1/19/2011 8:00:47 AM |
This is discipline:
Colossians 3:1-25
1 If, however, YOU were raised up with the Christ, go on seeking the things above, where the Christ is seated at the right hand of God. 2 Keep YOUR minds fixed on the things above, not on the things upon the earth. 3 For YOU died, and YOUR life has been hidden with the Christ in union with God. 4 When the Christ, our life, is made manifest, then YOU also will be made manifest with him in glory.
5 Deaden, therefore, YOUR body members that are upon the earth as respects fornication, uncleanness, sexual appetite, hurtful desire, and covetousness, which is idolatry. 6 On account of those things the wrath of God is coming. 7 In those very things YOU, too, once walked when YOU used to live in them. 8 But now really put them all away from YOU, wrath, anger, badness, abusive speech, and obscene talk out of YOUR mouth. 9 Do not be lying to one another. Strip off the old personality with its practices, 10 and clothe yourselves with the new [personality], which through accurate knowledge is being made new according to the image of the One who created it, 11 where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, foreigner, Scyth´i·an, slave, freeman, but Christ is all things and in all.
12 Accordingly, as God’s chosen ones, holy and loved, clothe yourselves with the tender affections of compassion, kindness, lowliness of mind, mildness, and long-suffering. 13 Continue putting up with one another and forgiving one another freely if anyone has a cause for complaint against another. Even as Jehovah freely forgave YOU, so do YOU also. 14 But, besides all these things, [clothe yourselves with] love, for it is a perfect bond of union.
15 Also, let the peace of the Christ control in YOUR hearts, for YOU were, in fact, called to it in one body. And show yourselves thankful. 16 Let the word of the Christ reside in YOU richly in all wisdom. Keep on teaching and admonishing one another with psalms, praises to God, spiritual songs with graciousness, singing in YOUR hearts to Jehovah. 17 And whatever it is that YOU do in word or in work, do everything in the name of the Lord Jesus, thanking God the Father through him.
18 YOU wives, be in subjection to [your] husbands, as it is becoming in [the] Lord. 19 YOU husbands, keep on loving [your] wives and do not be bitterly angry with them. 20 YOU children, be obedient to [your] parents in everything, for this is well-pleasing in [the] Lord. 21 YOU fathers, do not be exasperating your children, so that they do not become downhearted. 22 YOU slaves, be obedient in everything to those who are [your] masters in a fleshly sense, not with acts of eye-service, as men pleasers, but with sincerity of heart, with fear of Jehovah. 23 Whatever YOU are doing, work at it whole-souled as to Jehovah, and not to men, 24 for YOU know that it is from Jehovah YOU will receive the due reward of the inheritance. SLAVE for the Master, Christ. 25 Certainly the one that is doing wrong will receive back what he wrongly did, and there is no partiality.
Now, a Master who owns a slave, why do they own the slave? Why, it is that the slave can work. And, what work does the slave do? It does the work the Master would do, if he had the time, or that the Master would pay a free man to do if he had the money, or that the Master would do if he had the strength, height, knowledge ....
Masters do not teach their slaves to do what Masters would not do, or not have those in their household participate in. They do not destroy their property, they do not teach their property to act in ways which are counter to the benefit of the household.
I believe the things which I have quoted to you, above. Therefore, these are part of who I am, or at least who I strive to be. This is how I intend to live, and this is the sort of household a slave must be both willing and able to fit into.
Loving correction, firm discipline, are part of that. Extreme abuse, humiliation, degradation, sexual misconduct or worse, is not part of that.
1/15/2011 6:13:44 PM |
You can read everything below, and, everything else you can find, if you want to; but, to put things in the simplest terms possible, this is what I want.
I say 'I want a slave.' You want to be a slave, and, you say, 'Please, Mistress, let me be your slave.' You mean it. You begin to serve. Life progresses.
Slaves who want to be slaves, who know who they want to serve, are not submissive beings that sit around waiting for the opportunity. They are not submissives. They are people with a deep driving need to serve, to belong, and when they see what and whom they need, they move in and take control - in such ways as they do have control.
If they have no control, they have no power; if they have no power, there is no power exchange.
Be bold, slave -or, stop calling yourself a slave.
Do you want to serve? Do you want to serve me? Will you do as pleases me? Will you be loyal to me?
Then, prove it and begin to act as my slave, and see where it gets you.
Welcome to my profile. It's kind of long, but, if you read it, in its entirety, it might be found to be worth your while.
I can help you to fulfill your potential as a slave, but, only if you fulfill my need for a potential slave.
First of all, I should tell you that I am weird as a bean. So, if you are stuffy and uptight, this will not work. I am not talking about kinkiness, by the way, but, a totally different weird altogether. I am prone to singing out loud, in public, and not necessarily any songs that have ever been written. I might sing an ode to the bus stop we are walking past, or a little ditty for the lost toilet paper that just rolled under the cabinet.
Recently, my daughter's girlfriend took us to the laundromat. She was outside smoking. We were inside, dancing with the carts, singing odd songs at each other. The only saving grace to this debacle is that we were, at the time, the only people in the facility. I don't know that we would have refrained, regardless.
We like to invite a 16 year old boy (one particular one, who is a family friend, mind) over so that we can force him to jump into the unheated swimming pool. It is cruel, in a thoroughly amusing way.
Usually, when we go to a restaurant, for reasons that are unfathomable, we end up speaking of something extraordinarily gross, and another restaurant. It was with a sense of pride that, last time I went out to eat, I managed to tell a story that killed those two particular birds with one very nasty stone.
Drama is offensive. Flatulence is funny. Offensive flatulence is even funnier, especially if it leads to drama from other people.
I may paint you in funny colors, weave flowers in your hair, dress you otherwise badly, and take you to a nice, boring, family restaurant or movie. I may do it to myself.
I love weirdos. I need inspiration.
I can, have, and may again, eat with utensils, sometimes even all the appropriate ones for the sort of food served, but, only for fun. I would go to an opera, but, I will never take it seriously. I will go to a circus and take it very seriously.
This is who I am, this is what I do. Life is for living. Coffins are for being rude and stuffy in.
This is how one version of an ideal day would go for me:
I would wake up slowly, to the sound of a slave pottering about the house, doing his few simple morning chores. Opening my eyes , I'd see that he'd already been here, laying out my caftan and slippers, drawing the curtains, setting out my morning supplements on the night table along with the Bible, a small vial of oil, a small glass of orange juice, and a ripe pear.
I'd place the oil in my mouth, swishing it gently, as I read from the Bible. When I was through reading, it would be time to slip into my private bathroom, rinse out my mouth, have a quick shower, pat myself dry, and, then, to slip into my caftan and slippers. Supplements would be taken, juice dranken, and, biting into the pear, I'd make my way to the kitchen, where the rest of breakfast would be waiting, along with a slave who would be serving his own breakfast onto his own dish, and then clearing away the mess from cooking with quiet efficiency.
Because he knows this is an ordinary sort of day, and that I enjoy seeing what is in his eyes, and he is past his training, he would come and sit at the table with me, and we would share a meal together, while discussing the plans and needs of the day. Fortunately for us both, it is a day without appointments.
He is off to his wage work, and I am off to my office (in the home) to first check on my websites that I am running, and, then, to write. The slave clears up the dishes, quickly, as soon as we are done eating; then, makes sure the answering machine is on, picks up his homemade lunch from the refrigerator in the slave quarters, and goes on his way.
Another slave comes in, while I am working, and, proceeds to clean every room but the one I am in. When they are through, it is time for lunch, so they prepare it and let me know when they are finished. While I eat lunch, they clean the room I was in. When I am done, they finish with the room, go to the kitchen, eat their own lunch, using their own dishes, and then clear up the mess from the meal.
Before cleaning, the slave was at it's wage work, and, after it is done cleaning, it goes back to the wage work.
A few hours later, the slave who has been outside gardening, comes in with a basket of vegetables and herbs. We need to supplement them with a few things from the grocery store, though, to make a good evening meal, so, he comes to inform me. Deciding to go with him, I slip into some 'normal' clothes and we are off, him driving, me sitting in the back, comfortably stretched out and reading. When we get to the store, he hands me a list of the items he thinks we need. I add a few things to it, hand it back to him and give him permission to gather them together, while I go and look at other things, telling him to come find me in the other department when he is done.
When he is ready to go, and finds me, we proceed to the checkout counter, where he unloads the cart, and, when it is all rang up (by the clerk or by the slave), I hand him the credit card, store card, etc. to effect the purchase. He returns them to me, immediately after payment is made, picks up the groceries and whatnot, carries them to the vehicle (or uses the cart), installs them in the vehicle, and off we go home.
This is his day off. That is why he is doing the gardening and chauffeuring, as well as cooking dinner. Which, he goes back to his duties when we get home and I go to read, and, possibly, to take a nap. Or, perhaps, more writing.
When it is dinner time, all the slaves who are off work come in and we eat together. Afterward, and once the clean up is done, I suggest a movie. One of the slaves informs me that his chores are done for the day (and I know that they are), and asks if he may, instead of watching the movie, get online and chat with his family and friends. Since I will not be using the computer, and work was not going to be done either way, I decide to give him permission. The other slaves enter into a lively discussion of which movie to watch out of the three that have arrived from Netflix. Since they cannot come to agreement, and I have not come to a decision, we shuffle the movies and I let one slave pick. That's the one we watch.
After the movie, the slave who picked takes the movie and the envelope and prepares them for sending back to Netflix. He'll drop it off at the Post Office on the way to work, next time he goes. A last check for glasses, crumbs, etc. is performed by all, and the slaves go back to their slave quarters.
Mind you, that is just one day - there are many variations to how a day will go. But, you see how it is? Simple, elegant, not a lot out shouting, pleading, pain, trauma, or drama. Permission is sought, without force, out of respect and thoughtfulness of the slave - which, yes, partially comes from good training of the slave, but, mostly comes from the slave being that sort of person to begin with.
Here's another example of a fine day. Assume everything is the same, until after dinner. After dinner, the doorbell rings. Our doorbell is attached to the outer gate and is a real bell, that goes bong, because it's old-fashioned and neat. It doesn't go bong too loudly, though, as we do not want to upset the neighbors. It also causes the other doorbells to ring, on all buildings. This is annoying to me, sometimes, but, it does alert the slaves that whomever is on duty better shake his tail feather as I so do not like to hear that twice. The sign says to do it once, but, some people are jerks, you know?
The slave runs and answers, to find himself confronted by three women he's never seen before. He's not seeing them now, either, because they have slipped on masks and are wearing robes or other concealing garments. He is told that Mistress has invited them. Of course, Mistress has not told him this. So, being a dutiful slave, he returns to me and tells me what is occurring. 'Oh yes.' says I, 'I had quite forgotten. Do show them in, Sneddles.' The slave is not named Sneddles. He has learned, however, not to argue the point; as well as to answer to most anything, by way of name or title.
Sneddles, formerly known as the slave, ushers the three mysterious figures in, offering to take their wraps; but, the mysterious figures are having none of that. 'We agreed not to remove our wraps until you all are properly blindfolded.' announces one of the figures.
The ladies bring out blind fold material and duct tape.
'Let them do what they will, slaves. ' I say. The slaves obey, and, soon, are blindfolded, with duct tape securing the blindfolds in place and covering over areas that traditionally can be seen through by sneaky types. All of them are wearing gags. They have all been guided to pieces of furniture which they are laid across, or bent over, and their clothing loosened just enough that their rear ends are prominently displayed.
Each slave is then attached to noise cancelling headsets which are, in their turn, attached to a portable stereo. On each stereo, a disk is being played. The disk is a combination of music, and me, giving instructions, guidance, to the slave. No two disks are the same.
Nothing that happens to the slaves is exactly the same. One has a stool placed between his legs, under his genitals, so that they rest in a bowl of water and ice, mostly ice, unless he stands on his toes to avoid it. A small piece of peeled ginger is inserted into his rectum, which means that when he moves to try to keep off the ice, he squeezes the ginger and receives a sting. It's not so bad, though, in the short term. It's when he's been there, for about 10 minutes, occasionally hoping for a little relief as the ginger threatens to fall out (but is pushed back in) or as the water begins to warm (but the ice is renewed) and he is getting tired, that he begins to worry. And, that is when he feels the first lash, as the crop hits his left thigh .. then his right thigh .. then his left buttock ... then his right buttock.
Now, most slaves, who are not pain sluts, would do their best to struggle free - they couldn't help themselves. This slave is no exception. What he has not reckoned with is the other slave. The one that he forgot had been duct taped to his wrists, by their wrists, who is across the table from him, experiencing who knows what.
The slaves have no idea who is doing this to them. They cannot hear anything but me, they cannot see anything. They can only feel the pain and discomfort, or the pleasure, as things are done to them. They will not know, am I doing it? Is one of the other ladies? Are we taking turns? Are some of us doing it, while the others are watching?
When the fun is over, the slaves will be cut free from each other, but, ordered to stay in place until they have permission to move. One at a time (or in groups of two, I guess) they will be given this order by me, as they are cut free. No other female voice will be heard. When the slaves are given permission to move, they will remove their blindfolds and ordered to clean up their mess before bedtime.
As I said, there are many variations on how a day can go.
Ideally, the slaves I have will prefer to live more like the first day described, but, quite willing to enter into and enjoy the second day's activities. In other words, normal, laid back life with slavery involved, but, some fun and more intense moments, of varying flavors.
My long term goal is the establishment of a home, that includes one or more slaves (but, not too many). However, right now I am living in a one-bedroom apartment, with my daughter (who is an adult and is aware of my wanting to own slaves), so, I am definitely open to starting out smaller, with a slave for the apartment, and, progressing for there; or, even, a slave who is not live-in, but, who wants to serve in a more limited fashion (time-wise), though, under full ownership.
My current contract, which was written with the view of establishing a home, is in 5 stages, plus 2 documents (1 legal in a court of law) for the protection of myself and for the protection of the property of the slaves who come to me, not because they need to be protected from me, but, to reassure them that they can relax and trust in me and that I will not, as others might do, strip them of all their worldly possessions and then dump them back out into the world.
The legal document defines the majority of the financial aspect of the relationship, and, also, the confidential nature of the other document.
The other document better defines the relationship by type, with more detail into how some aspects mentioned in the legal document will be executed. It is still, somewhat, watered down with legalese, just in case; because, slave, you are not the only one who has ever been burned!
The second document, for slaves that need relocation, requires four signatures. One before relocation, and three signed over three 30-day periods. For slaves who do not require relocation, that would be altered to just the three signatures.
In other words, I am serious about this. I want to own slaves, I want myself and the slaves to be legally obligated to perform within the roles we will be living - they will be legally obligated to provide service, I will be legally obligated to provide training.
I am not having much luck finding slaves who understand the contracts. They read contracts which state that I am legally obligated to train them, that the training may include things that are considered harsh or cruel by those outside the relationship but that the slaves agree to it, etc. and they tell me I am too soft, I am only looking for money, I sound like someone who doesn't know what they are talking about. (sigh)
Maybe the problem is that they only skim the document looking for 'Gor' , and, when they read nothing that says 'And, thusly, shall I wield the whip of doom upon your naked flesh upon ever quarter hour.' they decide the document is not worth reading and discussing.
Certainly, none of them, so far, have gotten this point: ready for it? Going to read it and understand it? Okay, here goes: Are you sure? Alrighty then: Many things are negotiable, because not all slaves are alike - there are different abilities, financial situations, health issues, work schedules, needs, and even desires, to consider.
So, if you read the contracts, I suggest you read them a few times each, all the way through. Study them, just as if the rest of your life (or, at least, hopefully, a good many years of it) are hanging in the balance and that this is one of the most important decisions you will ever make. Envision how it would work for you - make notes of what is not likely to work and why. Make notes of what you would like to have added, and why.
Share these notes with me. Explain your reasons, your fears, your doubts, your hopes. This is a time for frank and honest discussion based fully on reality, not fantasy.
And, keep in mind - because this is vitally important - these are contracts that set the legal aspect and the tone of the relationship, the vows, the times when the contract may be altered and why, etc. These documents are not about training.
There is protocol, which I have written, which is mildly about training, but, it is only basic stuff, like hygiene and opening doors, etc.
That is because training, duties, and any possible play, reward, punishment, etc. are all to be determined by the personality and needs of the individual slave, and, therefore, can not be set in a contract that is not written for any slave in particular, or, in the case of contract negotiation, any slave that I do not know yet. If the contract needs to be tweaked further, as time goes on, it will be.
I need you to understand that, and to not judge my abilities or desires based on what aspects of them are lacking in representation in the documents. That is not what those documents are for.
If you want to know me and my abilities, my desires, you actually have to enter into my life, serve me for a time, and see what transpires. Though, you could try a frank and honest discussion of such things, reading journal entries, etc. too.
I am going to attempt to break the contracts down into sections and explain them in my journal entries, because they can be overwhelming when coming at a person all at once. I say attempt, because, I tried to show an example of contract, before, and it was deleted immediately. I don't know why, since I ran into a slave who has a full contract on his profile and he stated that he needs a domme that will agree to it. But, whatever ... I will attempt. If you do not find them, then go look on yahoo for mistressarletta and they will be on the blog of that profile, instead.
The profile photo, and, most of the other photos, were taken on January 8th, at the Tucson Mall, in the first stall of the Lane Bryant dressing room. I'm poor, but, inventive.
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