise goes by the names of Mr. Gates and Mr. Trump.  
My profile mentions something that is about fair compensation for some of the use of my time, and, is geared toward deflecting time-wasters from even trying to engage me in their fruitless little fantasies. It is not an indication of me being a gold digger.  
Why is it, whenever a woman wants something other than to have her entire day wasted on fulfilling the fantasies of men, it makes her a gold digger, whore, floozy, tramp, slut, bitch, or, other unpleasant sounding thing? Can you not conceive of the fact - you who claim to believe in female supremacy, especially - that we are more than body parts? And, that we have no legal or moral obligation to provide our genitalia for your amusement,  on a first come, first served basis?  
If you want my time, in order to discuss serving me, prove you are worth it, beforehand. Show that you can follow instructions. If you can't do as my profile asks, and, in the correct order, then you cannot do the work I require of you. And, if you think $20 is too much to pay for up to two hours of my time in which to convince me that you are interesting enough to consider, then, you are certainly not someone who is going to respect me.  
When you show that you believe my time is valuable, when you show that you have taken this all serious enough that you are willing to put in an effort -as I obviously had with all the typing (and, thinking) - of reading, learning what I am about, and, showing me that you can listen, then, maybe, you'll be worth considering.   
Until then, keep your insulting little piggy bank fantasies to yourself.

7/4/2011 6:13:42 PM
Something you should understand, is that the primary job of a dominant, who is being served, is to hone the slave or submissive that is serving them. They teach them to serve deeper, better. If the person they own is uneducated, they may guide them to learn how to study. If the person is in a dead end job, they may seek to further their career. If the person is depressed, they may seek to balance their chemicals through medication, therapy, or simple support.   
So, when you ask 'But, what do I get out of it?' keep that in mind. That is what you get, or, at least, what you should get out of it. Someone who is going to support you, seek your best interest, help you to reach for your goals, and, make you a better, more successful person than you had been before them.  
In that respect, I'm not really sure how or why a glass of piss would come into it. Unless, of course, it is survival training, in case you get trapped in a building or fall into a crevasse or something like that. ???  
Nor, do I see how being told that you are worthless, then being kicked in the ribs until they break is going to help you. To my mind, if you want to have your ribs broken, helping you to be a better self is best done by addressing what makes you hate yourself that much, not by making sure you need medical attention as well as therapy.   
Pain has its place, as does admonition. Its' a matter of why they are used, as well as how.  That goes for chastity, denial, objectification, or, anything else done. Will it make you a better person? Will it relieve stress? Or, will it simply make you feel comfortable, having gone back to what you are used to, but, mixing it with a little caring, that you didn't get when you had the pain before?   
That sort of comfort you do not need. I will not give it to you. You will have no maintenance spankings from me, much less worse. If I spank you, it will be because you did wrong, or, because I want you to learn something about the inevitable futility of attempting to buck the system, maybe, but, it won't be because you expect it, think you need it, or, hope that this time it will be different than when Daddy did it.   
If you serve me, I will do for you, right back. Be prepared. It'll blow your little mind.

7/4/2011 3:40:16 PM
B.D.S.M.: Bondage, Discipline,Sadism, Masochism  
D/s: Dom/sub or Domination/submission or Dominance/submission  
D/s is encompassed under B.D.S.M., as is slavery, mild kinkiness, mostly vanilla sex in a relationship wherein an old fashioned 'head of the household' tone is set, and, a lot else.   
Dominant: The person who is not willing to serve, but, who is willing to guide.  
Dom/Domme: The person who serves by playing the role of being in charge, usually sexually  
Submissive: The person who is not willing to serve, but, is willing t pretend to serve, for sexual thrills. Sometimes pretends to be a slave.  
Slave: The person who puts service above all else.  
Yes, that was a rather tongue-in-cheek set of definitions, but, with a point. And, what's the point? Read my ID. I am not interested in people who just want to be played with, or, who just want to play with me. Play is for after work is done, and, it is not really play unless everyone is going to enjoy it. I wouldn't enjoy it. You would bore me, sexually.   
Yes, I can say that, to the majority, because, with startlingly few exceptions, it will always be true. You are nothing special, just because you have a penis or a vagina, even if you want them dilated or stepped on. I could get that from 100 other people just like you, if that's what I wanted.   
Show me that you can listen, follow directions, that you have pride of accomplishment in your work, and, you are motivated by something other than your own potential orgasm, and, I might just be impressed.   

7/4/2011 3:39:27 PM
B.D.S.M.: Bondage, Discipline,Sadism, Masochism  
D/s: Dom/sub or Domination/submission or Dominance/submission  
D/s is encompassed under B.D.S.M., as is slavery, mild kinkiness, mostly vanilla sex in a relationship wherein an old fashioned 'head of the household' tone is set, and, a lot else.   
Dominant: The person who is not willing to serve, but, who is willing to guide.  
Dom/Domme: The person who serves by playing the role of being in charge, usually sexually  
Submissive: The person who is not willing to serve, but, is willing t pretend to serve, for sexual thrills. Sometimes pretends to be a slave.  
Slave: The person who puts service above all else.  
Yes, that was a rather tongue-in-cheek set of definitions, but, with a point. And, what's the point? Read my ID. I am not interested in people who just want to be played with, or, who just want to play with me. Play is for after work is done, and, it is not really play unless everyone is going to enjoy it. I wouldn't enjoy it. You would bore me, sexually. Yes, I can say that, to the majority, because, with startlingly few exceptions, it will always be true. You are nothing special, just because you have a penis or a vagina, even if you want them dilated or stepped on. I could get that from 100 other people just like you, if that's what I wanted.   
Show me that you can listen, follow directions, that you have pride of accomplishment in your work, and, you are motivated by something other than your own potential orgasm, and, I might just be impressed.   

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