2/25/2011 5:54:44 PM | |
FOR THE RECORD: I gave up looking for non-sexual, service-oriented slaves. It is not that I don't want one, it is that in the majority, there is no such thing as a person who understands that slaves work and that I do not have to have sex with them, or treat them horribly, as payment for that work. So, you know, if you happen to be a person who really wants to be used for your wage work as well as your physical labor, as in be useful and put to good use, and, you like saying things like 'Yes, Mistress.', carrying packages and all, without feeling it makes you a 'piece of crap' or 'sub-human' and without expecting me to transmorgify into a cruel deity, make you bleed, the removal of any of your body parts, being inane enough to think that 'oral' anything (sex, worship, servce) is not sexual, demanding that things be stuck up your butt, or, otherwise expecting to lead a thoroughly unsanitary and unpleasant life - and, if you are serious, as in, you say 'I want to serve' and I say 'Great, because I could use that.' and, you say 'I am so on the plane, tomorrow.'(and, you mean it), then, by all means, send me a message. Otherwise, I am right off the subject, because I am so tired of hearing from 'slaves' who demand that they be allowed to play all day, I conform to their limits instead of having my own, and, that I work for them 24/7 with no expectation of getting paid for it - even though they will give me no rest or time for a paying job, and, who think that I should spend all my time degrading myself through the use of foul language, exhibiting a fake bad temper, defecating for their amusement, and ... no. I'm done with you people. if you can't prove you read this and you are a real slave, not some fantasist idiot, within the first few messages, I will block you and be done. To the ones who like to judge and send rotten messages: I am Irish, Cherokee, and Chinese. It all shows in the planes of my face. the tilt and lid of my eye. I do not look like your average white girl, and, you should not judge the looks of my face by those standards. I do not look bitchy and I am not ugly - I look like I come from a long line of people who kicked your nasty little Dutch, German and English arses for a very long time, that you never actually did win the fight with, yet. And, I look like I was conceived of unions between people who could see past skin color and ethnicity. I am also not ugly as in, unlike most people on this site, I have dared to show my true face, rather than hide behind makeup, plastic surgery, fuzzy photos, or photos of other people altogether. This is not claiming to be honest; it is to actually be honest, even knowing that, on this site, honesty invites ridicule from many, and accolades from few. The new photo, the first one, was taken approximately 10 am on February 23rd, 2011. The ninth and tenth photos were taken on February 25, 2011. I am fat, yes. I know that. No need, then, to point it out. This profile is not for you, the sort of people who must do such things. It is for the man who has something to offer in my life. So, that is enough said to you. To him, I will say that I no longer seek a simple slave, but, a husband. A high moral standard with limits set based on them, and, a knowledge of your needs are prerequisite. The relationship I seek is based on love, monogamous, loving, legal, and traditional in values. Any kink that develops between us will be mutually accepting and fulfilling to us both, or, it will fall by the wayside, regardless of what role you consider yourself to be made to fill. I have my limits and my needs. They will be respected and fulfilled. You should have, and, expect the same for yourself. Honesty, love, God, monogamy, helping those less fortunate, friends, family, kindness, are all important to me. I will not engage in a relationship that does not have the potential to involve these elements, to be shared by us, as we share our lives together. What is commonly called TPE, the meeting of minds, the understanding and seeking of each other as persons, is important to me. And, that you are neither seeking to change me or to force me not to change is important to me. Some things you cannot change. Some things, such as my weight, may change, and, if it does, or does not, that would have to be accepted, and, not dwelled upon. If you cannot love people for who they are, rather than what shape they currently take, I have no need of you in my life. My preference is for men who are very tall, browneyed, British or Canadian, and, somewhere within 5 or 6 years to either side of my age. However, those preferences could be totally wiped off the map by someone with the right personality. What is not negotiable is that you must love God, and, you must want to live, in some way, by traditional standards as set in the Bible, to the extent of hygiene (no toilet sort of play), kindness (don't expect daily beatings, harsh insults, or other abuses), and a marriage being about two people putting each other before all else, but, God. The things that I say I live for are those most important to me. The things I say are hard limits are the things that, if you cannot live without them, show that we willl not suit. The rest is much more malleable. The fact that I am on this site, saying this, should tell you that I am open to elements of bdsm within the marriage. So long as it is playful, loving, and, yet, serious. So, what else am I into? Well, I'm more into the laid back, casual lifestyle than the status symbol thing. I do enjoy fashion, to some extent, and, dressing up can be fun; but, one has to be in the mood! I'd rather be wearing something comfortable, or, nothing at all, and, I prefer swimming to yachting. You'd be more likely to find me sitting at a camp fire with gypsies than dining at the Marriott, and, while I will shop for quality, I am more apt to be at Wal-mart than at Sak's. Rock 'n' Roll is wonderful, much of it,but, so are classical piano, Jazz, the Blues, some Rap , some Countyr, some Folk, various foreign things (especially from Ireland, Scotland, Israel, Turkey and Arabia) that I am not sure what category most fall under, and, so much else. Music: Yum! I do not like songs like 'Highway to Hell', or listen to 36 Mafia, Marilyn Manson, etc., however, because, talented though the persons involved may be, this is full on against my lifestyle and loves. So, don't try to introduce me to things and 'broaden my horizons', if by 'broadening my horizons' you mean 'chaning my mind.' I love to window shop, and, while I sometimes like to also shop for real, I do not appreciate people who interrupt my fun by getting offended, thinking I'm being greedy and making demands, or telling me that I'm shallow and materialistic. Window shopping is sort of like playing a game. It is not about making a purchase, though, it can help when and if a purchase needs to be made, later, and, it is a good way to start if a purchase needs to be made soon, as it helps you focus on what you need, or really want, rather than the bright, shiny visual displays the stores attack you with. So, don't offer to buy eveyrhing I like, at any given moment or feel put upon that I won't let you; and, don't assume that just because you have a wallet and I like a jacket, that it means I want you to initiate a purchase. It ruins the fun of window shopping, having to deal with those sort of attitudes. Swimming is lovely, planning interior and exterior decor and landscaping is fun (sort of like window shopping). Obviously, I love writing,: I also love reading, but, I probably won't like your poems and stories. This does not mean I will not, but, on average, I will say that approximately 1 percent of persons who have come to me and told me that I would like their writing, or that they were great writers, or even that they were any sort of writers at all, were correct in their judgment. The rest were the sort of people who had big tits or pretty eyes, or a great flat in which to throw a party, or a skin color that people were afraid to speak against, or, some other thing about them that made people want to suck up to them and lie like dogs.. So, don't show me your writing, unless you are ready and willing to accept the honest opinion of someone who loves the written word, and, who - while making plenty of her own typos - notices the nasty editing job done in best selling books by world famous authors. I cut Stephen King and Agatha Christie no slack, so, why would I do it for you. But, please note, I still read their works, despite the errors, because these people can WRITE! Cooking is great, but, I am often frustrated by bad tools, limited space, and/or the way my tendons are working. It would be lovely to cook with someone, but, not someone who is a 'chef' as I just can't take food that seriously. I can't take anything that seriously, in fact. Life should be fun, cooking should be fun, and, while it is great if you know how to julienne the veggies, simply chopping them, or, tearing them to pieces with your fingers, gets the job done, too. Herbs, nutrition, vitamins and supplements, hydrogen peroxied therapy, are all interests of mine, which I do read up on and do intend on continuing to pursue. If this is not something you are interested in, to the extent that you think it is too weird or stupid, then, go away now. If you are some gung-ho vegetarian, who is going to tell me that meat is murder, follow that other guy who just left. My daughter is a lesbian. The other one is married, but, living with some other guy, in another State. One of my sons has distinct learning disabilities and the other one is weirder than chipped beef kite. I do not approve of things they do. They will always, however, be in my life, often in my home, and, , while I wil never say that homosexuality or adultery is right, when I think they are wrong, I will never make them feel unwelcome. So, if you are the sort of person who is homophobic (as opposed to just thinking homosexuality is wrong), or who cannot understand what 'Love the sinner, hate the sin.' means, or who think that God wants you to heckle funerals, then, go away, now.Jesus ate with sinners, and, he had more to be uptight about, not actually being one, himself. So .. I live in constant fear of being trapped in a marriage with someone who is rude to the homeless, cares what the neighbors think more than about doing what is right or harmlessly fun, wants to impress other people to gain a higher sociial status, and/or otherwise unimaginative, shallow type. I've had enough of that in my life. I don't want to be respectable, if it means not being me. If I can be both things, I will be - on most days. And, if you are still reading this ... well, I hope you are not doing it on company time. That's dishonest toward your employer. Shame on you. Get back to work! But, if you are not reading it on company time, well, thank you for listening and enduring through it all. xx |
Monday, July 18, 2011
Journal Entries for SlaveRMneeded:
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