Monday, July 18, 2011

Journal Entries for SlaveRMneeded: Pt.10

12/31/2010 3:34:28 PM
Let me explain something to you slaves:
One cannot write a profile, contract, or anything else, that is going to please everyone, all the time. Hence why a contract negotiation is a NEGOTIATION.
This is a three part process.
1. I show you the contract.
2. You read the contract and get back to me on what you need, that isn't in it, or that you would like changed that is in it. And, once we are in agreement ...
3. I rewrite the bloody thing into something we both agree with and then we sign it.
I can usually get slaves to go all the way through the first step. Then, they freak out over what is missing, or what is there, and, because of something that is totally negotiable (usually) they cancel the whole process and run screaming.
There is some vast misunderstanding over the importance of ... oh, most everything. What is important is very simple:
Willingness to serve, desire to be owned, obedience, loyalty, some compatibility of personality in the ways in which we are likely to come together. Such as, for instance, humiliation. I think humiliation is more about having one's true faults pointed out and worked on, to make them a better person. If you think it's about that, great. If you think it's about you wanting to wank off, but, not being able to do to the chastity device, while I sit on your face, then, we are not compatible.
So, willingness to serve, desire to be owned, obedience, loyalty, some compatibility of personality. Oh, and, also, trust. Because, quite frankly, there is no good excuse for a slave assuming they are never going to get to exercise any of their fetishistic needs, just because I have not written it into the contract that they are definitely going to get to.
You have to trust that you are a person, I am a person, and I know that people, sometimes, work better when they, sometimes, get something that makes them happy - and that I am a 42 year old woman, who has raised children, owned slaves before now, and has some idea of how to give people enough of what they need and want to keep them working hard and fairly happy, even if it means hiring other people or letting them go out to play after their chores are done, while still maintaining full control of the basic situation.

12/30/2010 11:21:57 AM
Basically, my views on slaves is that most people have it backwards.
There are many people who think 'true slavery' is all about being degraded, and, what they seek out is a mean, out of control, person who hates them and wants to crap in their mouth, ruin their credit rating, and expose them to possible legal action; but, they reject the ones who are dominant while being in control and who are capable of holding their slaves in affection, all without resorting to unsanitary or illegal acts of inhumanity.
I get rejected, quite often, for being religious. Whether their owner is religious or is not religious is no business of slaves. They are there to serve, not to pass personal judgment.
However, whether or not their owner is likely to ruin their health or make it impossible for them to care for themselves, later, if they are released, is very much the business of slaves.
What happens to your body, reputation, spirit, and finances should concern you greatly. What happens to me, as a soul,  is strictly my own business.

12/29/2010 11:06:56 PM
It's messages like this, that keep a body going:
'Well in my humble opinion, you should find what you seek fairly soon. You are intelligent, beautiful,  and obviously not a game player. The trouble is that most slaves seek the fantasy as opposed to the reality.'
And, while I cannot tell you his ID, I can tell you that he is a he, and he is a slave.

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