12/8/2010 9:18:25 AM |
See the list below, in partial explanation of the list to the left of my profile. I am only doing this for the bits that often get asked about.Lives For:Volunteerism - I used to 'volunteer' by helping neighbors, going out to the streets and sweeping up broken glass and bagging up nasty trash (it was that sort of neighborhood),and many other things besides. I would like to do that sort of thing, again, but, with slaves. Helping people is very important. If you do not like to help people, I do not need you in my life, at all.
Mental Bondage - Slavery is all about mental bondage. You are a slave because,in your mind, you want to be a slave and because, in my mind, I, also, want you to be a slave. We believe it, so it is true, and we act accordingly. One should not have to break down the body or the mind to make a voluntary slave perform his duties and believe he is a slave; he should not need shackles, cages, etc. Those are tools that are useful in teaching the mind how to think, but, true slavery is in the mind, not of the body. Witness Spartacus!
Writing - I am a writer. That is a fact of life. A good deal of why I want to own slaves is wrapped up in the fact that I want to write and I need peace, quiet, and someone to do the other, more mundane things when I am writing. If you are also a writer, or an avid reader, who could help with research, bouncing ideas off each other's head, etc., that is very good. I might make part of your duties being my assistant and/or collaborator. If you are good at illustration and want to make children's books, fancy fiction books, draw things to go with my poetry, etc. that is also good. However, I do not require that a slave be any of those things. I do require that they respect my writing, read the bits that concern them, and that they do not throw away or destroy the things that I am writing, sell the computer the files are on, or anything creepy like keeps happening with non-slaves roommates and family. *sigh*
Christianity - I attend the Kingdom Hall, when I am up for it, read the Bible most every day and sometimes more than once, pray often, and attempt to learn to live my life by Christian principles, not as so many people who profess to be Christians do, but, as they should. And, I did say attempt. However, this is serious and it does include the fact that I believe I belong to the Christ as you will belong to me. If I mistreat you, I am, in effect, telling him 'This is how I think slaves should be treated. Do the same to me.' I also believe that slavery is not unnatural, but, many things that people want to engage in, which they call true slavery, are very unnatural and I will not participate. You will respect my beliefs, even if you do not accept them. If I am going to a meeting, you may need to drive me, if I am ill you may need to read to me, if I am writing a talk you may need to listen and tell me if the flow is good, etc. But, I do not force my beliefs on others so do not think I will make you attend meetings, study the Bible, etc. You, Jesus, and Jehovah are all intelligent individuals capable of making up your own minds as to if you will have a relationship together.
Shopping - I am not one of those women who believe men prove their worth by their wallet. However, I do actively love shopping. I like going to the Mall and looking at all the pretty, pretty things or window shopping online. I love planning rooms with things I see online and blogging about them, looking for gifts for people,etc. Sometimes, I buy some of what I see, but, shopping is not really about buying, most of the time. It's entertainment. However, if i had the money, I would buy more than I do now, and, actually, it would also go hand in hand with volunteerism. IE: Buy food for someone you know is poor, buy a second hand car for someone you know needs to get to work but they have no way to get there, take a lady or gentleman shopping for clothes they need for their new job or a family for clothes children need for school, buying more comfortable furniture for the arthritis-ridden, etc. Don't get me wrong, though. There are things I need and/or want, for myself, my family, etc. that I would also like to shop for and actually purchase.
Travel - Haven't traveled much at all, but, I like it, in theory. I would love to be able to travel to various places, throughout the world, stay a day or two here, a week or two there. Maybe even have a home in more than one place, for a comfortable change of scenery, on occasion. Even road trips, like doing some of Route 66, going to see some of the natural wonders nearby, camping, would be lovely.
Hiking - I only do it bad, and in theory. In too much pain for serious hiking, but, if I was out hiking, I would get in better shape and be in less pain, eventually. I used to walk all the time, when I was a kid. I thought nothing, most days, of a 26 mile walk to town and back, and that doesn't even include all the walking in town once I got there. Since I was in Alaska, not in the city, and often took shortcuts, this was also hiking. Plus, of course, mild mountain climbing was sometimes involved. So, anyway, yes, I would love to go hiking, sometimes, with patient people.
Weightlifting - No urge to be a muscle-bound freak. Lifting weights, however, can be fun and it is certainly a good way to get in shape. I would love to have someone to do it with, who was patient and good at being a spotter. I know a fair bit about split routines, pyramiding, sets versus reps ratio for building muscle or losing fat, and, etc. I just cannot do it alone, anymore; and, I need special shoes to help keep my balance. So, shopping intertwines here!
Collars - I do love collars, in that they are pretty and seem to make slaves happier. I only wore them for special occasions, or because I felt like it, as a slave, with the two Masters that counted most. We did not need outward shows with jewelry to define our relationship, and, I still do not. I do not believe a slave being collared is what makes them a slave. Asking a slave 'Are you collared?' is like asking a married person 'Are you ringed?' Which, in fact, I have never heard anyone do. A collar is jewelry, a symbol, not a relationship. So, yes, I will probably give my slaves a collar, for at home or for special occasions, and, maybe a ring or something for when they are away from home and the collar would simply make people nervous. Probably. Because, jewelry is pretty, and it is sometimes nice to touch it or look at it and think of the person who it is associated with. Just don't treat it like a talisman.
Housework - I do love housework, both in that, sometimes, I love to do it and in that I really want someone to do it for me, or help me with it. Sometimes it is very relaxing to me. I do not want slaves with attitudes who tell me I cannot do it; nor the ones who think they are above it. Housework binds you to the home, the people in it. We both want that experience, so, hand me the sponge and be quiet. I'll tell you when I need you to put the dishes away. Got it? I have these '15 minute' plans for every day cleaning. I used to have charts for spring cleaning, etc. too. I will probably have them again. I would like a well maintained, well organized, clean home. It will probably be cluttered, but, clean. What can I say? I write, read, paint, draw, want to get back into beadwork, love to cook. Interesting people who love to expand their knowledge and to create make clutter. Good thing the slaves will be there and help to bring order from chaos.
Hypnosis - I do not have extensive experience with this. I have hypnotized myself, I do believe in behavior modification through hypnosis and 'brain washing' techniques, in part; I am all for hypnosis being a part of our home. I am not interested in weird hypnosis sex fantasies. If you need to be hypnotized to feel like a slave, then I don't want you. If you'd like to be hypnotized, to help you focus, remember things better, etc. then maybe that can happen. I would like to be hypnotized for that reason, by someone I can trust.
No Strings Housework - If you are a slave/submissive type who simply MUST wash dishes, clean a carpet, repair some drywall, fix a door, clean a dishwasher, do laundry, cook, etc. then I am open to that. If you want to use the work as a platform by which to launch your campaign to be whipped and have butt plugs shoved into you, go find someone who cares.
Obedience Training - Obedience training is just another enhancement, another tool, for mental bondage. I do not want someone that I have to break into being a slave. I am quite happy, however, to use these tools to help them where they need more support due to inexperience, fear, etc. Much of the blindfolds, etc. are also tools in the same respect.
Sensory Deprivation - Very good for meditation, hypnosis, etc. I don't have a lot of experience, but, I think it is a great tool for anyone, pretty much.
Uniforms - Helps one to remember which slave is on which duty, whether you are the slave or the owner. Uniforms are fun, and they can be a part of your life, either because you want it or I do, but, I don't need them to be.
Whips - I have always loved whips, found them fascinating. I am not seriously into whipping people, but, I have both whipped and been whipped, a bit, and enjoyed either side of it. May use it as a teaching tool. I do not want slaves who intend to act so badly that they seek people who will use it for punishment. However, if you did do anythng that bad, oh yes, I would use it.
Alternative Medicine - Doctors are for things you cannot cure yourself. In general, for my problems, alternative medicine works better: herbal supplements, proper eating, hydrogen peroxide therapy. Very good stuff, that. Don't tell me it doesn't work, as I know it does. Yes, I will probably give you supplements or vitamins, tell you to do oil pulling when ill or make you a broth from a recipe that helps build up your immune system. I use spices, a lot, in cooking, for this reason as well as for taste.
Cooking - I love to cook. I am not trained, it is just that I grew up cooking for a large family. Sometimes, I do it very well. I would love to have a very well-appointed kitchen, with pot racks and food processors, and slaves to help clean them, and, etc. So, sometimes, at least, I will be cooking, alone; sometimes, you will be helping or cooking a different dish; sometimes, you will cook. I am very open to new dishes, spices, etc. but I cannot have milk or cheese, except maybe real feta (made with milk from male goats), or soy, and I want nothing to do with blood. I still eat cheese and soy sauce, every now and again, but, I have to decide when my body can handle it, so it is more a special occasion type of thing. Oh, and I do not eat any sort of raw meat or fish, brains or organ meats in general.
Gardening - Goes along wth alternative medicine, to some extent, as well as nutrition and cooking. I would love to have a very nice garden, with wheat grass, herbs, berry bushes, pear cacti, some fruit trees, vegetables, and, yes, just some pretty flowers, as well. I need at least one slave who could be very good at this, for inside and outside plants.
Meditation - I like it for myself, for slaves, for training, for relaxation. Have a hard time doing it, though.
Intellectual Discourse - If you are a slave that constantly has to ask what I mean, we are not going to suit, no matter how willing you might be. I am not Frasier Crane, for goodness sakes, and I don't like that ego-stroking sort of intellectualism, where people snobbishly drop names of fancy books they read; but, I do like intelligent conversation. Yes, even from slaves. Not arguments, not debates, just conversation.
Nutrition - I believe a lot of what ails the world could be cured by cleaner air, less stress, and proper nutrition - including cutting out things they are allergic to.
Psychology - See mental bondage. Psychology interests me, when I read something about it, etc. And, psychology in action is a natural part of life. Everyone should be using it, because psychology, at its most basic, is simply trying to understand the nature of the persons around you. Not all psychologists believe the same things, mind you, and many of them are silly twits, altogether. However, an understanding of the people you live with is vitally important.
Female Supremacy - I am a Christian. Think about it.
Hard Limits:
Clubbing - Smoke filled meat market anyone? No thank you. Not looking for a cheap, bad lay and I get ear infections from the smoke, now, so: boring! If you are really into it, maybe I might let you go, sometimes, if you are doing well.
Gambling - $20 in your hand is a sure thing. $1,000.00 you might win with it is not. Aside from which, the gambling industry is all about taking money, feeding addictions. It's gross. You will not engage in this, and either will I. I might put up with milder poker games played solely with your allowance.
Crossdressing - I like men who are men, women who are women, and people who are happy with being themselves. There is no room in my life for men who pretend to be women, or vice versa.
Queening - Is sexual and gross.Since it is considered part of submission, and I do not like it, you will not do it, with anyone.
Watersports - There is a reason babies are toilet trained, and it is not so that they can serve as toilets. Urine is clean, but, the flesh that it goes through is not. I do not want to be involved, in any way, or even to have you in my home if you are going to be into this.
Online Chatrooms - The chat here doesn't work, and I prefer one on one.
Astrology - You will not be involved in this.
Conservative Politics - Do it, if you must, but, do not talk to me about it.
Libertarian Politics - Do it, if you must, but, do not talk to me about it.
Nihilism - Too negative, I do not want it in my life. If you must engage in it, do it with someone else, as I will not be preached to.
Occultism - Against my religious beliefs. I will not have someone who engages in this, in my home. This is a very serious matter to me.
Paranormal - Against my religious beliefs. I will not have someone who engages in this, in my home. This is a very serious matter to me.
Political Activism - Do it if you must, but, don't talk to me about it.
Vampirism - Against my religious beliefs. I will not have someone who engages in this, in my home.
Hip Hop Music - Is painfully boring to listen to, unless it is twisted into rock, or something like that. I still wince just thinking of the Hip Hop version of Carmen. If you must listen to it, I will alow it, while doing your work or in any time I allow you 'free' time, so long as you are playing it quietly, with a headset on, and/or I cannot hear it.
Druidism - Against my religious beliefs. I will not have someone who engages in this, in my home.
Mormonism - Against my religious beliefs. I will not have someone who engages in this, in my home.
Reiki - Slightly iffy as some people believe Reiki is just about touch therapy. Touch therapy is good. Some people, however, believe it is about inviting angels, that they pray to, into your body to heal you and guide you. That is also called demonic possession. Angels that follow God do what He sanctions, and they would never answer you if you were praying to them, since that takes away the glory from God. Demonic possession and taking the glory away from God is bad.
Scientology - No thank you. This isn't even religion, to me, as much as delusion. They know that what the man wrote about the staging platform is now quite provably false and now they deny that he knew what he was talking about, and have moved completely past their 'prophet' who founded the religion. Stay away from me, Scientologists! I would help you if you were bleeding, starving, etc. but I would not purposely befriend you and I sure don't want to own you.
Wicca - I put up with exactly one Wiccan, because she is a friend of my daughter, my daughter to some extent, and I love her. She is allowed into my home, despite that she is wearing her Wiccan necklace. I do not appreciate religious symbols of any sort, casting of spells, 'cleaning' the house when you should just be cleaning it, talk of odd goddesses when I worship one true God, etc. So, no, no thank you to Wiccans. |
12/8/2010 7:43:13 AM |
What is it about so-called slaves, male variety, who cannot even so much as say goodnight, thank you, I changed my mind and am no longer interested, please, use someone's title when it is given to them, and who can and do go about making assumptions as to people's moods or which bit of a contract can or cannot be negotiated without asking?Is politeness, as one might expect from any well brought up stranger, too much to ask from a slave? |
12/7/2010 9:53:37 AM |
So, you want to be a slave as in 'a Roman, Egyptian, Old South American' style slave? First of all, make up your mind which one you want to be, and stop making assumptions about them all being the same.In the majoirty, Egyptian slaves and Roman slaves were fairly alike: they were captured as spoils of war, or they sold themselves into slavery, in the main. These slaves, in the main, were treated with respect, allowed to visit with or even live with family and friends, allowed leisure time if their work was done. These slaves, with startlingly few exceptions, were nothing like the slaves of the Old South variety - they were not chosen by color, they were generally treated with respect, bred to other slaves in the majority and not to their Master as their Masters, in the majority, would never have, for an instant, considered making their children into slaves. And, in general, if a man sold himself into slavery, it was only himself that went. His house, his family, they were not part of the deal.The slaves on the southern plantations, in North America, and the treatment they received, are a great deal of why it is now illegal in North America to own slaves. Many of them were also treated with as much respect as a Master or Mistress was allowed to show them, mind you; but, there were serious laws in place against allowing someone to give them freedom of movement even if it was desired. They were maligned as being evil, stupid, shiftless people who were incapable of caring for themselves. They were treated as so inhuman that many Masters believed that a child created between them and a slave simply was a better slave for having a touch more humanity in it, but, would never acknowledge that this was his flesh and blood. In fact, many of them raped the mother slave, then the daughter slave, then the daughter of that slave, too, on down the line, incestuously breeding more and more slaves for his benefit. This was considered crude behavior, by some, and the sort of people who treated their slaves well did their best to avoid mixing with those sort of Masters who treated their slaves in this manner, but, it was not something they were ever arrested for and no one considered a child that was only half black as having the same rights as a white child, or even half the rights, for being half white. This is something a Roman would never have legally been allowed to do. If a child had Roman parentage, even by half, especially if that half were the father, he had full rights under the law, including the right to buy his freedom (if he even were a slave) and to live as a free man.There are many documented instances of the abuse of slaves, in the old south, that goes beyond anything that any person in their right mind would willingly participate in. Perfectly good slaves bought, worked to the point where their bodies and spirits were completely broken, and then, having found to be no longer useful, slaughtered and fed as meat to the dogs. Fathers bred to their own daughters, noses being chopped off as punishment, slaves being hobbled as a matter of course because their new owners knew that the treatment they would inflict on the slaves would be so horrific that anyone in their right mind would run and they didn't want them to get too far. So, which slave do you want to be? The one that has sold himself into slavery, who can expect to be treated with respect even though he may be worked quite hard, who is still allowed contact with his friends and family when there is time for it? Or, the one who has been taken against his will, forced into slavery, or who was born into it, who either leaves behind the family he has or is raised up with a family that he knows he can derive no comfort of hearth and home from, since his mother, father, sisters, wife, daughters and sons can all be sold or worked to death, as can he; who is going to be treated as a mindless piece of meat who must sit in silence as his wife and daughters are raped before his eyes, who has no comfort, no joy, with whippings for no reason but that someone hates him, with no solace but that soon you will fall down from your burden and the dogs will be well fed?If you think about it, and you still want to be a slave like in the old south, I don't want to know you. I have no use for slaves who want to be tortured, abused, maimed, raped or killed. I have a lot of use for slaves who want to give of their time and energy, who enjoy domestic activities and are going to be happy to be working for me.To me, 'Safe, Sane and Consensual', really means something. 'Safe' means that even the slaves has rights. They will never be starved, never have their body parts lopped off, never be burnt with cigarettes, never turned into some human monstrosity through burns or tattoos or plastic surgery that no one else would want, never be beaten without good cause; and they do have some say in what happens to their body, being allowed to choose if they will be marked or altered, because it is still their body. Their body must work for their owner, but, they have total right to its safety, if not its comfort. 'Sane' means that everyone in the relationship is dealing with the fact that they are both humans, of whatever sex they were born, and in a country where slavery is illegal so that everyone involved is aware that this is by mutual consent, and everyone is aware that there is a difference between public life, family life, and life at home in private. 'Consensual' means that the slave has a great deal of say, in entering into the relationship, of how it will go; and, the owner will provide periodic times in which the slave may have the right to ask for release or changes, even after the point where the contract is signed. It is not just to be consensual going in, but, it must remain consensual.Now, we all have differing view points on what is and is not sane, obviously. For some of us, the idea of being whipped, at all, is sheer madness; whereas, some of us see no problem with the removal of genitalia. I would say, in general, what is sane is what would, in the end, leave the slave a person of sound mind and body who is capable of caring for themselves, should the need arise, in case something befalls the owner. I would also say sane is realizing that property that has been fed good, nutritious meals, gotten adequate sleep more often than not, and is comfortable enough that the cold and heat are not affecting its ability to work, is property that is going to work harder, faster, and better. I don't believe any of us have a disagreement on what the word consensual means, though - and that is something that I see ignored by so many person, on their profile or in their speech with me. 'Slaves' want to be taken, tortured against their will. Well, that is just no part of bdsm.You have to willingly enter into it, and, once you have, you may get a lot of surprises of the painful, pleasurable, boring, tedious, cold, hot, wet, and/or sensory deprived sort. Those things will be 'against your will' as you will not ask for them and you will be 'forced' into them, if you do not move into them gracefully, on your own, because that is exactly what you signed up for. Therefore, since you do want it, it is not against your will, in actual fact. Safe, well, that's a harder call. Slaves don't necessarily want to feel safe, and their owners often like to make them feel unsafe; but, there is a balance, a point wherein the slave can feel unsafe - having no idea what will happen - while still being safe, knowing that certain things will never happen. For instance, there would be a crop, a paddle, nipple clamps, some candles and matches, and a few assorted other items layed out where the slave can see it and then a blindfold is put on the slave. It knows something is probably going to happen, and it will probably involve at least one, maybe many, of those items. But, which items? When? How will they be used? Therein lays that feeling of not being safe. Yet, it knows that it will not be killed or maimed, so, it is safe.This is a very serious thing, to enter into slavery. Notice, I do not say to be a slave, or to own a slave, but, to enter into slavery. It doesn't matter which role you take up, slave or owner, it is still a very serious thing. Anyone who enters into it would do well to give it much thought, and to choose the slave or owner who is best suited to their style of living, their way of thinking. Which means, they should know what their needs are, versus what their wants are, versus what they will put up with, versus what they cannot do.A slave should know what he has to offer. He should not make bold claims that he cannot back up, and he may not want to reveal his full monetary worth at once, lest the owner accept him out of greed rather than out of compatibility. He should not lie, but, he does not need to reveal to someone, who is still a stranger after all, the extent of his property. It is enough to tell them what assures them that the slave is capable of earning enough to make sure that he is not a burden upon the owner. Therefore, the owner should likewise know what they need the slave to be capable of giving. This is not just about money, however. This is about all aspects. It is easy to feel desperate, driven by your need, and come to a point where you are agreeing to things that, in more rational moments, you would never want to live with. Yes, equally for those who would own as those who would be owned, because the need is the same even if the actions it drives you toward are not. So, it is important to know all these needs, wants, desires, dislikes, and what would absolutely break your spirit, and to look for compatibility, most especially, in the 'needs' and in the 'breaking of spirit' categories, since, of course, are what affect you most. The other things, they are great, but, if someone fulfills all of them but only while expecting of you the things that will destroy you, they are not going to be a good fit, are they? Please, please, really think about this, all of this. You don't have to agree with every word, and I am sure most of you will not, but, I hope you will consider it, all the same, and, for your own safety and the possibility of your own future fulfillment, as well as simply to stop wasting your time talking to the wrong people, study yourself and come to know what you really seek. And, I hope you then, armed with more accurate knowledge, find your happiness. |
12/6/2010 11:07:09 AM |
Here is a little hint for you 'slaves':If you decide you do not want to be owned by someone because of trivial matters, like their looks, location (if it is feasible for you to be relocated to them), activity that they want to do that will not affect your religious beliefs, health, mental safety or be illegal, activity that you want to do that they will not engage in because it will affect their religious beliefs, health, mental safety or it is illegal, food that they will or will not let you eat (when you are not allergic and the food is healthful to you), that they prefer you clothed or nude and you would rather be the other way - in other words if you do not want them because they are not bending over backward to mold themselves to your will, and they expect you to show them time, attention, respect, and that you will mold yourselves to their will - then you are not a slave. If you are not a slave, stop wasting the time of those who would own slaves.This journal entry is brought to you by the letters F and U. No, seriously .. I get 'slaves' who are not looking for sex, writing to me out of the blue, telling me they could never serve someone who looks like me - when I didn't even make them any offers, mind you; but, these same slaves write to my daughter - who is not a dominant- and demand to submit to her, based on her looks. Now, would a person who seriously wanted to be owned, controlled, in a non-sexual manner, go after the young, hot babe who doesn't know shite? Or, would they go after the experienced, older woman who has a few decades of experience?Then, of course, there are the slaves who agree with everything my contract says, except, they think they should be beaten more and it should be put in the contract that I will give them 20 lashes a day. Which is, of course, them demanding that I be contractually obligated to serve them in the manner that they think is fit. Which is, of course, the best way to be serving me. Yeah, right!Then, there are the ones who say they agree that there should be no sex. Who then go on to detail how they want to be filled with lust, as I horde their cock away in its chastity device, so that they can rub themselves up against me, perform oral SEX on me, play with my breasts, do sexual things to my arse and their own, and then I can take off their chastity device and 'milk' them. These are people who need a dictionary, a mental health check up, and a sound slap from the Dairy Board. That is so not milk, boys!Then, there are ... oh, never mind. You get the picture. There are so many people on this site who claim to be slaves, or to want to be slaves, who cannot even show basic politeness to the people they are claiming to want to know and possibly serve, who make demands for service from the people they allegedly want to serve, or who reject the people they allegedly want to serve at the merest hint of a problem.Now, I have no issue with slaves who are very much different than I am. I have no quarrel with a slave who is a cross dresser that wants to be beaten twice a day while being called a filthy ass bandit deciding he does not want to submit to me, based on the fact that he knows he would not be happy. I am not one of those who believes that slaves have no right to so much as an opnion, especially when they are free men when I meet them. By all means, look for someone who is compatible, to a great degree - who will not force you into things that will destroy you, who will be interested in some of the same things you are, who is not a sadist if you do not like pain, who is a sadist if you do like pain. It's important to look for compatibliity; but ... Slave: we are all human. Someone is going to put the toilet paper on the roller the wrong way, drop a glass, gain a few pounds, lose a few pounds, want you to scrub the floor when you would rather watch tv, get cancer, recover from cancer, be 5'9' instead of 5'6', age, learn more, want to hike less, and/or etc. No one is going to fit every last little hope and dream you have, every last fantasy you conjure up in your mind.Therefore, you - yes, you, slave - need to get your shite together and figure out, for yourself, what you really want from being owned and how much you can handle. What you need versus what you think you want, what you can live with even though you might not want it. Stop fantasizing, or it will never happen. Fantasies can be perfect. Dommes, Doms, Masters, Mistresses are not. Either are slaves. Do you want perfection? Stay in your own head. Do you want reality? Then, lose the ego trip, read the contract, ask questions, negotiate for what you NEED not what you beat off about late at night, sign the contract, shut up, bring me tea.Can you handle that? |
12/6/2010 8:11:37 AM |
So, I show these two slaves this contract I had originally written for a slave who flounced off, all pissed that I refuse to be truly harsh and I have not a demanding bone in my body, and.. blah blah blah ... One of them tells me he doesn't see how work would be compatible with the degree of control I want of a slave.The other one tells me that it opened his eyes, and he realized what a huge step slavery really is, and, again, mentioned how controlling it all is.Amazing, huh, how three people can read exactly the same document and have wildly different viewpoints?Truth is, my contract is amazingly flexible, in some aspects (see journal entry, below, about that) and the ones where it is not flexible are in regards to a slave being respectful, obedient, loyal and hard working. Are there slaves out there who want to work and be respectful, who know how to read; I mean, not just let words fly into your eyeballs, but, comprehend? |
12/3/2010 2:43:42 PM |
For those who have looked at, are looking at, or who will be looking at the contract:
It was not written for you, specifically.
Some things are highly negotiable and some things are not negotiable in the least.
Financial aspects of service: that this will happen is NOT negotiable; but, how it will happen and to what extent is extremely negotiable.
Chastity: That the slave will be non-sexual towards me is not negotiable; the wearing of chastity devices, what kind, for how long are all negotiable.
Relocation is not optional; how, when, and where to one does relocate is.
Obedience, loyalty, respect, acceptance of punishment are not negotiable; what sort of schedule, punishment, duties are.
The lack of use of butt plugs, dildos, strap-ons is not negotiable; the use of manacles, cages, bondage is.
This is not necessarily a comprehensive list of all that is not, or is, negotiable; but, it probably covers the majority.Found something else to add, now. It is an email that I wrote to a slave who had looked at the contract, and who has reservations on some issues in a way that makes me think, because of him not totally fitting the contract, he is about to flee. 'You may not be sure that work is compatible with what I want, but, I am sure of it. I think you have built things up too much in your mind. Broken down to its most basic, what the contract says is that you will be a slave who will work for your Mistress, follow her rules, respect her beliefs, and that is because you seek to serve, not because you seek pain or abuse. I am not abusive. And, if you note, it says in the contract, in more than one place such things as 'unless the Mistress chooses otherwise' in regards to punishment, chores, etc. In other words, the contract gives guidelines of behavior and a rough idea of expectations, based on no particular slave, with no knowledge of his net worth or his work schedule or religious beliefs. You would not be signing THAT contract. You read THAT contract, to get a rough idea of if you could live that way. Then, you consider what you could not live with and why, and you find out if that could be changed. And, you consider what you NEED to still be the man of conscience that you are, such as religious meetings, some time with family on certain days, contact by phone, friends being allowed to visit, maybe a free day every so often so you can go do .. whatever ... And, you ask about that. And we talk about those things, and see if we can come to an agreement that suits both of your needs, many of our wants, and some of our desires.'In other words, slaves, if you read the contract I send you, when I ask you if you want to read the basic contract, or if you ask me to be allowed to read it, you need to keep in mind that the key word is 'basic'. It is not for you. Your contract will be written with that contract as a guideline. So, think about that. |
12/2/2010 2:29:49 PM |
Person 1: The best way to teach obedience is through kindessPerson 2: Matter of opinion.They need a short, sharp shock.Person 1: If you want them to cringe. If you want an obedient dog, you must be firm but kind.That's from 'All Creatures Great and Small', which, if you knew things I knew, you would know is a set of short stories written by a veterinarian about his practice.And, why do I tell you this.Because, so many of you tell me you want to be treated like a dog, less than human, so I should consent to beat you, as beatings and abuse are the only way slaves learn. However, it is not the way dogs learn, so if you want to be treated like a dog, expect to be treated like a dog whose owner wants obedience and work, not just fear.Person # 1 (some more): Here me out! One first establishes an affectionate relationship - this causes little trouble, beause the dog, being uncomplicated, makes all the advances -then, takes command. If the dog transgresses, one shows disapproval, not by inflicting physical pain, but, thus: one takes the dog's head in hand and shakes it to and fro like this. (More or less a forced 'no' gesture while looking disapproving). All one has inflicted, you see, is loss of dignity. The animal won't cringe, but, she'll remember the expression of disapproval. |
12/2/2010 12:09:11 PM |
Slaves wanted.
Real slaves: no sex toys, dogs, sluts, or seekers of abusive relationships need apply. Though, if you consider yourself more servant or companion, that might work, too.
Read my interest list? Are you compatible with it? Do you have many things you like, love, or live for that are on my hard limits list? Be honest and rational, and let us not waste our time.
Must prove ability to follow simple commands, understand writing, and efficiency.
I do not care about your looks, and I am not here to cater to your fetishes.
Possible allowance of outside relationships that do not interfere with service to me and mine, in order to fulfill a need of the slave which is not to be fulfilled through service to me.
This is what will work up to a 24/7/365 live-in position, long term, with reassessment and possible renegotiation of contract on anniversary (or near to) of signing contract.
I believe in behavior modification, discipline through the setting of schedules and tasks and reasonable consequences for most behaviors and mistakes that are likely to occur in decent, task oriented slaves. There may be mild play with cages, shackles, etc. or more serious play with them, but, I am not a bully and I will not be bullied into becoming one just to satisfy your pain fetish.
You must be:
Heterosexual by nature.
Respectful and respectable
Interested in serving and giving to others, first and foremost.
Willing to enter into a 100 percent non-sexual slave/Mistress relationship.
Able to withstand much oddity, weirdness, and silly talk.
So sure of your desire to serve me, that you are willing to relocate, willing to beg to be allowed to serve, and ready to prove yourself to me.
If you fit the criteria, please do message me and I will allow you to view a basic contract which may be, if we progress to that point, altered to suit the talents, abilities, and schedules of the individual slave.
I am a religious person, as in I believe in God, and I believe that slavery is not wrong, that it can be acceptable to God, if it is done well. 'Done well' means, for one thing, it is not about the oppresson of a certain ethnic group, and it is with the understanding that one still does unto others as one would have done unto them. In other words, I will not treat a slave in a manner that, if I was a slave, I would not enjoy being treated.
I am not into pain, or a slut, I have no wish to have my face used as a stool, I do not like to be insulted, I do not wish to be raped, I do not like to be laughed at or poked with sticks, and I darn sure do not want anyone pissing or crapping on, or in, me.
I do, however, enjoy a wee bit of ritual, non-sexual bondage, isolation beds and tanks, chains, gags, speech restrictions at times, good solid punishment when I have truly done wrong, and, mostly, clear, firm instructions and rules from someone who I know has personal knowledge of my capabillities and who will allow me to be of use, who will appreciate the work, and who will value me for what I have done, and, to some degree, also as a person.
So, since I know this is the sort of slave I would like best to be, and these are the things I would have someone do unto me, these are the things that will be done unto you. It's not all pleasant, sometimes it is exhausting, painful, scary, or downright tedious - but, it is also fulfilling, rewarding, and, sometimes, fun.
12/2/2010 8:46:46 AM |
I am seeking an eventual live in slave TPE situation. The slave would wear a loincloth or casual clothing, or whatever else I want him to wear, around the house, including his collar and chastity device and any other restraints I saw fit to use on him - which would mostly be after his serious chores were done. I will be compassionate yet firm and quick to inflict punishment as warranted. The slave will work for wages. The slave will sleep in or on whatever I provide for him and will accept it with gratefulness. The slave will do whatever work he is assigned for whomever I allow the use of him, and he will consider it the same as serving me. He will be responsible for all household chores that I do not care to do and which other slaves are not assigned (should there be other slaves).(That is based on the profile of a slave, who started out with a profile that said 'i expect' and has now moved to 'will' He's getting there, though, I think. In the meantime, thats what I wrote to him, which is a bit different from his profile, as it is based on my wants and needs, rather than the wants and needs of a slave.) |
11/30/2010 9:52:04 AM |
The Mistress, this Mistress, is not always right. Sometimes this Mistress is terribly wrong. Sometimes, she forgets things. This is because this Mistress is font of fallibility, having been born human. Yes, this Mistress is human, as the slave is human, and, she has no belief that having been born in possession of a vagina makes her omnipotent. That is your safety, that is her sanity. She, like all great leaders who came before her, whether exalted rulers of great nations or heads of simple, small households, has the right to rule because someone has submitted and given it to her; and, because, she knows what to do with it. That is our mutual consensuality. Now, if you are a person who wishes to be ruled over, to have your hours scheduled for you, your money managed, your actions set and noted, punishments meted out, state so, plainly. If you must give to others, let it be known and let it be rejoiced in. If you happen to like the feel of a manacle around your wrist, a collar around your throat, a cage around your body, state it with boldness, as someone who has come seeking, not what is shameful, but, as someone who knows that this is, perhaps, a little different than what many would ask for, but, still and all, perfectly moral, sane, and desirable. Let us have no talk of how you are inferior and that is why it must be that you become owned property. Why would this Mistress own inferior property? You will be property because you want it, and someone will allow it, and, because, you know what you are doing; the same reasons, as why this Mistress will own property: the two sides of the same coin. There is your total power exchange. This Mistress seeks slaves for the sharing of life together, in our respective roles. She can and will punish transgressions that she considers punishable. She can and will make that decision for herself, and, sometimes, show mercy. In like manner, she may also do those things traditionally used by her for punishment of slaves, to the slaves, simply because it is her desire to do so. She will state so plainly, not hiding behind excuses made. That is dominance. And, the slaves will submit, because they enjoy submitting even if they do not enjoy the activity for any other reason than they are being allowed to give to the Mistress. That is submission. The slaves will work hard for the Mistress, striving for quality and quantity of work, never sacrificing the former for the latter but hoping to achieve both. When the Mistress is seen by the slaves, in her silken gown, bedecked in jewels, looking healthy and happy, smiling up at the man she has chosen to spend time with, they will feel pride in their work and joy that they were allowed to give so to the Mistress, as their lives will be that entwined with her own. And, when the Mistress calls them to her and allows them a little treat, they will happily accept it as a gift, knowing that the Mistress chooses to do this thing as it makes her happy to do so. There are times they and the Mistress will joke together, sing together, cry together. There are times she will not notice them, as her mind is focused elsewhere and they must function in their roles all the same. Sometimes the Mistress will be right there, working beside them, and, sometimes, she will leave them to work what is good in her absence while she visits friends or family. They will function, keeping the Mistress in mind, and slaving for the good of her household, to please her upon her return. That is slavery. The Mistress will work the slaves hard, sometimes to exhaustion. She will, also, for her own reasons, occasionally call for a day of rest and play, celebrating in the joy of life with her slaves, allowing them to enter into her joy, while still maintaining the correct degree of separation between Mistress and slave. There are times the Mistress may take slaves with her for a holiday. There are times she may leave the slaves and trust in them, in her abilities in having selected and trained the right slaves to suit her needs, and, she will know that upon her return, they will have given her reason to be proud of her property. That is ownership. |
11/29/2010 7:00:11 AM |
Let's see if I can get this concept across to anyone: I want slaves who can sleep in a bed, be allowed out of the house by themselves, wear regular clothes, never get tortured or put in a cage, and who could still obey, do good work, and know that they are slaves.If you are one of those, then, maybe, we can discuss if you are allowed to sleep on the floor, cage time, to wear shackles, dress in a uniform or loincloth.Because, what I want you for is work, entertainment, companionship. Someone in jeans and t-shirt, or a nice suit, who is not on his knees groveling or pretending to be a foot stool, should be at least as able to accomplish them as someone who is lightly clothed, groveling, and chained to a wall.You need to be someone who understands, in their own mind, their need to surrender their life into the hands of another person for the sake of being allowed to give; a person who aches to be of use. If you are this person, perhaps we would suit. If you want to be used, if you think that the real bits of slavery are the chains and pains and not the service, we will never be in agreement. So, be honest, and waste not your time or mine. |
11/28/2010 8:25:17 PM |
'The recent work adds a new twist to older theories about the roots of human aggression. While Freud saw aggression as a basic human drive that had to be channeled by the controls of the ego and superego, many psychologists now feel aggression stems from faulty thinking and a penchant for retaliation that verges on the paranoid.
Some current findings are consistent with such older views as the idea, inspired by the work of Alfred Adler, that the bully is compensating for deep feelings of inferiority.
''We find that bullies have a strong need to control others,'' said John Lochman, a psychologist at Duke University Medical School. ''Their need to be dominant masks an underlying fear that they are not in control, and they mask the sense of inadequacy by being a bully.'' '
Hmm .. and, what does that mean, in regard to the aggressive Doms and Dommes, who have to insult and threaten, treat subs and slaves with extreme cruelty, in order to appear dominant, Professor?
And, what does it say about the slaves who believe that's what dominance looks, acts, and growls like?
So many people, so afraid to simply be themselves! Tsk tsk ...
11/28/2010 6:48:18 PM |
It is now my sincere belief that there is one guy on this site, who writes the profile of every straight or semi-straight Canadian slave male, and who then, for reasons I cannot fathom, uses each one to contact me and see how many weeks of my life he can waste.
Funny, the Canadians I knew, when I lived in Alaska, were good, thoughtful, honest people who would never tell you that they belonged to you and then proceed to pull the rug out from under you, after wasting a good bit of your time in negotiating contracts. One could take them at their word, totally.
What happened to those Canadians, and who replaced them with this large pile of ass hats which has, unfortunately, infiltrated CM?
Well, as I said to the last one, just now (11/29/2010):
'No? Ah well, you haven't done one thing for me, yet, so why start now? You are an idiot, you know? You would have had what you were seeking, according to everything you told me that you wanted. Which means you either lied about what you wanted, or you walked away from it due to your lack of understanding. Either way, that's pretty stupid. If you want to be a slave, you need to learn honesty and understanding. You would have been worked very, very hard and gone to bed exhausted, because you would have gotten up to do your wage work and then you would have done hard labor, in between periods of studying and going to classes to learn more of what I needed you to know, and you would have been lent out as labor for the sake of helping others, and oh my how tired you would have been, and how useful. And, that's not even including the enforced cage times, the times of serving as a footstool, the enforced whippings on schedule just to practice submitting, the times of being forced to serve as a pony for the other Mistresses at the parties, the exercises, and etc. But, you said it all, with your little ego trip telling me how you'll find a Mistress who deserves all the bounty that you offer. No, not your words - mine are better. However, it is what you meant. All you needed to do was listen and trust. And, we would have both been happier; well, more fulfilled. Idiot.' |
11/28/2010 3:15:51 PM |
If someone says 'I am slaving away at the dishes.', what does it mean?
Does it mean they are caged at the dishes? Or, that they are bound and broken at the dishes? Kidnapped at the dishes? Being forced to give blow jobs at the dishes?
No. It means they are working hard at the dishes.
So, if you are a slave who would toil for your Mistress, I may want you. That is a true slave to me. If you are a slave who wants to be bound and broken, I have no use for you. People who are bound and broken are no good at cleaning the kitchen. They tend to bleed all over it and drop cups with their clumsy little bound and broken fingers.
Seeking slaves of the straight, male, non-cross dressing, absolutely not sissy, hard working variety: 'worker drone' is an apt descriptive. They must want to work, be obedient, to serve me.
There is not a specific set of criteria for the slave beyond this, as I have a wide variety of interests. I am a writer, so writers, especially those who enjoy Douglas Adams and Terry Pratchett, are very welcome. I want to invest in Real Estate, and/or to fix up homes for people because they need help, so, handymen, floor installers, carpenters, and those knowledgable in house repair, remodeling, plumbing, electrical work, etc. are very welcome.Those who wish to be worked hard and financially dominated will be considered, too.
However, I do like companionship as well as domestic service, assistance in projects, yard work, etc. You will not be an 'it', you will be a well rounded person who I can respect and be respected by as individuals, outside of our roles we live out together, as well as in them.
I used to tell people I don't have a fetish, but, that's not exactly true. I do have a fetish. Now, I like leather, and spanking is fun, and flogging someone can be darling. However, those things I could take or leave, most days, so they are not my fetish. Ownership, directing others, making things work, putting the pieces together into the puzzle so that the picture becomes whole, that is my fetish. I want to own you, to know you inside and out, good and bad, and mold you into what, for me, is good. That is my fetish.
And, so, what I seek is the companion for that - the one who wants to become the good for me, for me; who wants to give, to be controlled, to be one of the pieces put together to make a beautiful picture. I have no desire to take away your life. I want us to enhance each other's lives, so that we can be a comfort to each other against the world, our home an oasis away from those who do not understand our true natures.
11/27/2010 3:30:02 PM |
Here is an idea:
If I am not your type and I contact you, indicating that I am interested in you serving me, politely say you are not interested and move on.
If I do not contact you, do not contact me to tell me so, as it wastes both of our time, and move on.
And, while you are at it, do not assume that simply because I contact you it means I want you to serve me, I want to serve you, or there is some sexual interest on my part, as I assure you, if any of those things were true, I would tell you.
Today, I walked down to Fry's (1/2 mile), then to Wendy's (1.3 miles), then to the Family Dollar store (1.1 miles), then back home (0.7 miles). This is the same day where I read a nasty little message from an allegedly dominant male as to how he would think 'lazy slobby ick' about me, if he were a slave. Hmm .. I wonder how far he walked today? I wonder how far he walks in a week? I wonder how far he'd walk with a cold, in the hot sun, in the dust that he is allergic to? And, I wonder how pretty he would look while doing so?
Then, I wonder where the hell he gets off, realize that he doesn't - and we are both in agreement about that, I guess - and, I go on about my business.
Then, after I wrote that, above, I walked to Fry's, and back home, again. (1 mile) |
11/26/2010 7:19:04 PM |
The Mad Queen Ardeliah
That is a digital painting/digital manipulation by me, and is posted here for those who want to know more about my artwork.
This is the description that sits beside it on the art site where it has been posted for some time:
'You will see this on another art site, under the ID of Eclectia. That is because Eclectia is me. So is DSWilde! Anything bad you read about either is only borne out of jealousy. * grin * Here is what the description says:
I was inspired by a wonderful photograph of some stairs in France (you can find it in my favorites) to finish this piece.
Took me several hours to complete – not quite sure how many severals but more than usual, I can tell you!
I have many variations that now I must decide to toss or keep. This is how I end up with a room cluttered by disks!
Thank you for the inspiration, handsome man whose name I forget!
This illustration is for a story I started long ago, which has altered much over time, and so far is just something I amuse myself with. It is being considered to finally set it down all in words and to send it out into the world. I’m a little hesitant as once it is penned (so to speak) it will be permanently as written and. . well .. I guess all children must grow up and be what they will, even the ones we create in our minds and with our hands. Yes?
and here is what the handsome man, whose name I forget had to say:
*euristis:iconeuristis: Jan 9, 2007, 6:17:11 AMwow! Thank you so much, your postwork is amazing! I’m honored! :hug:—You can answer me in French, English or Italian…as you wishPortfolio: www.euristis.comPersonal (french): www.cerise-b.com
Just so you know I had his permission to play with his stairs!......................................................................................................
The Mad Queen Ardeliah is from the land of Ordine, in the world of Ordem, in a parallel’esque universe. Or, if she’s not strictly from the land of Ordine, it is, at least, wherein she has/is reign(ed) '
11/25/2010 7:25:05 PM |
Long ago, I had a Master who observed that, as I did work for him of the sort that I had decided it is best I do (for I knew how to do it, while he had yet to learn it all the way, and I was a faster typist, etc), that he spent his time fetching me tea and waiting nearby, on a stool, until I needed him.
'This is hardly right,' he told me 'that the slave girl should be sitting so comfortably, demanding silence, while I fetch tea and wait on the stool.'
'But,' I explained, 'It is right, because I am doing this work for your benefit, and the cord for your computer only reaches so far, and your chair will not come out from behind your desk without disarranging your whole office. There is no choice, but, that you sit on the stool, because you need to be here and the stool is all there is.'
'And, the tea?' he inquired.
'If you need a car to work, you give it oil. If you need a slave to work, sometimes, you give it tea.' I replied.
'Then, it seems to me that I would be better off as the slave.' he replied.
'Then, be the slave.' I replied.
'Okay, I will.' he said.
'Good, 'said I. 'Now, slave, go and fetch me that tea, then, sit there quietly on the stool in case I have need of you. I have work to do.'
This is around the time in my life when he quite gave up on training me as a slave, and, instead, ordered me to start training slaves.
As he observed, at the time, regardless of title, what I saw as fit to do was what was done, so, it is best that I train slaves to do as I see fit.
11/25/2010 10:23:41 AM |
The slave, mentioned below, who told me that he belonged to me, has just been told, by me, that he blew his last chance for my attention.
After much ignoring of me (in that he, sometimes, read messages, but, he did not reply to them), he finally messaged me and told me he needs time to step back and decide if this is really what he wants. Which I find excessively odd, since he has been on this site rather a long time, and he has pursued a relationship with me more than once and cried off claiming fear, then, it was he who came to me, again, and told me that he was sure this time - both that he wanted this and that it was with me that he wanted it. And, now, we are back to waffling? Really?
Well, I gave him some very light orders to follow, while he was thinking. Nothing involving money, very little involving time, just a little something that would help his thinking and give me reason to believe he was at all serious. I told him he could start by acknowledging that he got that email. He read it yesterday evening. I know that because I checked to see if he had read it this morning, not because he wrote to me and told me he read it.
So, no acknowledgement of its receipt by him and no following of the ever so mild orders within. Therefore, today, I told him that those orders had been his last chance. As in, I am done. I will not be writing to him, I will not be considering him. I told him if he ever wants me to believe him again,he will have to do something quite big, quite impressive, to capture my attention and prove that he is actually serious. Otherwise, he needs to stop wasting my time.
To be fair, he is no worse than many others, who also do much the same. There are so many men, here, who waffle on the edge of slavery, never stepping in, never shuffling off to whatever it is that does not frighten them, but, standing there, calling for attention, wasting the time of persons who stand in its reality.
Well, men: as long as you live your life being afraid to take what you want, even when it is offered to you directly, you are going to be very bored, possibly very miserable, people. And, yes, I can say this is mostly about men, not just because I am seeking men, but, because most of the real slaves I have ever known have been women. They are able to make that level of commitment, with it actually being what they say it is, instead of pretending they are bargain shopping for the best curves for the least price- as if that is what slavery is, ultimately, about!
There is another slave who is, currently, engaged in the same thing. That is, he is engaged in consideration of if to serve me or not. He has not approached me numerous times, beforehand, so it is not the same situation. However, it feels like it is leading into it. So, I told him, today, of a point in time at which he has to have decided, at least, whether or not he will be serving me.
I mean, if you know what you are, what you want, and, that this other person is real and claiming to want the counterpart of that, you should be able to decide, fairly quickly, if they are the person for you or not. Especially when they are not asking you to immediately sign over your finances or etc.
Will he decide? I don't know. What will he decide, if anything? I haven't a clue. All I know is that I have spent far too long on this site, with having almost zero results, although I usually hear from several slaves a day who claim to want to serve me as I wish to be served. (sigh). Something has to give! It's exhausting me, and, all this rejection over trivial details is not kind to one's ego.
'Oh, yes, Mistress, you are everything I want, and none of the other Mistresses have ever offered me anything close. Only, may I have a butt plug, too?'
'No, slave, you may not. I'm not into that.'
That's usually when the cussing starts. It is always when the leaving occurs. Mistress will not cater to his every whim, Mistress will not tart herself up like a whore for his amusement. Therefore, Mistress is not real.
Where are the real slaves? |
11/23/2010 8:08:58 AM |
I am headachy, tired, and, probably, I shall have to go help clean an apartment today, as well as attend my daughter while she goes to buy her dress - which will, hopefully, still be at the store. My knees and fingers hurt, I want to collapse. Where is that dratted slave with my tea? |
11/22/2010 8:59:43 AM |
Well, I have a slave now. He did, indeed say so. Waiting for a change of profile and location, now.
And, we are off to a bad start. (sigh)
Well, he told me he was scared, and being scared is understandable. Not paying attenton to your Mistress long enough to know that she gave you a very simple order, much less not following the order, is less so.
There is a teaching of Christianity, slaves, that goes like this: Faith without works is dead, as is works without faith. What does it mean, and why am I telling it to you, now?
It means, it is not enough to believe, you must also do the work inspired by the believing; and, it is not enough to do the work that someone who believes would also do, you must believe.
In the same way, a slave must not just want to be a slave, but, the slave must do the things of slavery; and, it is not enough for someone to go through the motions of slavery, but, they must also want to be a slave.
You can tell me that you are my slave, and, I will tell you that, yes, you are. Then, I will wait for you to prove it, by actually doing the things that a slave shall do. When you begin to act as a slave, I will continue to act as the Mistress who owns the slave. Otherwise, I will find another slave, who not only says, but, does. |
11/22/2010 7:52:58 AM |
Here is another subject, but, related. Slaves and training. Why? I mean, most persons claim they have served as slaves before, sometimes for decades, and, yet, they need to be trained and broken as slaves? Does that make sense?
It doesn't to me. I never needed to be trained to be a slave, and I am not subservient. I am more about higher goals, lofty ideals, work ethics, moral standards, than a desperate need to sit at someone's feet. However, if it were the right someone, I did enjoy it, immensely.
I mean, if you are going to be operating heavy equipment, and you have never done so, then, someone needs to give you a clue, more than likely, how to do it. Maybe, you even need extensive training in it. That makes sense.
But, if you have performed domestic service for someone for more than a month, even yourself, you do not need to be trained to perform domestic service. You need to be told the particulars of a person's diet and schedule, discover where the equipment is kept and where you will be sleeping, and then you do it. If you do it wrong, because they are so particular that they cannot stand seeing you use the blue sponge for the yellow sponge duties, then you need more information and training as to their particular methods. Still. you do not need to be 'trained and broken into slavery'. Slavery is very simple in it's process: you want to submit, to give, obey, you want to do things for others, that is what you do, and, voila! You are a slave.
It's not brain surgery, and, it should not have to be. If you must be beaten, tied up, whipped, kidnapped, nipple-clamped, surgically altered, caged, shackled, have all the fun sucked out of your life, removed completely from family and friends, ordered to do every last little thing, have your arse filled with a butt plug to get you started, or etc. then you are not a slave! You are something else, altogether.
A slave may enjoy any and all of those things, yet, they would not consider it slavery if that is all there was, and, they would forego all of that for a chance to live as a very simple slave, instead, if they must; because, a slave's true fetish is to be owned and to have someone to focus their life, their work, etc. on.
11/22/2010 7:36:55 AM |
'That is a depression I can understand (I said to a slave, who is depressed over never being able to find what he wants in life). Don't worry, however, about keeping me up. If I want to leave, I will leave and if I want to stay, I will stay.
All I want is real slaves who really live by my lifestyle, not only their own. I am willing to accommodate fetishes which do not offend me, and none which do. I don't know why this is such a hard concept for people to grasp. They want me to reel out a big fantasy for them. I want the slave where being owned, being told to do this, do that, and knowing that they have done it well and that I am pleased with them, is their fantasy.
I don't understand why it is so hard to find. When I was a slave, I was enormously happy to be of use, to help someone accomplish their goals, ease their body and soul after a hard day - and I'm not talking about sex. I'm talking about massage, aromatherapy, reading to them, good conversation. removing their coat when they came home, helping them out of their frozen boots and into some nice, warm wool-silk blend socks and slippers; preparing hot meals that were both tasty and served on time. I loved to wake up in the morning and walk down the long, cold hall, getting the fires started (or getting the slaves who did such things started), running the bath water, laying out the clothes, making sure the meal was ready, and whether I was allowed to sit with them and eat or I ate somewhere else, if I slept beside them or at their feet, or on the floor, or in the kitchen, or in a bed in a room with other slaves, or in a modest bedroom, or in a bedroom fit for a queen made no difference to my service. Except, of course, it is a little easier, when one is a little less stiff and a little less cold.
That's all I want. Good work slaves, who go out and earn money, or stay in and earn money, and do chores, and are companionable. If I had the funds to do so, I would take the good work slaves who did not work for money, but, alas, I am not there, not yet. If I had slaves, though, I think, in a year or two, I could be. Maybe five, tops. Assuming the world does not fall down around our ears, in the meantime.
Hey, this is rather good. I think I shall post it in my journal. lol'
And, then, I did, with minor alterations.
11/21/2010 11:25:58 PM |
Well, I had posted a sample contract, the basic contract for slaves who are not living in the same country or state as I am, but, who would be intending to relocate, for your edification. Apparently, education is not permitted to be given nor is curiosity allowed to be sated via journal postings, however, as it has disappeared.
If you want to see it, ask and I will send it to you, as I have been doing with the people who want to see it. It'll just be that much more annoying and time consuming than it would have been. |
11/20/2010 8:41:39 AM |
Quote from the profile of a slave, that are simply beautiful.
'Apologies for a negative start, but I'd like to sort out some of the dross first. If You are seeking a worthless worm, or cash pig; please look elsewhere for Your victim. i do not wish to be above myself, but i do value the person i am, and expect my eventual Owner to do the same.'
'i do not serve because of Your penis, or Your vagina, but because You as an individual inspire me to submit. i believe this different to a submissive or slave who are generally focussed on matching someone to their fetish'
'i hope to find an intelligent ground Owner, Someone who like me finds BDSM not to be Their hobby, or lifestyle choice but actually, Their very soul as a person. In my dream, i would eventually, like to find a 24/7 relationship, but, to be Owned and belong, is the main priority.'
'i am not part of the Big Brother, Simon Cowell, brainwashed generation and find that torture to be one of my few limits - seriously!'
This is a real slave at heart. Probably not one that would be suited to my needs, but, one who understands that being a slave does not mean losing your personality, and that it is a desire to serve that makes you a slave, not a desire to fulfill your kinky little need and a willingness to put up with pain or bitchiness to get that done.
You could learn a lot from this man! |
11/19/2010 9:02:58 PM |
Why does 'without limitation' mean that I must deny my true nature. A true slave, without limits, can sleep in a bed, be fed on bon bons, and still be a slave, as well as he can live in a dungeon and only be fed gruel once a day, if he is lucky. That is a slave without limits - neither dictating to the Mistress as to if she is allowed to be cruel or to be kind.
A slave without limits can be afforded dignity. A slave without limits can be taught to respect himself and others. A slave who must be a toilet is a slave with serious limits to his personality and who places serious limitations on the whims of the Mistress.
(sigh) |
11/19/2010 10:08:16 AM |
Things do change,drastically, at times. I logged on this morning, and wrote the journal entry, below, about how I may or may not have a slave. Well, I have not heard from that slave, again, today; but, another one, who had sort of waffled off, has returned, apologized, and we are discussing the terms of his contract.
This, if it works out, will be a very pleasing match, I do believe. He is polite, without having to be corrected constantly, and, he has the sort of work that makes him relocatable, which means he also has the sort of work that may lend itself well to him being a traveling companion, as well an at-home slave.
11/19/2010 7:17:44 AM |
I may or may not have a slave, at this point. There has either been a serious misunderstanding, or he is a game player. He has until the end of today to prove which is the case.
If he is my slave, he is a rather bad one; as in, no discipline, no training. Which could be because he is rather old for having no experience with being owned, yet. I give him the benefit of the doubt in this, for now.
I hope he is my slave, as, per what he has told me of himself as a person, if it is true, I could really respect and like him. For now, however, I wait, I pray for guidance, and I continue to seek.
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