12/19/2010 4:02:15 PM |
Answers for slaves: Because, fair is fair - though, obviously, they will be answered from my point of view, not those of a slave, and I may alter them in that respect - I am answering the questions I have asked on my profile. Please note the format. You are expected to follow it.Questions for slaves:
To what extent should you be allowed to set the tone of the relationship?
It varies, by how much tone even needs to be set. Obviously, I am seeking slaves to fulfill my needs, not theirs; but, I am hoping to find slaves that can be happy fulfilling those needs and where, by the fulfillment, the slave will also have some of their needs met. I am interested in companionship, though, as well as hard work, financial servitude, entertainment. So, I would say maybe 75 percent of it. As in, I wrote the basic contract, but, the slave certainly can ask for alterations, therein, or I might make some based on knowledge of the slave, so that it is a contract that suits us both. Also, as in, I choose how we eat most of the time, if the slave does eat or not; but, there is no reason I cannot, sometimes, let him cook or order what would make him happy, or allow him to not cook if he is ill. I don't believe in running slaves into the ground, physically or mentally. So, yeah, some days more, some days less, but, about 75 percent, on average.2. To what extent should your slave be allowed to set the tone of the relationship? Somewhere around 25 percent. Keeping in mind that 'the tone' is how the relationship goes, in general. As in 'The tone of the restaurant is swanky.' or 'The tone of the neighborhood was lower middle class.' It says nothing about day to day activity. I set the majority of the tone (if it is sexual or non-sexual, if it is companionable or does the slave simply work and wait in the corner for me to summon him, etc.), but, I am not going to micro-manage the slave at his every task. So, some of the tone, whether it is a happy relationship, whether we are both fulfilled, is up to him.3. Are you seeking sexual play, physical pain, emotional pain, or acceptance most?I am only interested in physical pain or emotional pain when it is conducive to growth as a person, or incidental to the existence of humanity. Acceptance is a lovely, wonderful thing and I'm all for it. Sex - is for love and marriage. If the slave wants to marry me, and I want to marry him, and we do it, then, I am very interested in sexual play.4. Are you truly relocatable? How long would it take you to relocate, and, why?Technically, I am. And, quite a while, if I had to pay for it, but, very little time, if someone else were paying for it. Long enough for them to prove they exist and aren't cannibals, things like that. Why? Too many crazy people in the world. But, my job, I can do anywhere there is internet access and all my children are grown, enough.5.Is your good service contingent upon living conditions? As in, would you refuse to start with someone who did not have a dungeon? Would you refuse to stay with someone who did not allow you to sleep in a cage, or who insisted that you did? Why?Serving me is not contingent upon living conditions, no; except as they are affected by law. Right now, I live in a one-bedroom apartment (flat, to you, Brit!). Any slave who wanted to serve me, now, would have to get a nearby apartment, buy a house, find a campground, etc. This is not because of me, but, because of management of the building. I would be fine with him having a futon chair bed or sleeping on the floor, in a closet, etc. 6. Do you accept, as fact, that woman have the right to decide what to do, or what not to do, with their own bodies?Yes. Everyone has that right, to a great extent. The one real quibble I have with that is when it comes to abortions. Partly because I think people should take responsibility for their actions, partly because I cannot imagine loving a child based on what their other parent has done, and partly because, in the case of a man who did not rape the woman, he should have the right, of a father, to choose to raise the child, if the mother does not want it. I do not believe murdering people is the best option to make your life more convenient, even if they are very small people who cannot be seen by the naked eye, yet.7. Is it more important to you, personally, that your slave should sign over everything to you or would you not ask for everything to be signed over?Personally, I don't want everything to be signed over. I do think I should have control over the money of the slave (the income, maybe even the savings he has already), and that is rather important, as I think it undermines the roles of me being the owner and him being the slave for me to constantly say to him 'Please, will you buy me ..' or 'It is time for me to pay the bills, so I need you to give me. ..' My original thoughts, which no slave seemed to want to accept (but, which were based on things that happened, at my behest, when I was a slave) was that the slave should keep his property (vehicles, real estate), and do his best to make a profit from them, or keep them in use, without them being a burden of debt. Or, he could sell them and keep them money, and any investment of that money, whatever it yielded in gain or debt would be his. And, in addition to that, he should keep 20 percent of his income (whether wages or retirement), after taxes, to save toward paying taxes of any sort, emergencies, presents, special trips or treats for himself when he has the time, and for the future.Most of the people who objected to that, turned out to be the sort of people who talked a good game and then disappeared when it came time to go further. So, screw them, I am going back to it. It is not in the contract, as it stands now, but, it will be.Anyway, so, he keeps those sort of things. I would have some say over his property. Such as, I told this lovely gentleman in the U.K. that if he was my slave, we might travel back and forth between the countries. In which case, since he already has a home there, his property would be a most excellent, money saving option. Yet, he could rent it out to vacationers or something, the rest of the time. 8. Would you rather have it given or take it by force? (Regardless of what 'it' is)Generally, whatever it is, I would rather have it given to me.9.Do you have an opinion on what thought processes, dressing styles, activities, duties, looks, lifestyles or punishments make someone a true slave? If so, what are they? Why?Why, yes, yes I do. Not the dressing styles. That's silly. How they dress, the activities and duties, looks, lifestyle, all that muck, don't matter a whit, as far as determining if they are a true slave. Thought processes, however, do. Hence why I ask questions! I don't want persons who are looking to fulfill their nasty little needs, who come at me with 'I' statements and attitudes, for instance. I want people who need to give, who would be happy to be of use and needed, and respected, by another person, for what they are. Those, to me, are true slaves: doing the duties of slaves, by free-willed choice.10. Do you have an opinion on what thought processes, dressing styles, activities, duties, looks, lifestyles or punishments make someone a true Master or Mistress? If so, what are they? Why?Again, the rest really means nothing, but, the thought processes are vitally important.Although, sometimes, you can tell, by the looks, what the thought processes are, or, at least, where they are lacking. It's like what people say about men driving huge trucks obviously over-compensating. If you meet a Mistress who is a pouty-lipped, fake-breasted, stiletto-heeled, pvc or leather clad vixen, she's probably just a woman playing a role for the money she hopes to gain. Mind you, she could still be a dominant female, but, she's not being true to her nature, for some reason. Maybe it's because it's her job and the costume helps, in which case, no problem. However, if she is just demanding tribute, without giving you anything in return, she's not a pro domme, she's just a gold digger who is lying to you. So, in that way, yes, looks are important. Be observant!However, the thought processes - man, that is really hard to define. Truly dominant people may sound arrogant, because they expect to get their way, but, they are not arrogant. They do not lord it over others, unless it is in play. They can sit down with their slaves and have a meal together, laugh, share stories, and, still be the obvious dominant. And, it is that their thought processes are different. They have that certain confidence, knowledge of self, that many other people lack. Dominant people also make good slaves for that same reason.A true Master or Mistress is a dominant person who wishes to control and teach others, regardless of if it is in the capacity of slave ownership or otherwise. And, they can. Because they have enough confidence in themselves to open up to others, to learn the other person, and to guide them. They can do it with loving patience (Buddha, Ghandi), they can do it with strength and general snarkiness (William Wallace), or they can do it while utterly failing to destroy the bullying monster they used to serve, about 40-50 years before Tom Cruise makes a movie about it. Look it up! I won't explain that last bit. You do not find them by looking for the best, brightest, funniest, strongest, but, by looking for the one who walks through the crowd as if they belonged. 11. Are you seeking to be forced into sexual situations that you would not put yourself in, otherwise?Nope.12. Are your fetishes (whatever they are) something you can live with having part time?All except for the fetish of owning slaves and being served by them. And, yes, it is a fetish. I need it. Some of it is just the usual selfish motives (I don't want to go make my own oatmeal, but, I sure would like some), but, it is a definite, definite fetish. It thrills me to order people to do things and then they do them. And, sometimes, I like to tell them to do things that are for no real purpose at all, except to give me that thrill. I mean, seriously, do you really think you make a comfortable footstool, slave? No, you don't - not most of you, you bony, shaking, sharp-spined, unsteady things! However, you are a lot more thrilling than the every day ottoman, while you are trying. 13. Do you have certain criteria you look for in an owner? If so, what, and why?Uhm .. yes. I want it to be me! Haha? Fine! I look for slaves that like themselves and want to be liked by their owner. The kind that have a positive outlook about life, that will accept punishment, but, do not feel that punishment defines them. 14 Are your fetishes something that you could forgo altogether for the greater pleasure of full time service from a completely owned slave?Since that is my primary fetish, no. But, uhm, sure - if I had someone come to me and say that they would be my slave, do whatever I said, but, they really, really, really hate being a footstool, so, could I put it in the contract that I would never use them as one, I could do that. What I cannot do is give them something that, to me, is morally, hygienically, or ethically repugnant.15. Do you hope to own a slave, the same one, for a lifetime? If not, what length of contract are you hoping for? Why?Well, I am not sure a lifetime is feasible, but, then I don't know how long either the slave or I will live, either, so .. . It is my thought that the contract should be reviewed every year and during that review, it can be discussed if things need to be tweaked or if , perhaps, it would be best to go our separate ways. I hope to have the sort of slaves who will be happy with me, though, and where we can sort things out so that we can remain happy, together. I don't enter into long term relationships, looking forward to their demise. It always sucks when things end, and we should always be trying to make sure they do not. So, outside of health issues or someone being smitten by love, I don't anticipate there being an end to the relationship. I do plan for it, just in case, mildly, by contract. 18. How do you hope to be treated in public, by your owner?Skipped 16 and 17, as I could think of no way that it would make sense for me to answer them. I hope that my slave will treat me with respect, and behave as a gentleman to all. If not on his own, then, he will be trained to it.19. What is your relationship like with your family and friends? Do you still want to visit them and do activities with them?Three members of my family are fully aware that I am looking for slaves. One of them is a bit of a blabber mouth, so, maybe the rest of them know, too. I don't care. I am doing nothing wrong, and, if they ask me what it means, I will tell them. I attend the Kingdom Hall, though not as often as I should. I don't think most of them would understand me owning slaves, so, I won't bring it up. Unless I move and start attending a new one, and I have a slave by then. Then, I could enter into the place as someone who owns slaves, and let them deal with it, as they will. Because, again, I am doing nothing wrong, and if they ask me what it means, I will tell them.Absolutely, I will be visiting and doing activities with friends and family. If I do not tell everyone, and let the chips fall where they may, I will simply ask the slave to act as a roommate, neighbor, friend, co-worker, or etc. when around them.22. Are you looking for a romantic or sexual relationship with your owner? Which? Why?Skipped 20 and 21, because, it made no sense for me to answer. No, I am not looking for a romantic or sexual relationship with my slave. However, one does not choose who one falls in love with, so .. if I fall in love, and he does, then, we will see. I do not have sex outside of marriage, though.23. Do you think that your money is to be used in trade to buy your Mistress' affections?I think that money is a good way to make sure the bills are paid and can often buy pretty things and fun for all. I am not seeking slaves for the sake of money, though. If all I wanted was their money, I'd go get a sugar daddy, move to Nevada and become a whore, or something of that nature. So, no, money is not to be used in trade to buy my affections. It's just money. If the world goes to hell in a hand basket, and we are tramping through the woods together, foraging for whatever we can find, and you are one eyed, one legged, and slow me down when I'm trying to escape the soldiers, you'll still be my slave. However, uhm .. let's try to avoid that, eh? 24. Do you want to be a Mistress who is a goddess, claiming to have powers over your slaves, controlling their will and forcing them to perform vile acts? Why?No, thank you! I have absolute proof I am not a goddess, in that I cannot bring anyone back to life or materialize in a shower of gold coins. I am a woman. It is enough. Also, I am religious. I love Jehovah. I love Jesus. I would not offend them by pretending to be anything close to what they are.Also, vile acts are called vile acts for a reason. Why would I take someone I thought enough of to allow to serve me and treat them that way? Why would I treat anyone that way? I do not want to be a vile person, so, I do not engage in vile acts - which making someone else do them would be a vile act.I love people!26 . Do you want a Mistress who claims to be a dominant woman, not a goddess, who wants you to work for her, to fulfill her needs, but, who is basically loving and kind when you please her, but, can be quite harsh when you have crossed the line? Why?That's me, more or less. Though, I would prefer you never cross that line. I would so much rather we have a good time; but, I will punish you if you need it. Might sometimes use similar actions just for discipline.27. Will your slave serve publicly?I can't imagine why they would. I mean, yes, fetching things, carrying packages, that sort of thing. But, to noticeably serve as a slave? I don't go to those sort of parties.28. Do you think slavery is shameful? Why?Slavery, as a concept, no. It is an honorable and viable method by which to boost an economy, help your family out of debt, share lives together, fulfill inner desires. Much of what has been done in the name of slavery is disgusting and shameful, though. No one should be oppressed, torn from their family, tortured, raped, or worked to death for any reason.29. Name three movies that really make you laugh.The Three Amigos, About A Boy, Life of Brian 30. Are you sensitive to odors, such as the odor of garlic?Some odors, but, never garlic, unless it is old. If you wanted to entice me, you would rub garlic behind your ears, I love it that much! My daughter is always complaining about the pungency of my cooking.31. Has anyone ever accused you of being uptight? Why?Many times. Usually because I would not have sex with them or I didn't think that its father raping them was a good reason to kill their own child. To me, however, being uptight is more about not being able to walk through a crowd that has to many of some other racial or religious group in it, and things like that. Or, like the person who ostracized me for sitting on a motorcycle - not even riding it, just actually leaning my buttocks on the side of it - because they were so against bikers.32. Are you a toilet slave? Why?No, and I don't want one, either. Totally unhygienic, and, uhm .. yuck! Have a little respect for yourself!33. Have you read my journal entries and blog, yet? Have you sent me the photo or video mentioned? Have you changed your profile? Have you done any, or all, of the above-mentioned things that you should do if you wish to impress me with your sincerity? Why?Yes, no, no. Because, no one asked me to, including me. But, I will probably get around to it, since, after all, I am answering the questions.34. Have you ever dreamed of helping a woman transform herself into the beauty she should be? Of undoing the evils wrought by other men? Why?Yes; because, sometimes, people are beautiful but very tired or just need better nutrition to let it shine through. And, I am an artist, after all. And, one of those women is me!35. Are you truly heterosexual, not willing to be forced to be bisexual?Yes. I, one time, let someone I was serving push me into that sort of situation and it was so gross, so nasty, so unnatural. I would never do that to anyone.36. Name three movies that really make you cry.Err.. I forget the name of it, but, it's Bruce Willis, black people, and diamonds. Is that Tears of the Sun? Schindler's List, obviously, once I saw it. And, actually, About a Boy and Life of Brian.37. Name three songs that inspire you.The Year of the Cat (stunning word play); American Pie; So What (by Pink)38. When you think of being a slave, do you think of being whipped, of being tied up and sexually used, of kneeling and kissing feet, of waving a palm frond to cool the heated, glistening breasts of your Mistress, of kneeling on a cobble stone floor scrubbing the tiles, of being a Butler who answers the door and takes coats and fetches drinks, of being a maid, of being a cook? Or, what? Why?When I think of slaves, I primarily think of them as being step and fetch it sort of slaves, because it is right when I sit down and realize I left my drink across the room, and situation of a similar nature, or when I am too tired to cook, that I most wish I had them. However, I also think of the palm frond waving and the butlering, and maybe them playing music and being generally entertaining. I do not think of using them sexually, though, again, if I was in love with him and he were in love with me, and we were married .. mmm But, don't count on it, slave. 39. Do you think Spartacus was wrong to rebel? Why?Bit of a moral dilemma, there. I do not believe in rebellion, but, I also do not believe in unjust treatment of slaves, whatever the reason they are slaves, or the enslavement of people in an unjust manner, for that matter. So, he was not wrong to rebel, I guess, but, the way of rebellion might have been wrong. However, I don't know what he could have done that would have produced a desired outcome.40. Do you dream of the good old days of southern slavery, when you could have been bought and sold without so much as a by your leave, worked to death, fed to dogs, without anyone caring as much for you as they would have for a lame mule? Why?Absolutely not. The fact that slaves were being treated that way was a very good excuse to abolish slavery. Besides, that sort of slavery, based on kidnapping and racism, is wrong, anyway, all the time. 42. Name three books, or authors, that you love the writing of.Shakespeare, the entire Holy Scriptures, Stephen King, Georgette Heyer, Douglas Adams 43. What are your religious beliefs? How much do you adhere to the teachings thereof?I am a Christian, but, not a part of Christendom - I adhere fairly well in the big things, such as not going around killing people, raping them, etc. but fail often in the smaller ways. I am a work in progress.44. What are your political beliefs? How important are politics to you?I am a people person, not a Party person.45. Are you interested in me because of my size?The most I could say I am interested in slaves looks about is that I am vitally worried when a real pretty boy shows up. Oh, and I do prefer slaves that are taller than me, really tall, because they can reach things up high easier. And, uhm, tall is impressive and neat to look at. But, I'm not overly worried about looks, size or otherwise.46. If you could not be served by a man, would you accept the service of a woman, instead? Why?Sure I would, so long as she understood, too, that it was non-sexual. I prefer men, though. Women are bitchier and harder to control, in general.47. Do you read? What?Yes, I do, though not as much, lately, as I would like to. Old books, new books. Mostly fiction or self help sort of things, blogs, short stories, some magazine or newspaper articles. Whatever strikes my fancy. Not too much by way of horror, and not pornographic materials.48. What is your prior experience as a slave, servant, or submissive?I had four Masters, technically. Two of them really count, though. I helped them with business, wrote out contracts, trained other slaves, stepped and fetched it, did heavy labor, modeled for catalogs of fetish wear (mainly)that were sold exclusively to the filthy rich film and rock stars, posed for art projects, lead singer, drummer, manager (sometimes we were in bands), dancer, hostess, whatever they needed. Not sexual, not pain.49. Do you fairly well at grammar and punctuation?Fairly well, indeed, I do.50. Does who you choose to accept as your owner hinge upon them being the religion that suits you best? Or, upon them having no religion, if that is what suits you best?No. It hinges on them being respectful. Though, there are certain religions I simply would not put up with.51. Can you differentiate between an order that is inconvenient/ a big step, and an order that is actually dangerous? IE: Someone tells you to buy a house (big step) or someone tells you to buy a house and put it in their name, immediately (dangerous step).Yes. Which is why, though the basic contract does say, in effect 'Buy me a house' and even specifies which house (if it is still available), it also specifies that the slave will not sign it over until after the fourth signing of the contract. For one slave, I even put after a year's trial, instead. And, of course, it is negotiable, depending on the slave's mental state (having been terribly screwed over by others, for instance), financial status, etc. It can be removed altogether, if necessary.52. Do you believe slaves are less than human?No. And, I wish they would also stop believing it.53. Do you believe men are less than human?Not even the creepy ones.54. Why should I want you as an owner? What assets will you bring to our relationship?Prior experience and knowledge; a naturally dominant disposition; an ability to listen, hear, learn, extrapolate information, a different thinking pattern that allows me to use both logic and intuition quite readily, at one and the same time, more often than not; concern for your welfare and safety. Some talent, which, if bolstered, might actually lead us to being in a position for you to cease your wage work and go on to full time service to myself and volunteer service that I would send you out to do.55. Do you believe in monogamy? Absolutely.56. Do you want to serve without being considered to be a man, but, to be seen as this sexless worker drone?Uhm .. I do not have to think of slaves as sexless beings. I do not have to reduce people to less than human to feel capable of leading. If they want to be in chastity and can follow my rules on it, they may. Otherwise, they may have sex or not, as they have time for it. Their sex is not in or of service to me. Unless, again, we fall in love and are married.57. Can you teach your skills to others without feeling superior to them?Uhm .. yes. However, I can also be taught by them, while feeling superior, as in the one in charge, all the same.58. When you receive an order to do something you do not particularly enjoy, do you feel put upon, disappointed, punished, trusted, owned or what?Most of the time, if I give a slave an order to do something they do not particularly enjoy, it will not be for punishments sake (though it might be, sometimes), and I do not care if they feel disappointed in having to do it, so long as they don't start questioning my authority over it. They should feel trusted, owned, and proud to be of service, doing the work to the best of their ability.59. Would you rebel against an owner who wanted to give you herbal supplements, vitamins, a high colonic, hydrogen peroxide therapy, or other alternative health treatments? Why?I might give the slaves herbal tonics if they are ill, vitamins if they seem to need them, or such as that. But, if they seem to be healthy, I probably will not, unless they are also interested in this subject.60. What do you hope to get out of slavery?Fulfillment of desire to own and control, acceptance, belonging, help that is cheerfully and willingly given, time to write, companionship, entertainment.61. Would you rebel against an owner who wanted to teach you their religious beliefs? Why?If a slave asks 'Why?' I will explain. If he asks 'Why not?' I will explain. If I am ill, he may need to read to me. If I want to listen to something aloud, he will have to put up with it. If I have guests over, he will treat them with respect. If I have materials, he will treat them with respect. If I need a ride to meeting, he will chauffeur. If he wants to learn, he will ask.62. What sort of slave do you hope for (sex, pain, domestic, caged, trusted servant, lover with some combination of sex and pain and domestic, ???)?Pain to the extent of accepting lessons in discipline and punishment, caged if I feel like it, trusted servant absolutely, domestic absolutely. ??? maybe. Not sure what ??? would be, but, I might need that in a slave, one day.63. Do you believe that women can only dominate men by their sexuality?I believe the men I have dominated have, primarily, not had anything to do with my sexuality, except most overtly. As in, we did not have sex, I did not try to tease them. They were turned on, sometimes, but, they did not try to touch me and they did respect me. However, the men I had sex with were always my thralls, even if they tried to rebel occasionally, until whatever point I was done with them. It was not intentional. I'm just that good. So, no, and, yes. What is defined as sexuality, by most, is part of dominance. The people who are truly, truly sexy are those with a strong personality. But, it does not mean the woman has to have sex with a man, or sit on his face, or even let him look at her (as is evidenced by Chinese history) to make him her slave.64. Is giving money to your Mistress a pain, a pleasure, or both?Hopefully, both. It should hurt a little, be a sacrifice, but, not a ruination.66. What kind of housework (including yard work) do you actively enjoy doing? Dishwashing, sometimes; cooking, raking. 67. What kind of housework (including yard work) are you good at doing?See 66. Actually, if I am in a good mood, and feeling well, I can enjoy most of it and be good at it. I don't want the slaves to always do it all, but, I do want them to do most of it.69. Are you ready to perform a small task to prove that you are capable of obedience, domestic service, thoughtful service, and financial service, all at once - that will cost less than $100.00 and has nothing to do with you giving out any financial information to anyone else.Nope. Not me. And, either should you be, yet. Maybe later, though. Maybe as a celebration of the first contract signing. Maybe.71. Are you likely to be jealous of other slaves?Which means am I likely to have more than one slave. And, the answer is, I might. I am open to it, but, just finding one is quite, quite hard and I certainly would take that one's feelings into consideration as I would hate to destroy a beautiful thing with a thoughtless act. But, that one should know, going in, that I might have a few slaves, not just the one.72. Describe your interest list by going into detail as to why things are an interest or hard limit, especially fetishes. For instance, if you are into ass play, do you hope to perform anal sex on your Mistress, do you hope she will use a strap on to perform anal sex on you, do you hope she will force you to have anal sex with other male slaves, are you into felching, do you enjoy being spanked and that's all the ass play you mean, or what?I did that before and it is in my journal, somewhere.73. Do you think your Mistress must believe in female supremacy?lol No. I've met females and many of them are dinks. Besides, many wonderful men, throughout history, were noble, virtuous, strong, etc. without being female. I believe all humans are, more or less, equal; but, many of them are of stronger character here, or more ability there, etc. 74. Are you prepared to sign contracts, letters of intent, and whatever else is necessary for a fully legal, binding agreement, complete with exchange of address and other contact information, notarization of documents, and etc?Fairly prepared. I've never done this, for myself, before. I do have a contract, but, I am not sure that things should not be rewritten, to make it more legal. Or, maybe, it is a matter of we should all just do our best to stay out of court? That sounds more fun to me!Well, this is the format, except where I skipped some questions and seem to have lost one, altogether. (sigh) Well, do your best, boys!
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