Monday, July 18, 2011

Journal Entries for SlaveRMneeded: Pt. 2

2/25/2011 9:44:44 AM
So ... so .... apparently, I am about a month away from moving into an exciting house. Exciting because I'll be living there with no parents, older siblings, husband, Master, or landlord to try and tell me what to do. Though, I will still have two of my children there, and, there is bound to be some sort of lip out of them.  lol
It's not a big house, it's not a house with separate slave quarters (though, it should be noted, there is room on the lot and it is zoned R-2, so, slave quarters could be built), and it's not a startlingly fancy house; but, it is my house. Weird! It's almost as good as owning a slave, but, in some ways, even better. When a house says it is a house, and that it wants to serve you as a house, it usually acts just like a house, and you live with it as if it is a house, and, it doesn't decide it's a swimming pool or a motorhome, or start telling you it is a petunia, because petunias are what you live in and where you come home to, but, houses are the plants that grow in pretty gardens. It's just the house you own.

2/25/2011 7:01:12 AM
You know, I really hate it when people drop by to make accusations, and, they are very unspecific as to what they are actually accusing me of. 'You wrote a judgmental email to me, out of the blue.'
About what? And, to what ID? And, when? And, what did it say?Let's see it. Otherwise, I have no memory of it, so, I can't respond to the allegation. Except, of course, to say, as I did say, that I do not write judgmental emails to people out of the blue, so, you must have misinterpreted what I wrote.

2/23/2011 9:37:13 AM
Seeking slaves, not submissives.
Slaves are not submissive, they are obedient.
Submission is an absence of action,
To 'slave' is an abundance of purposeful action.  

2/21/2011 1:03:39 PM
For those who keep track of such things that is $241 (M) + $120 (E)  + $70 (G) +$40 (W/T/S) + $80 (I/P) + $500.00 (F) = $1,051.00   Of course, without (F) that's only $551.00 and that sounds much more reasonable, doesn't it?  Still, that's (F) for 4, and, probably includes (T) (S) and (S) as well as (LS) and (DS), and sometimes, (TP) and (DF)
For those who have no idea what I am on about: Welcome to the Fringe!

2/20/2011 5:52:38 PM
Tested a new potential slave today. Looks like he failed. He might rally, and, surprise me, but, I doubt it.

2/20/2011 12:26:30 PM
Well, I got my paycheck, so, I took some money that I could not afford to spend on it, and, went down to Warehouse Vitamins, and got me some Vitamin C powder, yesterday. Which was good for a few reasons.
 One, is that I am the sort of person who is so poor, and who believes in God, that I tend to pray before going into stores, as to making good decisions and not wasting my money on things I do not need.  I did not go down there to Warehouse Vitamins on purpose, as in saying 'I think I'll go down to Warehouse Vitamins and get some Vitamin C, after cashing my check.'  It just sort of happened that it came into my mind, to go in and look for Vitamin C.  So, I believe it was an answer to that prayer ... because ...
Two, is that I used the Vitamin C powder in some orange juice, this morning, which I am still drinking on, and, this is the first time in months I have actually felt mostly awake - like, I might even have energy to do something later, and everything! So, while I am still not sure I want to try those severe mega doses that one doctor recommends for people who have been victims of the Eppstein Barr virus, I am sure that taking this much of a dosage has been very helpful to me, today.
The third thing is, that there is a guy who works there who is so cute, and soft spoken, and looks like he might just be a little weird. I am not saying I am his type, or he is single, or there was any flirting, or anything else. Just that he is nice to look at, listen to, and polite to customers. Well worth going into a store, for that, it is, even if you come out with nothing else useful.

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