2/4/2011 10:33:58 AM |
Learned something new, yesterday. Ah, but, where do I start the telling?
You see, I have been ill a very long time. Now, I won't go into all the symptoms. Suffice it to say that reading up on Fibromyalgia, Eppstein Barr, and Hypothyroidism would help you understand much.
As I was ill, so very long, I spent most of my life reading up on health, nutrition, herbal nutrition, etc.; implementing what I could, contantly striving to win out over things that leave many people crippled shut-ins. This was with no active support from anyy doctors, family or friends, in the main. In fact, they often went out of their way to deny that I am ill and to try to force lifestyles on me that I simply could not live.
A wee while ago, I found out that my having begun eating cabbage more often than lettuce (better nutrition per calorie), broccoli more often, drinking soy milk and sometimes substituing soy for meat - all thing highly recommended in magazines, by doctors, etc. - was actually damaging my health, because they were making my thyroid worse. So, there I was eating extremely 'healthy', losing my hair, putting on the pounds, getting dehydrated and dizzy, having trouble walking, muscle cramps abounding ...
A wee while after that, I found out that all the times I kept telling the gymn teachers, school nurses, doctors, that I thought one leg was longer than the other, I was right. Thats why my lower back was always hurting.
This is long after I found out that I really am allergic to milk, dust, and mold.
All of which I was told, for years, was a) as a child: pretend play and growing pains. b) as an adult, symptoms of depression.
Still with me? Twice, doctors told me I showed significant antibodies from the Eppstein Barr virus, but, they both told me it was over, meant nothing, all I needed was to eat right and exercise. Now, I kept telling the various doctors, throughout my life, that when I exercised, I got worse, not better. They chalked it up to me being divorced, overweight, depressed, and, more recently, premenopausal . Despite that when this all started, I was a size 5/7 who could walk 50 miles in a go, not married yet, and 14 years old. Despite that I was exceedingly happy to be divorced, and, even though I went so far as to have a very intense psychiatric forgot what they are called) which eat up the free radicals. I don't. So, the free radicals overwhelm, and, I get worse.
Mega doses of Vitamin C, which I have done at various times, but, which doctor always told me would do no good, and, which I can seldom afford. Not just mega doses like 'Pop an extra pill.' Serious, crazy sounding mega doses. Once the body is saturated in Vitamin C, it has what it needs to fight the Eppstein Barr virus, and, only then, does exercise help.
2/2/2011 1:15:16 PM |
Excerpt from email to slave:'I was married before. It was very bad. Been divorced a very long time now, at his initiation. That is nothing to do with why I want slaves, though. I grew up reading a lot, watching movie, etc. There was always talk of servants, slaves, people serving in various roles in the military, etc. I never saw it as weird, wrong, bad - except the way some people utilized their positions to make others miserable, or chose to lie to themselves and pretend that the cruelty you inflict on slaves, people of other nations, people of the opposite sex, or people of other skin tones, does not count to God.
Slaves are useful, lovely people. So, for the selfish reason that I need help, I go out of my way to seek slaves. My life is a mess. There is need for at least one good slave.
There are other reasons, though. There is a connection between someone who is owned by choice and their owner. It is a type of love, almost familial in nature. The belonging, it is good. And, I do believe the belonging is mutual. If you are my slave, then, I am your Mistress. There is mutual possession, respect, pride of place, etc.
Also, I see things. I mean, it is not just that my life is a mess. It is that it is very frustrating to see someone who needs help, to understand what help they need, and, to have no means of administering it, so, to watch them suffer. With slaves, or even one slave, I could do a lot to help others, too. So, even my most selfish reason isn't all selfish.
Think of it this way: In Arthurian legend, King Arthur did a lot for Britain, but, he couldn't have done it without the Knights and Merlin.
Jesus had disciples to send out to do his work.
Gandhi had his followers.
Buddha was listened to.
William Wallace, by himself, was a well educated man with little better standing than a slave. With men serving under him, he was something else, altogether.
The role of dominant people is to serve, and, the only way they can serve, effectively, is to be served. I NEED to serve the greater good, as I am able. Therefore, I need to be served.' |
1/30/2011 3:13:45 PM |
I seek slaves who are:
Service oriented (cleaning, cooking, gardening, wage work, repair of homes, plumbing, fixing of vehicles, helping with research and editing of writing)
Willing to accept my hard limits.
Non-smokers (of anything. But, if you need to be disciplined into not smoking cigarettes, I am willing to help with that).
Non users of drugs (limited quantities of alcohol may be permissible. Heavy pain meds, even though legal, are not.)
Chaste (or, at least willing to not attempt to engage me in a sexual manner).
Desiring to give. (Selfish people who demand 'What is in it for me?' and a list of fetishes to be fulfilled are NOT slaves)
Desiring of being owned property. (You will not make up the rules. I do not have to stay home and entertain you. I can go on vacation and leave you for extended periods of time and expect you to maintain your duties. I can stay home and get my work done. You will obey and function, as you are told to do, regardless of how I live my life.)
Fairly healthy (no major health or mental health issues. Obviously being overweight is not a hindrance, and is, perhaps, something we could work on together).
Truly willing to put in a hard day's work. (This is not all about fun and games, people!)
Not seeking punishment (punishment is earned for bad behavior. So is dismissal. Do not seek punishment).
Heterosexual. ( I don't care that you experimented in the past. I care that you will not upset my other slaves of whatever sex you are, or attempt to make the slave quarters a sex den.)
Between the ages of 25 -50. (Exceptions may be made, but, you'd have to give me a very good reason for doing so).
Filled with good self esteem. (I do not want arrogance, but, if you are truly willing to do ANYTHING, if you have no hard limits, if you will eat shit, screw animals, torture other people, allow yourself to be tortured - as opposed to disciplined - I do not want you in my life.)
Willing to accept punishment ( without question or argument).
Accepting of discipline (any discipline, anywhere from learning protocols, to being whipped and caged, then lightly brainwashed).
Aware that real slavery can be hard, thankless and full of tedium. And, aware that slavery means full control of your body, mind, finances, and everything.
Fun and slightly weird (I make jokes, sing off key in public, and generally have fun with my life. If you are the type who is easily embarrassed by such things, we are not compatible)
Local or ready to relocate. (If you are long distance, and you cannot relocate immediately, you have to be willing to serve financially from where you are, and, to obey my instructions, begin learning protocols, including providing proof.)
I have three basic positions, or ways, of slavery open for these persons.
# 1. Live-in slave, of lesser money: Move in as a legitimate roommate, passing the background check, and be used as a work slave, while also paying the bills. You retain control of your finances, otherwise.
Since you are legally a roommate, responsible for bills, there is no need of an extensive contract, but, a simple agreement will be drawn up between us. Slaves may begin in this category and move on to position #3 or down to position # 2, if desired.
# 2. Temporary worker/service slave: No expectation of paying any specific bills, weekly payments, or etc. May have incidental costs related to work for me or entertainment, or, may not. This slave would voluntarily come to clean, make repairs, provide entertainment - as they are able
Since you are only serving, as you have time and/or finances, there is no need for a contract. If we decide to go into any sort of play that might result in injury, there will, at that point, need to be a waiver signed, at least
For the record, slaves who want to send me their keys and pay to get them back, slaves who simply want to buy gifts, slaves who are not local but wish to serve by entertainment or work when they come into town, or non-local slaves who want to make payments and have some light, non-sexual, discipline and protocol via the internet count in this category. Of course, slaves may start out in this position and, later, request to move to position #1 or #3.
#3. Full time live-in slave, of greater money: Weekly payments to your Mistress, purchase of Real Estate with cash or through the taking out of loans and paying of closing costs and down payment. More emphasis on the spending of your money, for furniture, clothes, baubles, etc. Less emphasis on housework, since you are working so hard for wages, but, still expected to perform domestic slave duties.
You will sign a very serious contract, with fully legal complonents.
Slaves in this position may request to move down to position #2 or position # 1, if they have good cause. It is at my discretion, however, if they are allowed to take that step back.
In all cases, only applicants who meet my criteria, and who are ready and willing to be available, loyal, and obedient shall be considered or utilized.
Do let me know which position you are interested in, if you contact me!
If you are sure you are interested in being considered as a slave for me, you must change your profile. A person who wants to be my slave will not be actively seeking other dominants or switches. They will state that they are under consideration of Mistress Arletta on their profile. And, they will remove all pornographic material from their profile or journal, out of respect for me.
When I tell you it i time, you will also send me these photos (or a video showing same, will work):
1. Your face and chest in same photo. No sunglasses or masks. Chest unclothed, but, with genitalia covered.
2. Your back, unclothed. You may display your buttocks, but, you certainly do not have to.
3. As close to a full length photo as you can get. No sunglasses, no mask; fully clothed.
4. A close up photo of your face. No sunglasses, no masks.
5. A photo that is recognizable as the same person in all other photos, holding a sign that says 'Boogaba Smythe lives on.' The sign will be hand written.
I will not seriously consider owning you, until I have received the photos.
If you are local, you must be prepared to meet very soon after contacting me. You will be paying for any necessaries of the meeting. Do not expect any form of domination or play, at this first meeting. Do not be surprised by it, either, if it happens.
The first few meetings will always be in a public setting. I will not be entering into your home or vehicle. You will not be entering into my home. You will come at the time you have been ordered to arrive, so that I may get there first. You will leave before I do.
If you are not local, and cannot travel, soon, for a face to face meeting, we will be exchanging passport information via encrypted PDF files. If you do not have a passport, get one. You may block out the date of birth, as I will be doing so. This way, we both know the other person is real, and have enough information to inform the police if, upon meeting, something goes horribly wrong; yet, it is not enough information for identity theft.
Do not expect this to happen right away, but, do expect it to happen before contracts are signed!
You will be tested, by being given instructions on how and where to order something, and where to send it to. This will tell me if you are obedient and generous; and, tell you that I am being truthful about my existence, as well as being dominant. It will not be terribly expensive, as in it will be less than $100.00. Generally, it is lunch or dinner for however many people are around, that day, from Dominos. That way, test results are in within the hour!
All potential slaves will be tested, questioned, re-questioned, tested again. You have to prove to me that you are attentive, obedient, and willing to do things that are not all about your own self-gratification.
You have to be able to state, clearly, what you want out of your enslavement, what your hard limits are, and what you know you need ('vanilla' and bdsm wise) to thrive as a slave.
You must know the difference between 'want' and 'need'.
What we will discuss are the points mentioned on this profile. What we will not discuss is what my kinks are, explanations of how each day will go, or anything else that is so obviously questions from a person asking for fantasy material, rather than a person who is genuinely interested in being allowed to serve as a slave.
It is enough for you to know, about my kinks and such, that I will not accept magic practices, I am religious, no sex will pass between us, and you will never receive any permanent damage or markings from me (piercings, possibly being the exception).
I am not here to be your friend, lover, or entertainment. Service and obedience will commence soon after our meeting, upon this site or any other, or you will be summarily dismissed from my life. So, be very sure of what you want, BEFORE you contact me.
If you have read this all, and, you are interested, and you are sure you are ready to begin, send me a message that says 'Fluid joints ribbed incessantly northward.' It can say other things, as well, but, I will not, necessarily, read emails from people I don't know, yet, who have not sent me those words.
1/29/2011 7:43:49 AM |
The problem with men, in a nutshell, is this:
They have no problem providing pleasure for a woman, yet, they balk at necessity. Even when they claim to be slaves, even when the pleasure is at her demand and not their provision.
Yet, what is most pleasurable for a woman is to have her necessities met. There is no joy in silk stockings arriving at the same time as the flu that cannot be shaken or treated; there is no merit in a fancy cut of steak to be cooked on a stove that does not work. It is not happy making to be sent a silk dinner gown and invited to a party when you cannot afford the hair, makeup or shoes to go with it. And, going on vacation is a lacklustre experience, when one has been too ill to work and the rent is unpaid.
Many slaves I have met who are willing to 'serve' in the ways of 'pleasure'. Where is the slave who is actually going to bring pleasure with him, by fulfilling an actual need?
Don't get me wrong! I love pretty clothes, good food, and all that. I have, however, lived without them the majority of my life, while growing increasingly in pain, because I was paying child support, providing clothes and food for my children, separate from child support, and fighting a custody battle that lasted over a decade (almost two). I have also lived without even basic, decent, let's go find a job, clothes, proper health care, dental care, real haircuts, and many other things. I did all this while being in so much pain,going through so many bouts of serious illness that the doctors begged me to give up, because I had to. There was no other choice, because to do anything other than to work myself about to death would have resulted in my children having a far,far worse life than they did. And, their life was a horror, as it was.
And, now, because I seek the sort of slaves who wish to be helpful and giving, to serve me and help me straighten out my life a bit, to give me some small pleasures that really would be pleasures for me, to share in a mutually beneficial relationship, where for once it was a relationship on my terms and not all about the man trying to force himself on me sexually or deny even the simplest pleaures - because I want there to be a balance, where we have enough of what we need to be happy and fulfilled in our roles - I am called ugly, stupid, lazy, crazy? Worse?
I have a job, and with a helpful slave, I will be health enough to have a better one. Sure, I am overweight due to untreated long term stress and illness, and, with a helpful slave at my beck and call I can fix it. I am not lazy, nor am I out of control. I am what happens when you take a beautiful young lady, marry her off to a psychopath, and, then not only never give her help to escape him, but, actively help him to destroy her looks, health, reputation, employment, and life, otherwise. Well, it is what happens when she is strong enough to survive.
I can train slaves, I have experience. I am strong, intelligent, resourceful - and - fuck you very much - still beautiful. Fat, yes, but, beauitiful. I have needs, as all people do, and if some of those needs are met, I will be right back on my feet. The difference between me, and some of these other women on this site, is that I want to utilize you, make you part of something worthwhile, that benefits many, not just use you to entertain the one.
If you really think you are not worthy to serve a real woman, who has thought things through and has an actual use for youi, then, I feel sorry for you. But, dont tell me that means I am lazy! Not when you are the one calling yourself a hard worker (slave) while acting as all selfish men do, seeking no work and all pleasure and to use women as only flesh. |
1/28/2011 1:21:05 PM |
Here's a news flash for you:
IF YOU ....
.... cannot stand it when a woman knows what she wants and is honest about her desire to obtain it ...
.... complain 'Oh, you want too much from me.' and it is not about your hard limits ....
.... feel that any work you do, money you give, or attention you pay to a woman is trade-off for her sexual favors ...
.... think that making demands such as 'You have to castrate me.' or 'You have to sit on my face.', or, in fact, any demands at all, is appropriate ...
.... think that reading a profile is too much hard work ..
.... think that 'true' slavery is about sexual contact or being humiliated by feces .....
.... feel the need to ask 'Why do things always have to be done your way?', when speaking to someone in a dominant role ....
.... think that giving you a list of hard work, protocols to learn, restrictions to obey, while controlling your clothing, spending habits, food intake, etc. 'has nothing to do with the lifestyle or its activities' ....
.. then, you are not a slave. |
1/22/2011 2:32:26 PM |
I've started a new group on yahoo, so that I can direct people to it, regardless of what other bdsm site I am on, without treading on any site-owned toes.
The group is for pure service slaves. Difficult concept to explain, but, it is basically that slaves, by definition, are workers who also have some share in your life, in whatever measure it is chosen to allow them.
Some slaves want just that. They do not want to be tied up and beaten for fun, or, at least, they do not want it to be the focus of the relationship. Nor, do they want the focus to be other forms of torture, degradation, humiliation, sexual use, or money.
'Pure service', however, does not refer to the fact that nothing bdsm related can occur, or even that it cannot be a loving, romantic relationship. It refers to the fact that it's the kind of service that focuses on the positive aspects of slavery, and on work, obedience, loyalty, and building up of the slave and owner.
Yes, it works for subs, Doms, tops, bottoms, etc. Titles do not matter. This is about service between two people who are not seeking to fulfill their 'dark desires' in this way. They are, you know, seeking to have a loving relationship where there are clear rules and the dishes get done.
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/pureservice/ |
1/20/2011 8:53:21 AM |
a system of rules of conduct or method of practice;
the trait of being well behaved
training to improve strength or self-control
in its most general sense, discipline refers to systematic instruction given to a disciple.
One who has received initiation from a spiritual master and then follows the path shown by the master.
Jesus' disciples were his students, and, by learning from him willingly, and following him, and believing in him, they became his slaves. And, by becoming his slaves, and continuing in faith, by doing the work he set them to do, they became more than slaves and became, also, friends. Some even became his brothers, Kings who will rule alongside him, at least for a time.
Colossians 4:1 YOU masters, keep dealing out what is righteous and what is fair to [your] slaves, knowing that YOU also have a Master in heaven.
Nowhere in the Holy Scriptures does it say that slavery is wrong, but, in many places it says outright, or by intimation, that abuse of slaves, sexual misuse of slaves, degradation, humiliation for no purpose, is unnatural and it is wrong, and, it will be paid back to the owners of the slaves.
I have told you, before, that I am a Christian. Not as in a person who thinks they are shiny perfection who can do no wrong, must wear the most expensive suits, can deliver a mighty lip service before slinking off into the dark to do what pleases their flesh .. but, as in a person who believes that Jesus is the great teacher, and, who strives to learn from him.
Therefore, do not come to me, expecting me to follow the discipline of Ms. Sutton, or whomever else you masturbate over. I am not a Suttonian. I am a Christian. Christ was and is the ultimate Master (barring one), who taught his slaves so very well, so truthfully, and with such discipline, that the faithful ones even laid down their life for him, after he was no longer dwelling in their presence. I think, therefore, he has it over Ms. Sutton, just a little (*wink*).
I will not teach you to do what I do not, or what I feel is wrong to engage in. This is true discipline, to turn away from the animal elements that man can so easily fall down into, and, instead, strive continually to overcome the flesh and to live by the spirit; to learn to be healthy in body and mind; to eschew the life of easy, lazy comfort and luxury, that Americans live and to live, instead, by quality of being.
Mind you, Jesus did enjoy a good garment, a fine meal, eating with his slaves and spending time with family and friends. However, the focus was not on extravagance, looks, wealth, bullying others - so, don't expect mine to be.
I can, and will, teach my slaves discipline; but, I will do so, remembering that I have a Master in heaven, who looks down upon me and sees how I believe slaves should be treated. I would treat them much the same, regardless, but, it is a help to me, to know that I, like the slaves, will be held to a certain standard.
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