1/15/2011 9:10:39 AM | |
These are some basic training protocols that I have written out, which people are free to adapt to their own personal use, begin practicing to see how they would like to live with them, begin practicing because they are sure they want to serve me, ignore freely, or whatever. This, to me, is a mystery, because, I have been informed that, much like my contracts, these training protocols have nothing to do with slavery of any sort; they show an utter lack of desire to control the slave in any fashion, etc. Which, what that says to me is that someone did not really read anything I wrote - or, not much of it - ever. Nevertheless, for those who do care to read it, here it is: Confidential Basic Training Protocols: This document encompasses the general basic training protocols which all persons who are being trained by me will learn and live by, and, also, as time goes on, will encompass protocol more specific to the individual. They will learn and live these basic protocols, to whatever extent they can before we are living together or within close proximity, and they will learn them to perfection once we are established in our living quarters within close proximity to each other. If more than one client is being trained, they may observe that their protocols are not the same as they are for another, either from the beginning of service, or having been altered over time. That is because there may be exceptions made to these basic protocols, based on knowledge of specific needs I will have for the clients, specific needs of the clients, or specific circumstances which make alteration necessary. I do not require, but am certainly allowed, to obtain permission of these clients to alter the protocols which affect them. All alterations of these protocols will be made by me. However, it should be noted, to the clients, as they wish to be trained in the arts of submission and slavery, that slavery and submission are both a great deal like sex, in this way: some persons are more skilled at giving you what you need, to make it right for you; but, to increase your pleasure, they still require feedback – at least, in the beginning. For the sake of this training, the client will be referred to as slave and the one training him will be referred to as Mistress. These are not legal descriptions] f position in society, but, an affectation for the sake of further enhancing his training. So, dear slave, if you see something that you know you are going to have trouble doing (such as kneeling, if your knees don't work that way), if there is something that you believe would help you learn these arts better, you must tell Mistress; but, not to nag, demand, or cajole Mistress – a simple explanation of your thoughts is enough. Every day Protocols These will be broken down into five sections: Etiquette toward All, Etiquette toward Mistress, Hygiene, Specific to Duties, and Explanation By Time of Day. Obviously, it is the latter two sections which are likely to be the most altered for the individual client. Section I: Etiquette toward All A)When in doubt, the slave will fall into proper social etiquette as defined by current polite Western societal standards or as define by Miss Manners B) The slave will use phrases, such as, but not limited to, “Please”, “Thank you.”, “No, thank you.”, “Yes, Sir.”, “No, Sir.”, “Yes, Ma'am.”, “No, Ma'am.”, “Yes, your Honor.”, and “No, your Honor.” within appropriate context, and, in a tone that is both polite and modulated to fit the situation. C) He will ask for clarification of what he does not understand that he needs to understand. To this end, he will take notes, as necessary, to aid his memory and understanding. D)The slave will use his own mind to be self-governing enough not to make unreasonable demands upon his Mistress for time and attention. Unreasonableness is to be defined by Mistress, as well as Mistress's laws and rules, and societal laws and rules of social etiquette. It is never defined by the slave, though, he is allowed some leeway to explain why he thought something was reasonable, before any punishments or disciplines are decided upon, in most situations. E) If he has good advice to give, or physical assistance to render, to another individual, who is in obvious need, he will offer same. He will use common-sense based discretion. IE: He will not give homeless persons who are asking for money for food any money. He will offer to buy them a meal, and, he will either sit and eat with them or he will purchase them “fast food” so that they may eat elsewhere. If he has leftovers, he may give them those, instead. If he is with Mistress, he will ask for her permission for him to render assistance. If it is an emergency situation, he will do his best to inform Mistress of his intent, but, he need not ask, or wait, for permission to render assistance. He will not be punished for failure to ask or give notice, in these circumstances. a) Emergency is defined as: life threatening, in the midst of a serious physical injury occurring or likely to be occurring, anything wherein a woman with child (in belly or out) or a child is stranded or ill wherein persons of our acquaintance (very good friends, neighbors, family members) are under some form of time constraint that cannot be altered. IE: The neighbor needs to get to a doctor's appointment in a half hour and his car died, but, Mistress is not available to ask for permission of to leave. The slave would write a message to Mistress explaining it in brief, and give a more thorough explanation, if necessary, upon his return or by phone. F) Slave will address all other females as Ma'am or Miss, and all other males as Sir, regardless of their position or status – unless that position or status requires the use of their title, instead. The exception being that the slave may continue to address his own family and friends, should he be addressing them at all, in the manner that they are accustomed to; and, that the slave may begin to address others in the manner they have indicated they are most comfortable with. IE: If Mistress' nephew says “Call me Damon.”, then, the slave shall call him Damon. G) Driving/ Chauffeuring: Slave will obey all traffic laws to the best of his knowledge and ability. Slave will obey all officer's of the law, to the best of his knowledge and ability; including staying out of the way of emergency vehicles. Whomever the slave is chauffeuring to some place where he will not be entering in, the slave will pull up to the nearest legal position, relative to the door, and allow them to exit; he will then watch for them to exit the buildings, so as pull up to the entrance or as near as possible to pick them up when they are ready to leave. If slave is chauffeuring someone and he will be entering the same place as they, he will follow the same basic protocol as listed above, except that he will, after parking the vehicle, enter into the building or dwelling and take a stance in an appropriate hallway, or a seat upon an appropriate piece of furniture, and wait for them to return to him. The exception being, of course, if he knows that he will be needed to carry packages, give advice, try on clothing, or etc. If the slave is chauffeuring other slaves, he will park the vehicle with the other slaves inside, instead, and they will all walk together, unless it is otherwise amicably decided between them; or, of course, unless it is ordered by Mistress or by circumstance. IE: If a slave has a broken leg, the chauffeuring slave should give as much aid as possible in limiting that slave's walking to and from the vehicle. Section II: Etiquette toward Mistress: Obviously, the Etiquette toward All is encompassed within and expanded upon, rather than excluded by the Etiquette slaves will show toward Mistress. A. The slave will always offer good advice and/or physical assistance to assist his Mistress in matters of which he is likely to be more knowledgeable or capable, or, sees her making a definite error; but, always, politely and keeping in mind his status and her own. The exception is, of course, if Mistress has ordered the slave to refrain from giving such advice or assistance. B. He will always wait to eat until after Mistress is served, regardless of whether in private or in public, unless ordered to do otherwise. C. Walking: Slave will walk with a purposeful gait, neither shuffling his feet or walking with unbecoming slowness. On most occasions, the slave will walk a few steps behind his Mistress, stopping when she has stopped, resuming movement when she has resumed movement. If she sits, he will sit and stand nearby, as is appropriate and possible. He will approach her only when beckoned. If he has need, he will produce a colored card and hold it in such a way that it will be visible to her when she has reason to look at him. Only in absolute emergency, including suddenly realizing how ill he is, or when ordered by Mistress, may this be altered. Though he walks behind her, on most occasions, the slave will walk ahead of Mistress in order to open doors for her in public settings, or, at the outer door of the entrance to Mistress' home when she is either leaving or returning; this includes the slave opening and closing vehicle doors for Mistress or boarding transportation ahead of Mistress so as to stow away baggage for both Mistress and himself. Though he walks behind her on most occasions, the slave will walk beside Mistress, unless she indicates otherwise, whenever they are near traffic, and he will always position himself on the side of Mistress that is closest to moving traffic. IE: If slave and Mistress are walking down a sidewalk, slave will walk on the outside portion of the sidewalk, so that Mistress is further away from the road. When crossing the street, slave will remain on, or move to, the side of Mistress which is now closest to the moving traffic, rather than the traffic which has stopped for the red light. D. Slave will only enter the home of Mistress when scheduled or when invited, unless due to an emergency situation such as fire, flood, serious injury, serious illness, invading armies, earthquake, gas leak, or other emergencies which threaten loss of life or limb of Mistress , the slave, or someone of their acquaintance. E. Slave will kneel and wait for permission to enter, at the entrance to whatever room Mistress occupies, when she is at home. Exceptions are if the slave has been ordered to carry in a package, food, tray, conduct a guest to Mistress, or if there is a person present who is not privy to the confidential acts and protocols associated with this training. F. Slave will never test Mistress, to judge her knowledge, skills, worth as a Mistress, or otherwise to judge her. The slave will do his best to follow protocol, perform tasks and chores assigned, generate an income for the sake of Mistress first and her household second, show politeness to all, refrain from fighting with other slaves, and to serve Mistress in any other way she wishes or needs to be served. This includes the use of basic common sense. If Mistress does not wish to be approached, but, she is obviously distracted or ill where it has put her in danger or has caused her to do something of great social embarrassment which the slave may conceal or rectify, he must do so, despite that he may need to break other protocols to do so. IE: Mistress walks out of the bathroom with her dress caught in her pantyhose (it happens to many women). In this situation, the slave does not stand politely by, flashing cards at Mistress, but, comes to shield her from prying eyes, and informs her of the faux pas in a polite manner. G. He will always look for ways to build up Mistress ' life, by increasing comfort, happiness, health, safety, and general well being in ways that reflect Mistress ' own choices with how to live. H. He must always greet Mistress good morning and goodnight, though it does not always need to be those exact words. Even if Mistress cannot hear him, or see him, he must do so. If at all possible, such as through email or instant message, he will make sure she receives these greetings. I. He will keep a journal and write in it, at least 15 minutes a day, detailing his thoughts, feelings, and activities. This is to be shared with Mistress whenever she requests it. J. Online, if the slave should remain online and in such a site as there might be persons who are considered Mistresses, Masters, Dommes, slaves, or submissives, where the site is geared toward bdsm activities or talk, the slave will represent himself as the property of Mistress Arletta, and will not seek out conversation with other Mistress or dominants, real or pretend, without the permission of Mistress Arletta. To whit: the slave will change his profile on the site where he met Mistress to indicated that she owns him, and he will also change his “actively seeking” status to the one indicating that friends are all he is seeking. K. When Mistress family or friends are at her home, and they are family or friends who are not aware of the slave and Mistress relationship, or if someone in a more official nature in society (work men, police officers, clergy, postal employees, etc.) is present, the slave will not enter Mistress home, even if scheduled, unless summoned. If the slave is already in the home, when the door bell rings or someone knocks, he will immediately shut off any noisy tools, such as a vacuum before Mistress answers the door. He will shut off any water he may be running, turn off any cooking that may be dangerous to leave for a few minutes, and move quietly to the exit which will allow him to move to his slave quarters and await Mistress there. If the slave finds or suspects that he is unable to make a discreet exit from Mistress ' home, he will, instead, remain quietly where he is, trusting that Mistress will do her best to keep the visitors from him, or to explain his presence to them should that be impossible to keep them from the presence of the slave. L. The use of cuss words, curse words, swearing is offensive and shall not be practiced. It shall be practiced to not do these things. The exceptions are where the slave is quoting or naming a movie, entertainer, song, book, or person where these sort of words happen to have been used (and Mistress wishes him to do so), reading this contract, explaining what was said by someone else to Mistress , or in some other way being a legitimate use of the words for the purpose of informing Mistress of something she needs to know. If the slave is found to utter these words or phrases that offend Mistress , the slave will, almost certainly, be slapped in the mouth. If he continues, he may also be subject to more rigorous punishment. These words and phrases include, but are not limited to: ass, cunt, slut, fuck, god damn it, oh my fucking god, omfg, goddess, Goddess, asshole, shit, fuckle bunny, fuckhead, fuckface, ass rimmer, eat my ass, suck my duck, eat shit and die, eat shit and live, fuck you, fuck me, fuck my life, fuck the world, yeah well fuck them, fuck off, fuck off and die, burn in hell, go to hell, on the highway to hell, nig-ger, kike, spic, wap, dago, little white shicksaw, ofey, ofay, cracker (obviously, this may be used when mentioning the food or food group), white bread (same rule as cracker), jigaboo, jungle bunny, towel head, sand nig-ger. Obviously, the spirit of the speech is at least as important as the actual words used. It is, therefore, up to the discretion of Mistress to decide if the words being used constitute swearing or cussing, by the sound of their ugliness and inappropriateness to her ear. IE: If you call someone butt floss, despite that neither word is a swear word, it will be determined as you swearing or cursing, and you will, almost certainly, be slapped. M. The slave, regardless of what other languages he speaks, will address Mistress in English, preferably as spoken by the more well-bred American types, unless she has given him leave, or directly asked him, to do otherwise. N. What is Mistress ' is Mistress' and is not for the use of slaves, unless exceptions have been given. If a slave is working in the home of Mistress and finds himself in need of using the bathroom, he will remove himself to the slave quarters to do so. If possible, he will obtain the permission of Mistress first. In absolute emergency situations, he will leave her home, without permission, for this purpose. If she notices, he will apologize, but, he will not interrupt her day to tell her of this, unless it is to inform her that he is ill. Slaves who are assigned to prepare meals may bring their own glass to drink water, their own dishes to serve themselves food upon, and may even have some of the same food and drink as they have prepared for Mistress in their own dishes. They are not to use Mistress ' dishes or utensils for their own need, however; they will only use them to prepare food for and serve food to Mistress . Slaves will have their own laundry soap, bedding, dishes, toilet tissue, cleaning supplies, wash cloths, towels, clothes, etc. They will only touch Mistress ' items if in service to her or if she has given them express permission to do so. They will never ask to use them, but, will wait for Mistress to give permission or not to give permission as she sees fit. IE: Mistress tells the slaves to wash their loincloths and bedding, and they do not have enough laundry soap for the loads. They will inform Mistress they only have enough laundry soap to do half the work, or that they have run out. She may, then, choose to tell them to use some of her laundry soap, to wash them without laundry soap, to only wash the loincloths and to wait to wash the bedding until more laundry soap can be obtained, or, whatever else it is in her head to order them to do. O. The slave will earnestly seek ways to improve his mind, his understanding of Mistress , his knowledge of ways to serve Mistress (ie: learning about gardening in the southwest), and will ask the permission of Mistress for time set aside to pursue these goals, for such things as reading time, the attending of classes (which he must also ask if Mistress will pay for, if they are not free classes), the seeking out of other persons with more knowledge in this area of service or work, etc. P. In general, the slave will not leave the home of Mistress without Mistress or a family member or a guest of Mistress being with the slave. On the occasions where the slave must leave by himself, or only in the company of another slave or other slaves, Mistress may assign him a cell phone by which to stay in communication. If it is still possible, and affordable, the cell phone will be one that has the capability of only calling the few numbers Mistress allows. Regardless, the slave will be accountable for the minutes used, and if the minutes are significantly more than can be accounted for by his conversations with Mistress , the slave may receive a paddling or stroke of the whip, or similar punishment, for each excessive minute used, at the discretion of Mistress and upon explanation by the slave. The slave will leave the cell phone on, whenever possible, and answer it as promptly as possible. If there is an emergency, he will call, or have someone else call, Mistress, as soon as possible. Q. As Mistress does not celebrate birthdays, national holidays, or religious holidays, outside of the Memorial of the Death of the Christ, the slave will not greet her with holiday greetings, wishes for a happy birthday or speak to her in ways that indicate he is celebrating such even on or near her property; nor will he purchase presents for those occasions for Mistress or for her guests or for her family. To speak so will be considered the same as cursing or swearing and will receive the same punishment. Explanation: This does not mean the slave cannot buy presents and wrap them in the slave quarters. It means he will not say greetings, hang decorations, invite people over for a holiday dinner, etc. R. Mistress will not be interrupted in activity or speech, for any reason barring emergency. S. Slave will not gaze directly into eyes of Mistress, without permission or order. T. The slave will not engage Mistress in conversation, without permission. If she chooses to speak to the slave, he may respond, but, he will not initiate conversation, except in matters of extreme importance. He is expected to be out of sight and out of mind, unless Mistress chooses to grant him an audience or otherwise spend time with/on him. There will be a very small lamp in the living room that has a small nite-light bulb in it. If the slave needs to speak to Mistress concerning something significant or extensive, the slave will turn this light on. When Mistress see it lit, she will approach the slave at her convenience, and allow him to converse. If Mistress chooses to allow the slave the freedom to speak, she may turn the light on, or, she may simply inform the slave in writing or in person. This indicates to the slave that he is free to make general conversation as Mistress would enjoy it, at this time, and he may speak openly, but, respectfully. Mistress will have several areas throughout her home for writing notes to the slave, as well as having provided duty charts. There will also be an area, near where Mistress sits to write that will have a message center where she will know to check for messages from the slave, should there be a need for him to leave any. This will be one of the primary methods of communication between Mistress and slave. Mistress will assign a set of colored cards to the slave, which may be made out of whatever materials she so chooses. These cards will act as signals between Mistress and slave in public situations or in private situations where the lamp is not available or not in proper working order, or in case of emergency. a) The red card will be for emergencies. This may be used in conjunction with other cards, to indicate the nature of the emergency. b) The green card is for illness. This will be flashed to indicate if the slave is ill and needs to ask for rest, or a doctor's appointment. If the slave has a sudden need to use the restroom, due to illness, he will flash both the red and green card. Or, if flashing them will not be sufficient to gain her attention, he will leave both the red and green card by the lamp or upon the entryway which Mistress will likely be passing soonest. c) The yellow card is for bathroom usage, including a need for personal grooming. If the bathroom usage is urgent, but, not related to illness, the slave will show Mistress both the red and yellow card. d) The orange card is to ask permission to speak freely, and may be used at any time in which the other cards do not apply; but, the slave should be aware that if Mistress is not amused by his choice of usage, she may punish him for being indiscreet with her favors. Section III: Hygiene A) Dental Hygiene Slave will brush his teeth at least twice a day, once upon arising and once right before bedtime. He may brush more often, if it is causing no harm to his teeth or gums, and it is not interfering with his duties. He will brush each tooth for at least a few seconds each, and his tongue, totalling at least two minutes of teeth-brushing activity per session. On Mondays, the slave should use tea tree oil toothpaste or a mixture of baking soda and tea tree oil, as this helps the health of gums. On Wednesdays, the slave should use a toothpaste with green tea in it, as this helps prevent the process that causes plaque. Or, he may use green tea essential oils or extracts combined with baking soda. In the evenings, slave will add at least 5 drops of grapefruit seed extract to his toothpaste, whether his toothpaste is handmade or store bought. He must mix it in thoroughly before using on his teeth or he might injure his gums as this is a concentrated product. Slave will floss his teeth at least once a day, in the morning, either directly before or directly after brushing his teeth. Slave will gargle and rinse with Listerine (the good, old fashioned, yellow, stingy kind) at least once per day, before retiring to bed for the evening. Slave will gargle and rinse with water, whenever possible, after every meal, unless he is going to full-on brush his teeth, instead. B) Bathing/Showering Hygiene Slave will, to the best of his ability, wash his face, feet, groin, and armpits three times a day: once upon arising, once before coming in for the evening meal with Mistress, once before retiring. If he is taking a full shower at any of these times, the full shower counts as him having performed this duty. At least once per week, the slave will render himself completely nude, so as to apply a solution comprised of a mixture of olive oil, Dawn dish soap, grapefruit seed extract poured over Epsom salt, to his flesh. If he is in chastity, this will always be done on the day he needs to clean the device. a) Slave will, to the best of his ability, hold the Epsom salt in one hand, pour the liquid mixture over the Epsom salt, and, quickly, scrub it lightly over his entire body, starting with his throat and working his way down, excluding the groin and buttocks. b) He may ask Mistress or another slave for help with his back or other areas he cannot reach, so long as they are not his buttocks or genitalia, or, so long as there is a medical reason for it. c)He will then do the same to the groin and buttocks, in that order. He should, then, rinse his hands, and apply a little of the liquid solution (no salt) to his hair, face, and ears, massaging it in. d) He may renew the handful of Epsom salt as needed. e) He should wait at least five minutes, after he has scrubbed or massaged the lotion over everywhere required by the above instructions, and, then, rinse himself off with warm water, before showering, bathing, or both, with his usual shampoo, soap, or whatever is used. f) After showering or bathing, the slave will use two cotton swabs, both ends dipped into approximately 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, to gently cleanse his ear canal and various surfaces of the inner and outer ear (one side of one swab for one ear, the other side of the same swab for the other ear), and then to cleanse his nasal passages (one tip of the second swab to clean one nasal passage, and then the other tip for the second passage). C) Shaving hygiene Mistress is not amused by excess hair. If she wants to see the stubble of slaves, she will inform them. If she wants them to have a moustache or beard, she will inform them of that, as well. The slave will keep himself well groomed in this respect, including the shaving of his legs, arms, back, face and/or wherever else he is excessively hairy. The slave will also learn how to pluck his eyebrows for his face shape and commence to doing so, if needed to keep them looking kempt. Alternatively, if the slave will not, or cannot, comply, the Mistress may shave him completely bald, as punishment; she may inflict corporal punishment upon him for each offending hair she espies; and/or she may send him to be waxed or have laser hair removal procedures done so as to eradicate the offending hair. Section IV:Specific to Duties When the slave has been assigned specific duties, those duties will be listed herein and protocols for same shall be listed, as well. Until then, he is required to learn these specific protocols which are for the duties that are common for all slaves. A)The slave will, for now, orient himself to following the advice of the 15 Minute Clean Up Guides for the various rooms of the home. To do this, slave should either copy and paste the guides, individually, into another document and print them out so that he may review them as needed, as he is learning them for each room, or, he should neatly write them by hand, on separate pieces of paper, for the same reason. If he can, he should have them laminated and taped or tacked to the wall of the appropriate room, until he has learned them well enough that he no longer needs to view them. Please note that the reason the title of the guides has “15 Minute” in it, is that the guides are written to help persons become more efficient in quick cleaning their home on a daily basis, and, on average, for a relatively small and well-organized home, 15 minutes is how long this should take, once a routine has been established. That, directly above, is the goal. Slaves who are only starting out learning to follow the guidelines should strive for improvement of time and accuracy of cleaning, rather than worry about receiving punishment. You are being trained. Mistress does not, yet, expect perfection. 15 Minute Cleaning Guide: Bathroom Gather supplies before starting: all purpose cleaner, window cleaner, scrubber, sponge, toilet brush, mop (if needed), rubber gloves, utility caddy to hold all 1. Remove the knick-knacks and place them in the hallway. Remove the throw rugs and shake them out. Put them in the laundry to be cleaned if needed. 2. Sweep or vacuum the floor. 3. Spray the counter top and let your cleaner do the work (use the homemade cleaner recipe from our web site. It really works.) Spray the mirror and wipe it down. 4. Spray the toilet with cleaner inside and out. Let the cleaner sit. 5. Go back to the counter top. Scrub and wipe it down. 6. Spray the bath tub and shower down (you may not need to do this every week if your bath tub doesn't get that dirty). 7. Scrub the inside of the toilet with a brush. Flush the toilet to rinse the bowl. Wipe down the outside. Don't forget the place behind the seat and the outside of the toilet bowl and base. 8. Scrub the tub down and rinse. Hint: if you want to clean the shower curtain you can wash it by itself in the washing machine in cold water on the delicate cycle. Remove it promptly and hang it back up to drip dry. Never put it in the dryer. 9. If you have linoleum or tile, mop the floor. If the room is small, you can spray your cleaner directly onto the floor and wipe it up with a sponge or cleaning cloth. Let dry for ten to fifteen minutes. 10. Put back the rugs and knick-knacks. Check your toilet paper supply. Put out fresh towels. 11. Take out trash. 15 Minute Cleaning Guide: Living Room 1. Grab your supplies: a container in which to put non-living room items; a dust rag; a vacuum cleaner or broom and dust pan. 2. Put all items that do not belong in the living room in a container. 3. Tackle the couch/futon/chairs: Brush off the cushions. Retrieve any missing items from the depths of the couch. Brush off the dirt from the interior of the couch onto the floor. Replace and fluff the pillows. 4. Dust down the tables, and arrange their contents properly. The goal here is to quickly brush off the table and neatly stack its contents. We're not shining the furniture meticulously, or alphabetizing coffee table books. 5. Neatly arrange the magazines and books.Don't try to weed out magazines and books that you've been thinking about storing or tossing. Just arrange them neatly and move on 6. Vacuum or sweep up the floor.Don't move furniture to do so. Don't try to vacuum the pillows and couch. Leave these more in depth items for when you have more time. Do, however, remember to get the dirt we brushed out of the interior of the couch. 7. Put away your dust rag and vacuum or broom.Take a few moments to enjoy, and take some time for yourself. 8. Take out trash. 15 Minute Cleaning Guide: Bedroom 1. Grab your supplies: container for clutter, vacuum or broom and dust pan, hamper, trash container 2. Grab all dirty clothing and put it in a hamper. I know the dirty clothes in your room are probably near the hamper, but we want to actually put them in the hamper. Don't worry about unfolding your socks or turning clothes right side out. We'll do that when we sort out the laundry. 3. Grab all trash and put it in the trash can. Don't worry about anything but trash right now. Pick up all the obvious trash and throw it in the can. 4. Make the bed. If making the bed seems like a waste of time, humor me. Smooth out the sheets – have sheets! Smooth out the blanket or comforter. Fluff your pillows. Stand back and take a quick look at the bed. It looks much neater, not necessarily better, just neater. On the plus side, you're not as likely to loose things in your bed when it's neat. 5. Grab all the clean clothes and refold or rehang. This is where that made bed comes in handy. If you have a lot of clothes to refold or rehang you can neatly stack them on your bed to remind you to fold them later. This saves you a little time now, keeps the room looking neat, and makes sure you will be reminded to fold them before trying to crawl into bed. 6. Pickup all the toys from the floor, bed, desk, etc. Put them into a toybox, petnet, or wherever they belong. Don't worry about sorting out what toy goes with what piece, etc. Just put them all into the box. 7. Pickup all the items that don't belong in the room and place them in a container.. We're not worrying about placing the items where they belong right now. Just put them all in a basket for now. 8. Sweep and mop, or vacuum. Don't worry about moving furniture to do this. 9. Put away all of your supplies. 15 Minute Cleaning Guide: Kitchen 1. Grab all of your needed supplies together: trash container, basket for things that don't belong in kitchen, dish soap, all purpose cleaner, dishrag and/or sponge, scrubber, broom and dust pan and/or mop and/or vacuum. 2. Run a sink of hot, soapy water. 3. Scrape off all the dishes into the trash or garbage disposal. If step 2 has blocked your disposal, scrape the dishes off onto a dirty plate. 4. Place dishes that need to soak into the water. IE: pans with burnt food and grease on them, and other nasty things the dishwasher will hate. 5. While the dishes are soaking, go through the kitchen clearing out trash from your floor, counter tops, cupboards, etc. Don't worry about things that are out of place, or don't belong in the kitchen. Worry only about trash. 6. Move on to gathering all the items that do not belong in the kitchen. Put all these items into a basket. If you have a helper (willing or unwilling) send them off to put away these items. Do not stop working on the kitchen to take these misplaced items to their homes. 7. Put away all of the items that belong in the kitchen but are not in their proper places. Don't allow yourself to get distracted by rearranging cabinets, drawers, etc. Simply place the items that are out back where they belong. 8. Load the dishwasher or wash dishes by hand. 9. Wash down your counter tops, appliances, and sink. . 10. Sweep and mop, or vacuum. 11. Take out the trash. B) Whenever possible, the most natural product or solution will be used for household clean up and maintenance. Exceptions may be made by Mistress, not by slave. C)Slave will learn the individual protocols associated with the use of such products and materials as Odo-Ban, Simple Green, Orange Oil, Murphy's Oil Soap, Lemon Oil, Dawn Dish Soap, Vinegar, water, baking soda, essential oils, castile soap, U.V. lights, cotton gloves, rubber gloves, and food grade hydrogen peroxide for the sake of waste management and recycling (in the home), pool and hot tub cleaning and maintenance, laundry cleansing, home cleaning, repair, maintenance, and pest control. Slave will also learn about them in regard to their functional use as beauty or health aides. This may be done through conversation, internet research, library research, research at health food stores, label reading, or any other method that seems reasonable for learning. Mistress understands that this is a lot for a slave to learn, along with learning the other protocols. She does not expect immediate perfect. She expects progress and improvement, through study of these materials and products, and, then, their application into the life of the slave so that he has a growing familiarity with their usage. D) Slave will educate himself regarding Southwest Gardening and the harvesting of natural desert plants. Mistress may arrange for more formal education later. E) Slave will educate himself regarding basic wilderness survival, and, wilderness survival specific to the Arizona desert. Mistress may arrange for more formal education later. F) Slave will educate himself on needs specific to the Mistress, such as yeast overgrowth (The Yeast Connection Handbook is good to read), Fibromyalgia, casein intolerance, thyroid issues; proper skin care for women over 40 (preferably using natural products); hydrogen peroxide therapy (pro, not con), yummy spicy foods that do not involve cheese, eye exercises, custom made shoes, and how to effectively communicate with a woman. G) As the slave learns, he will share in conversation with his Mistress, at her leisure, through emails, IM's, or in person, so she will better understand his progress, thoughts, and if he may need correction. Section V:Explanation By Time of Day A) General Morning Behavior/ Protocol 1. The slave will awaken at approximately 5 a.m., by what ever method best employed to waken himself (alarm clock, asking another slave to help him, for instance). Upon waking, he will remove himself from the bed he has been assigned for the night, make the bed, move to the bathroom to wash himself, brush his teeth, floss his teeth, rinse with mouthwash, moisturize himself, take his morning supplements if he has been assigned any, don his loincloth (or other clothes if he will be leaving for work or performing outside chores or otherwise has been told to wear other certain types of clothing), brush or comb his hair, and to wait. Another slave, Mistress , or someone Mistress sends will come to unlock the slave from the manacle that binds him to the bed and help him into his day time wrist manacles. (Assuming manacles are desired or required) 2. The slave will, when unlocked from his bed and dressed for his daily work, eat breakfast in the slave quarters, and then report to his assigned duty, unless the assigned duty is to prepare breakfast. If the assigned duty is breakfast preparation, the slave will immediately report to the kitchen of Mistress to consult the correct menu plans and cook or otherwise prepare a meal for Mistress . If she has guests there, the slave will prepare a meal for them, as well, if instructed. Since the slave is serving in the kitchen, the slave may make himself some of the same breakfast as Mistress , at the same time as he makes her breakfast, to be eaten in the kitchen, after Mistress and/or Mistress ' guests are served; or, he may choose to eat the same breakfast the other slaves ate, instead, after he has finished in the kitchen. The slave will clean spills and drips as he goes, rinse dishes as they are no longer in use, and make sure all dishes, burners, etc. that he used or touched are clean before he departs the kitchen. After the slave meals are done, and Mistress is also through with her morning ablutions and her meal, the slaves will come and kneel, greeting Mistress good morning and telling her of anything that might be different about this day (ie: longer hours, shorter hours, they feel ill), while she checks the calendar for appointments, etc. 3. Mistress will have her second meal at, or near, 9:30 am on most days. This is because Mistress prefers to have the majority of her meals, excluding possible snacks, before 3 pm, usually having dinner around 2 pm, at the latest. It is better for the digestion. Lunch protocol will be much the same as breakfast protocol, with the other slaves seeking out a snack or meal from the slave quarters but the slave on kitchen duty being allowed to eat the same food as Mistress , except that he must wait until Mistress is served, before he eats in the kitchen. 4. Most housework of the more intense variety, such as clothes washing, cleaning of specific rooms, cleaning the oven, car repair, building on the courtyard, etc. will occur in the morning, whenever possible. If it is particularly noisy work, it will wait until mid-morning (after 9 am), for the sake of good neighbor relations. B)Afternoon Behavior/Protocol 1. The last main meal of the day will generally be served around 2 pm. The slaves who are able will attend this meal and eat at the same time as Mistress , though she will always be served first. They will bring in their lower table and stools or cushions for a place for their meal to be served, or simply sit on the floor to eat, but, will never eat directly with Mistress in her own home. The slave assigned to help with or cook the meal will serve his fellow slaves before eating, but, they will remain until he is also through with his meal. There will be conversation about the day, or wherever conversation leads to. All slaves will help clean the kitchen and dining area after the meal, before returning to their assigned duties. C)Evening Behavior/Protocol 1. In the early to mid evenings, there will be entertainment, if there is entertainment wanted by Mistress . The slaves will attend and/or perform as she has given order. If they are not to attend or perform, and their duties are finished for the day (as they should be) they will either address themselves to more work, be lent out to another for more work, or retire to the slave quarters where they will change out of their loincloth, be manacled to their bed, and may, instead, improve their minds with reading before sleeping for the evening. However, on most nights, if Mistress is around at all, the slaves will attend. That's how far I got. Some protocol needs to wait to be established until I know the slave, the duties of the slave, the location wherein the duties take place, etc. |
Monday, July 18, 2011
Journal Entries for SlaveRMneeded: Pt. 7
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